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Russia and China to develop next generation Bomber together?


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Russia and China can jointly develop bomber: Voice of Russia|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com


  • Tu221-164200_copy1.jpg
Russia's Tu-22 bomber. (Internet photo)

A new strategic bomber designed by Russian aerospace manufacturer Tupolev will be included in China's State Arms Program for 2016-2025 during the Singapore Air Show of 2014, according to Andrey Boginsky, director of the aviation industry department at the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade in an interview with state broadcaster Voice of Russia.

The time needed for Tupolev to design this new bomber will be similar to the time the US took to design the B-1 strategic bomber or B-2 stealth bomber, Boginsky said. The bomber shares a similar design concept to the B-2, which has stealth capabilities and can cruise at subsonic speed. Although the new bomber is being designed with technology used decades ago by the US to develop their stealth bomber, many challenges still lie ahead.

The new bomber will be designed to replace the Soviet-era Tu-95 strategic bomber and is intended to be able to fire X-101 cruise missiles with a range of 5,500 kilometers. The bomber must be capable of striking moving targets including vehicles and vessels, said the report.

The range of China's PLA Air Force and Navy H-6 bombers cannot yet reach the continental United States, said the broadcast.

China and Russia have been in talks about jointly developing an advanced bomber, though Beijing and Moscow have yet to reach any agreement regarding the design of such an aircraft, according to the report. Russia has reportedly considered providing China with blueprints for its old Tu-22M3.

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Today, 12:52

Russia and China develop new combat aircraft perhaps together

© Photo: Daniel J. McLain, wikimedia.org

VOICE OF RUSSIA The contract for the full configuration of a new strategic combat aircraft for the PAKDA program (Perspective flight complex of frontal aviation) between the Russian government and the company Tupolev was signed in 2013, the fighter-bomber itself was included in the armament program for 2016-2025.

This explained Andrej Boginski, the head of the Department of Aviation Technology at the Industry and Trade Ministry of Russia.

Russia plans to begin over the next ten to eleven years with serial purchases of these aircraft.This coincides approximately with the implementation periods of American programs for configuring the strategic bomber B-1B Lancer strategic bomber and heavy B-2 Spirit. It appears that the Russian aircraft in many respects is similar to the American B-2, but on a new level: it will fly at subsonic speed and be difficult to detect by radar.

If in the construction of mainly a repetition of the American Solutions is mentioned, as this reduces the risk that the project could drag on. Nevertheless, these risks will be high: a strategic bomber is an extremely complex and costly system. Both in the USA and in the USSR such projects by countless failures and scandals were accompanied.

In addition to the complex and technically risky development program for this aircraft, the question arises whether a series production is appropriate. The main task of a modern strategic fighter is to serve as a platform to launch medium-range cruise missiles. These missiles can be used without entering the missile defense area of the opponent. The new Russian cruise missiles Ch-101 have a range of over 5,500 kilometers. Will be reach for the carrier aircraft, effective fire control systems, complete navigation equipment and high payload of utmost importance.

Use these properties to already have existing machines, such as the Tu-95MS that were built in the 1980s and when they are modernized, yet can be used for decades. It is probable that Russia will strive to create a long-distance bomber that would be able to act in diverse scenarios of local conflicts. Such an aircraft could meet with strong, steerable bombs, among other well-protected objects or attack mobile targets such as ships.

Similar programs for the creation of difficult to detect long-distance bombers of the new generation run today in China. If Russia is in solving many tasks for a long time can make use of the existing aircraft Тu-95 and Тu-160, as China does not have this possibility. Even the newest fighter bomber H-6K can not attack the continental United States and not be refueled in the air.

According to a number of publications Russia and China have discussed the possibility of delivery of combat aircraft Tu-22M3 in the past, but could not reach agreement. Today, as both countries are working on similar and very expensive projects, cooperation and coordination of efforts could help iron out the old error. A close co-operation with such an important weapon system as a strategic bomber could be the strengthening of mutual trust be beneficial and allow you to save significant resources.
it shows the eagerness at the russian side to do joint ventures with china. which is doing everything solo these days
China has already shown all the crucial technologies needed to build a B-2 style bomber by unveiling the J-20, J-31, Sharp Sword, and Y-20. The engines won't be a problem. The B-2's F118 engines are nothing more than a non-afterburning derivative of the F110 used to power the F-16. The H-20 is already rumored to be under development and will be powered by a non-afterburning variant of the WS-10. China has a 80,000 metric ton forging press for the major structural components of large aircraft. China has the world's fastest supercomputer. So why do we need Russia?
I personaly dont believe in this.
Russia dont need anyone,they can build everything.
On the other side,China start to make fantastic things and make big step forward.

They dont need each other on military things,better build up diplomatic relations.
WantChinaTimes is never a reliable source when it comes to military affairs. While Russia and China are technologically not as advanced as the US, both countries don't need to work on a stealth bomber together. China has made big steps with the J-20 and J-31 and got some nice UAVs as well. While producing an advanced reliable engine has always been an obstacle, those technologies will improve as time goes by. Can't wait for some photos of the H-20 if the rumor is true.
The range of China's PLA Air Force and Navy H-6 bombers cannot yet reach the continental United States, said the broadcast.

Even the newest fighter bomber H-6K can not attack the continental United States and not be refueled in the air.

Wow! Can't believe aerial refueling hasn't been added. Here's a B50 bomber with aerial refueling.

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Except develop stealth bomber like B-2, nothing can attract PLA's interest.
Codevelopment between China and Russia are always on discussion, but never happen.
Bascically, Russia don't want to share technology with us.
China has already shown all the crucial technologies needed to build a B-2 style bomber by unveiling the J-20, J-31, Sharp Sword, and Y-20. The engines won't be a problem. The B-2's F118 engines are nothing more than a non-afterburning derivative of the F110 used to power the F-16. The H-20 is already rumored to be under development and will be powered by a non-afterburning variant of the WS-10. China has a 80,000 metric ton forging press for the major structural components of large aircraft. China has the world's fastest supercomputer. So why do we need Russia?
its too expensive and outdated technology for old warfare. Its a waste of money developing it because it probably wont be used and is just for tactical warfare, its not about if someone is able to do it but whos willing to pay the money for a weapon of deterrence. China and russia could save money by developing one together
China has already shown all the crucial technologies needed to build a B-2 style bomber by unveiling the J-20, J-31, Sharp Sword, and Y-20. The engines won't be a problem. The B-2's F118 engines are nothing more than a non-afterburning derivative of the F110 used to power the F-16. The H-20 is already rumored to be under development and will be powered by a non-afterburning variant of the WS-10. China has a 80,000 metric ton forging press for the major structural components of large aircraft. China has the world's fastest supercomputer. So why do we need Russia?

How does H-20 look like? any leaked information about its spec/capability? I tried googling but could not find :)
I personaly dont believe in this.
Russia dont need anyone,they can build everything.
On the other side,China start to make fantastic things and make big step forward.

They dont need each other on military things,better build up diplomatic relations.
they need the money and production amount
And Russia has India to hand out cash it needs without providing much in return. But Russia would need Chinese money soon as you never know when the rupee will crash.
And Russia has India to hand out cash it needs without providing much in return. But Russia would need Chinese money soon as you never know when the rupee will crash.

Russia 2nd strongest military=russian Rupee will not crash.
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