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Rotherham council ignored child abuse by Asian gangs because of 'misplaced political correctness'!

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It seems like they're using political correctness to divert attention from their own mistakes. It was probably down to their laziness than anything else.

If the majority of the people that committed these crimes were British Pakistanis then that should be shown rather then using the term Asian, as it's not helpful to anyone especially the Pakistani community. Being upfront about the issue will prevent it from happening again. Rather then trying to hide it because its embarrassing.
First things first..Calm down. Its an online forum after all.

It's onlinr but when you have been here as long as I have and seen much mud slinging then you can talk okay:) till then I have my reasons for being the way I am.
It's not about cultural heritage- their fathers weren't going around committing such atrocities, but about the way these guys are living today. I've seen it and experienced for myself, for whatever reason there is a distinct issue in the British Pakistani community particularly when it comes to young boys, their views on white girls are abhorrent and what we have seen in Rotherham is sadly on the tip of the iceberg. I'm not saying there is a culture of rape/sexual assault in Pakistan's culture BUT there is a culture of sexual misconduct in the current generation of British Pakistani males.

And I'd go along with that rather sad summation. I also understand the views of Indian's who would rather these individuals were termed British Pakistani's, instead of Asians. Totally understandable as it tars Indians, Bengali's, Sri Lankans, Nepalese etc. for the actions of a specific community which is indulging in these disgraceful acts.

It's not the first time the British Indian community (Sikh and Hindu) have spoken out against using the loose and wide-ranging 'Asian' term. In particular when it comes to negative reports, which more often than not I find are linked to British Pakistani's within the 'Asian' ethnic grouping.
I really think that the mods should review policy in such threads. @Horus @waz
1. I blame the parents of these animals.
2. Local community leaders like Imams who are more busy in buying latest cars with donation monies
3. Local Councils' unwillingness and total failure
4. Government's constant political correctness is damaging the British society.
Because their Ethnic origin is "Asian". Jesus Christ you must be special.

Asian/Asian British

9. Indian
10. Pakistani
11. Bangladeshi
12. Chinese
13. Any other Asian background, please describe

Source: Ethnic group - ONS
Indeed, calling them "Asian" gangs is technically correct but why not call a spade a spade? 95% of the perpetrators of these pedophile gangs in Rotherham are British Pakistani, whether to call them Asian or not is purely semantics. As a British Asian (not Pakistani) I find it rather offensive overtime I hear the term British Asian/Asian gangs in connection to this when it is one nationality alone responsible for this and using the term "Asian" is tarnishing the entire continent.
Indeed, calling them "Asian" gangs is technically correct but why not call a spade a spade? 95% of the perpetrators of these pedophile gangs in Rotherham are British Pakistani, whether to call them Asian or not is purely semantics. As a British Asian (not Pakistani) I find it rather offensive overtime I hear the term British Asian/Asian gangs in connection to this when it is one nationality alone responsible for this and using the term "Asian" is tarnishing the entire continent.

should i talk about the "ganesha drinks milk" episode of the mid 90's?? or of "honor killings"??
They were people whose Pakistani grandparents or parents came to the UK who integrated so well that they ganged up and started molesting white children.Upon seeing this Rotherham authorities feared that revealing such a disgusting pattern will lead to accusations of racism and so turned a blind eye to it.

Clear enough ?.....Or should we debate on how those white kids had it coming seeing how the UK was a colonial war monger as we often end up doing on PDF ?
I see that you and @Norwegian are against European multi-culturalism. But to be fair, the immigrants bring good along with bad along with them. For instance Asian immigrants anywhere have higher savings rate than local population. But it is your own leaders' stupidity to handle the immigrants with soft gloves. I say throw them in the fire, let them live with the conditions of your countries. Don't molly coddle them. Call them on their cultural BS like women's rights. And don't apologize when you do that.

I am not shy to call the gangs as british pakistani or to point out that their acts are influenced by the society in their parent country. But you must admit as well that these people are british now and right to equality means right to get kicked in the a** by the government without discrimination for setting me straight. Treat them as your country's youth and your country's problem. Otherwise they will make it a habit of getting handled by softgloves.

Political correctness is quintessentially an ideology of the political Left - a policy of being careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who are believed to have a disadvantage and it is obviously "misplaced" when one simply tries to avoid an offence – turning a blind eye to horror they would condemn were it committed by somebody else other than the people of that society who are believed to have a disadvantage. The Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal is a product of the same "misplaced political correctness".

Media houses should refrain from generalizing such incidents with "Asians" or "British-Pakistanis" for that matter. Yes of course the cover-up by the concerned authorities was out of the fear of "giving oxygen" to racism but if fear of the accusation of discrimination is so potent, how come it’s not inhibiting discrimination in the rest of the national lives of Asians in UK or in the US/West for that matter?
Political correctness is not an ideology and is definitely not an asset of the Left. It is just that what you call the Right is racist and xenophobic at most times. So the Right is not afraid to be rude and throw uniformed BS like when abortion debate ends with calling women choosing abortion as whores. So when an issue actually deserves political correctness the Right is macho. But when it comes to sucking up to constituency the Right is actually politically correct. Read what Bobby Jindal had to say about being an American. What Bush had to say about the Saudis. What the GOP had to say about the gayness treatment doctors. See how politically correct they are when it comes to their constituency Hint- where did the term 'job creators' come from?

In cases like this, the communities in question should own up the problems within themselves. We Asians must have heard of this from our brethren(some of who have never been there actually but just are a product of hollywood) that western women are 'easy' or trashy. So I would say, the problem is not with the media fearing a racist backlash - the concern is real. The problem is Pakistanis or Asians not trying to highlight these issues among them or fix them.

But I agree that it is time the western governments and media give them a mirror without any political correctness. Desis need a harsh kick to even notice their problems.
Those rapist swines were Pakistani and Muslim. Shame on Pakistani community. They all deserve to be deported.

And above all, shame on the cultural marxist swine who were worried more about racism than the lives of more than 1400 girls who fell prey to the Pakistani Muslim rapists.
Should be noted the were ignored because the council ministers themselves took part in it by engaging in the activities.
There have been plenty of threads before. Thank you for your contributions. I wrote a very long post on this previously if anyone would like to read it, let me know.
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