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Ross: China’s search for a COVID-19 vaccine is good for everyone


Nov 4, 2011
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Ross: China’s search for a COVID-19 vaccine is good for everyone
MAY 14, 2020 AT 8:17 AM

The FBI has issued a warning to laboratories doing COVID-19 research: Hackers associated with China have been attempting to steal data on vaccines, treatments, and testing.

The FBI says it’s been going on since the outbreak began, and it could jeopardize the delivery of secure, effective, and efficient treatments.

I’m not exactly sure what that means, but if it should turn out that the Chinese hackers were actively sabotaging data to slow down vaccine research, that’s an act of war and we should turn off the lights in Beijing.

But maybe there’s a more benign reason.

“Perhaps most significantly for China for geopolitical value to be able to say they were the first to develop a vaccine,” U.S. Justice Department National Security Division head John Demers said recently.

So China wants to be first. Well, what if they are first? If there’s one lesson from this catastrophe, it’s that an infection anywhere is an infection everywhere. The sooner China gets healthy, the safer we all are.

I understand why we don’t want countries stealing the recipe for Coca Cola, or Facebook’s secret newsfeed algorithm, but when we’re talking about a COVID cure, why shouldn’t every country be sharing what they know voluntarily?

Plus, we have pretty good hackers too, and if China does get close to a cure, I bet we’ll know before they do.

LOL just guessing: the CIA found out China is on the verge of launching their vaccine !
They give an image as ifnthe vaccine is only for americans.. when it is available noatter who makes it will he be given world wide the formula.

That is how it should be and if its about monopoly and money for the cure then it means its an engineered disease.

Or evil men are trying to cash in on a natural disease. This is not suitable for world powers and defnitley not suitable for human behaviour. Only through helping each other in need can we be human beings.
Whoever works out the first vaccine is a great news for the humanity, US can not be this selfish.
so who the F is this "Ross" any way? is he an analyst? a diplomat? a minister of some country? we are just presented with the headline "Ross: China’s search for a COVID-19 vaccine is good for everyone" as if "Ross" is such a well known politician to the point we don't actually even need to be told who is "Ross", is he an important person? or just a nobody? did any one here even hear of this "Ross" before?
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