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Rocky & Mayur with the 17th Battalion, Brigade of the Guards

I miss that show of theirs (highway on my plate) , sadly its off the air.
The FICV, in this case the wheeled variant most likely (Kestral) with the Konsberg PROTECTOR MCT-30R and RCWS with a Javelin ATGM seems to be ideal for what the 17th BN BoG get up to.

Sorry boss,but I have to disagree with you in this point.The Krestel with Protector heavy RCWS might suffice for an APC....but definitely it's not fit to be an FICV.For an FICV,Krestel simply doesn't offer the necessary armor protection and firepower to survive on a rapidly evolving future battlefield.
Just take a look at what the other countries are doing.The Russians,Americans,Ukrainians,Germans - every one is moving towards heavier,more well protected tracked ICVs.For example,the Germans have developed ~44 ton Puma,the Ukrainians have their BMPD,Russians have BMPT and Armata,Israelis have Namer.

As you can see,future is for heavily armored tracked ICVs so as to protect their dismounts and crews from ever increasing threat from ever evolving anti armor weapons.We need something on the line of the Puma or the BMPT Terminator as our FICV.As for Krestel,it simply doesn't seem to make the cut.
And I would like to add one more thing here,that producing something in the line of BMPT Terminator is perfectly within reach of DRDO and OFB.They already have the building blocks and their respective production lines running.

For example,AVADI already manufactures T 72M1 and Arjun hulls.All they have to do is modify the hull to bring the engine compartment on the front to make room for the dismounts in the back.

Then replace the MBT turrets with custom built turrets with twin 30mm autocanons (already in production in OFB for a long time),quad pack of Nag ATGMs,a MAG 58 coaxial GPMG (under production) and AGS 30 Plamaya automatic grenade launcher on the turret top.

As you can see,most of it the building blocks are already there,all it needs now is someone to take a notice.
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Sorry boss,but I have to disagree with you in this point.The Krestel with Protector heavy RCWS might suffice for an APC....but definitely it's not fit to be an FICV.For an FICV,Krestel simply doesn't offer the necessary armor protection and firepower to survive on a rapidly evolving future battlefield.
Just take a look at what the other countries are doing.The Russians,Americans,Ukrainians,Germans - every one is moving towards heavier,more well protected tracked ICVs.For example,the Germans have developed ~44 ton Puma,the Ukrainians have their BMPD,Russians have BMPT and Armata,Israelis have Namer.

As you can see,future is for heavily armored tracked ICVs so as to protect their dismounts and crews from ever increasing threat from ever evolving anti armor weapons.We need something on the line of the Puma or the BMPT Terminator as our FICV.As for Krestel,it simply doesn't seem to make the cut.
I think for this particular unit the Kestral with, say a 40mm Konsberg PROTECTOR MCT-30R and RCWS with a Javelin ATGM would be an excellent replacement to the BMP-2s/ICVs the 17th BN are currently using. This particular unit is tasked with Recce and tank killing, they are not Mech Infantry carriers there is a separate requirement for tracked APCs for the Mech Infantry under the FICV.

The 17th BoG are looking for flexible, mobile and capable weapon carriers to take on enemy armour. Considering right now they are making do with a 30mm 2A42 auto cannon, 7.62 coaxial MG and Konkors missile for taking on thick-skinned vehicles. The DRDO-TATA Kestral with the weapon package mentioned above will be a major step up from these Soviet era relics.

Mobility has to be factored in and here the Kestral is superior to the heavier tracked APC/ICV you mention. The Kestral can be easily transported by the IAF's C-130J and C-17 fleet anywhere they need to go or on rail or by sea.
I think for this particular unit the Kestral with, say a 40mm Konsberg PROTECTOR MCT-30R and RCWS with a Javelin ATGM would be an excellent replacement to the BMP-2s/ICVs the 17th BN are currently using. This particular unit is tasked with Recce and tank killing, they are not Mech Infantry carriers there is a separate requirement for tracked APCs for the Mech Infantry under the FICV.

The 17th BoG are looking for flexible, mobile and capable weapon carriers to take on enemy armour. Considering right now they are making do with a 30mm 2A42 auto cannon, 7.62 coaxial MG and Konkors missile for taking on thick-skinned vehicles. The DRDO-TATA Kestral with the weapon package mentioned above will be a major step up from these Soviet era relics.

Mobility has to be factored in and here the Kestral is superior to the heavier tracked APC/ICV you mention. The Kestral can be easily transported by the IAF's C-130J and C-17 fleet anywhere they need to go or on rail or by sea.

Even then I don't think that sacrificing armor protection for mobility is good thing,especially when you are gonna face enemy MBTs and their tank support vehicles.
Take for example,the Russian BMP 3 - it's the most heavily armed ICV currently in service anywhere in the world.Yet the Russians consider them to be inadequate and they want to replace them as soon as Armata ICV becomes operational.And you know that Soviets and Russians have traditionally preferred mobility over armor protection but now even they have realised the inherent vulnerabilities of such vehicles.That's why I say that DRDO should instead develop something like the BMPT Terminator,especially when all the building blocks are already available in country.So why go for a less capable option.

Besides,a BMPT like vehicle can be used in FICV for mechanised infantry formations,recon vehicles and urban tank support vehicles.So you wouldn't need to have different vehicles for different missions,thus easing up your logistics trails and also reducing the overall operation costs.

Now,coming back to Krestel,Indian Army is woefully short on APCs or armored battle taxis and would need to induct several thousand APCs over and above the FICVs to replace its aging BTRs.Krestel can fulfill that role and also for mountainous terrains.But as an FICV on the planes......I doubt Krestel can make the cut in a future battle field saturated with good anti armor weapons.
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