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Rocket attack on Saudi Embassy in Iraq

Ayatollah is down to dirty tactics. Burning embassies is like a fashion in Iran. This is extremely appalling behavior given how 'civilized' Iranians like to call themselves.
Saudis need iron fist action against Iraq now..enough of destabilizing games!
Iraq: Supporting Shia
Syria: Supporting Shia
Lebanon: Supporting Shia
Yemen: Supporting Shia
Saudi Arabia: Causing international crysis because of the execution of a Shia.

Let's just skip the discussions of who is right and who is wrong. Iran has major contribution for the destabilization of the region via it's sectarian policies.

I'm not saying "It's all Iran's fault" but don't act like an angel, please.
Thats is why iran is alone in international community. Nobody gives a flying f*** about them.
Another professor.
Iran has every right to suppurt people and legitimate govts. Every country tries to increase influence. It is Saudi and Turkey who try to do this trough extremis (Islamic extremism is a phenomenom almost exclusive Sunni Muslims. When was the last time a Shia blew himself up?) and recently by DIRECTLY bombing civillians.

My favourite:

Extremism is exclusive of Salafist please dont bunch ever one in the same rope. Hamas and Hizbullah are exclusively shias doesnt mean all shias should be bunched up with them. Asad is a Shia as well and i doubt any one can deny amount of sunnis he slaughtered to keep his government.

Both Saudis and Iran have cursed muslms all around the globe due to their extremist secterian policies.
@Sinan: Why do you think anyone should care about Turkish and Saudi interests?? Even US, the super power, can't do shit against Iran and can't bully us. What did you thought of Turkey and Saudi? :rofl: "heavy weights" :lol:
@Sinan: Why do you think anyone should care about Turkish and Saudi interests?? Even US, the super power, can't do shit against Iran and can't bully us. What did you thought of Turkey and Saudi? :rofl: "heavy weights" :lol:
Really then what drag iran at deal ? :D
Ayatollah is down to dirty tactics. Burning embassies is like a fashion in Iran. This is extremely appalling behavior given how 'civilized' Iranians like to call themselves.
Civillization has left both Iran and Saudis long time ago. Iranians definitely put themselves in a reverse gear which will be a disaster for them both socially and economically. Ayatollah will turn Iran into somalia very soon.
Extremism is exclusive of Salafist please dont bunch ever one in the same rope. Hamas and Hizbullah are exclusively shias doesnt mean all shias should be bunched up with them. Asad is a Shia as well and i doubt any one can deny amount of sunnis he slaughtered to keep his government.

Both Saudis and Iran have cursed muslms all around the globe due to their extremist secterian policies.
Hamas is Sunni! Not shia. And Hezbollah is often supported by shias. Assad is Alwite and Alawites are not considered Shia by shias. And, Iran never supported extremist sectarianists (there's almost no such thing as "Shia extremism") as Saudis have supported extremism from 90s.
Hamas is Sunni! Not shia. And Hezbollah is often supported by shias. Assad is Alwite and Alawites are not considered Shia by shias. And, Iran never supported extremist sectarianists (there's almost no such thing as "Shia extremism") as Saudis have supported extremism from 90s.
Denial mode activated .
Really then what drag iran at deal ? :D
Nothing "dragged Iran" stupid. Iran was engaged in talks for deal for a more than a decade.

Tell me what would happen if Pakistan down a n American RQ-170? Or test ballistic missiles right after a deal? Or fire missiles as drill just close to a US navy warship, as Iran did? US bullying Iran? :lol:
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Iraq: Supporting Shia
Syria: Supporting Shia
Lebanon: Supporting Shia
Yemen: Supporting Shia
Saudi Arabia: Causing international crysis because of the execution of a Shia.

Let's just skip the discussions of who is right and who is wrong. Iran has major contribution for the destabilization of the region via it's sectarian policies.

I'm not saying "It's all Iran's fault" but don't act like an angel, please.

We don't claim we are angels but how are any of those trying to undermine Saudi. Did our support of Hezbollah try to cause harm to Saudi? When we aided Hamas, was it to destroy Saudi? When we aided Syria was it to overthrow King Salman or are we standing by our ally who has been out ally since t the revolution (and only country to help us when we got arched by Saddam). And what exactly did we do in Yemen? Did we send tanks and planes and soldiers to take over the country? How is our alliance with Iraq supposed to have anything with Saudi?

I'm not saying Iran is an angry. And you can find fault with youth each of those alliances or down policies if you want. But none of them had anything to do with Saudi from our side.
Hamas is Sunni! Not shia. And Hezbollah is often supported by shias. Assad is Alwite and Alawites are not considered Shia by shias. And, Iran never supported extremist sectarianists (there's almost no such thing as "Shia extremism") as Saudis have supported extremism from 90s.

We dont consider Salafists Sunnis as well just as you dont consider Alwaites Shias. So next time try to point yourself in right direction rather than generalising everyone.

Hizbullah is a Shia group there is no point beating around this bush.
Iran is the biggest financer of Hamas whether they are sunni or shia that is debateable.

Iran cant accuse any one as terror sponsors anymore as in last decade you literally put your self in reverse gear just as you were on the verge of being a developed and tolerant nation.
@Sinan: Why do you think anyone should care about Turkish and Saudi interests?? What did you thought of Turkey and Saudi? :rofl: "heavy weights" :lol:

I though, that you were rational so i tried to communicate. It seems like that's not the case. I always treat people as they deserve as my treatment for you will change after this post.

Even US, the super power, can't do shit against Iran and can't bully us.
Yeah, they couldn't do anything against Iran. Although with your natural resources your people could live in prosper. Now you are dirt poor only have half of the Turkey GDP/Capita. (Although Turkey not having a drop of natural resources).

Keep believing in your mullahs fanboy.

We don't claim we are angels but how are any of those trying to undermine Saudi. Did our support of Hezbollah try to cause harm to Saudi? When we aided Hamas, was it to destroy Saudi? When we aided Syria was it to overthrow King Salman or are we standing by our ally who has been out ally since t the revolution (and only country to help us when we got arched by Saddam). And what exactly did we do in Yemen? Did we send tanks and planes and soldiers to take over the country? How is our alliance with Iraq supposed to have anything with Saudi?

I'm not saying Iran is an angry. And you can find fault with youth each of those alliances or down policies if you want. But none of them had anything to do with Saudi from our side.

Your answer lies in the post #15.
Iraq: Supporting Shia
Syria: Supporting Shia
Lebanon: Supporting Shia
Yemen: Supporting Shia
Saudi Arabia: Causing international crysis because of the execution of a Shia.

Let's just skip the discussions of who is right and who is wrong. Iran has major contribution for the destabilization of the region via it's sectarian policies.

I'm not saying "It's all Iran's fault" but don't act like an angel, please.

Since when supporting a group or school of thought is wrong? why shouldn't we support Shia people?

Why don't you mention Saudis bombing Yemenis people 24/7? razing their infrastructures to the ground?
Why don't you mention Saudis crack downed peaceful protest of Bahraini people? in a country that majority is Shia?
Why don't you mention that majority of Iraqi people are Shia which were ruled by Sunnis for several decades ... mass graves of Shia people have been found in Iraq ....
Why don't you mention The Shia cleric executed by Saudi just called out for democracy in a state that a dynasty govern?
Why don't you mention Shia were neglected for decades in southern Lebanon and were living in poverty, Why don't you mention that israel occupied this country in 48 hours back in 1982 and it was a Shia group that kicked them out in 2006?

Ayatollah is down to dirty tactics. Burning embassies is like a fashion in Iran. This is extremely appalling behavior given how 'civilized' Iranians like to call themselves.

Do you have any evidence that Iranian government orchestrated the event? some idiots done something wrong and were arrested by police and all Iranian politicians condemned the event ...

1979 U.S. embassy burning in Islamabad
Attack on the Egyptian Embassy in Pakistan
Attacks on U.S. consulate in Karachi
2008 Danish embassy bombing in Islamabad
April 2010 U.S consulate and ANP attack
hats is why iran is alone in international community. Nobody gives a flying f*** about them.
Bro, that's not entirely true and it's not wise to under-estimate your opponent.

Iran gets China's and Russia's support in certain matters.

And believe me, if nobody had given any fvck what they are doing in the region, we wouldn't having this conversation.
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