Your ranting and raving reflect your profound confusion, ineptness and the lack of your capability to think independently.
First, stop thinking that others should think the same as you do, do the same as you do. You as an individual are unique. So is everybody else.
No wonder democracy mutates into democrazy in your country India.
Second, we know your knowledge doesn’t allow you to know how this country benefits from me, let us just generalize that the very existence of a useful (well educated, decent, law abide, and tax contributing, etc. ) citizen in a country is itself a contribution to the country. Frankly, I could live in any country, and any country would accept me.
Third, have a look back in the history, since history repeats itself in a subtle way. Nehru was very loyal to India. So were his parliament members. When Nehru was hesitating whether forwarding into China was appropriate, his members pushed him relentlessly: if you didn’t do that, you were the traitor. Being such pressed, so Mr. Nehru did it to show his loyalty, and India’s national interest was
crushingly damaged. Psychological impact of that failure still lingering in many Indians brain to date, hampering their very confidence: that is actually even more devastating… In retrospect, who is the traitor? Original Nehru or your jingoistic parliament members?
Do you know why China today is so advanced in missile technologies? It’s not only because the Chinese themselves, that’s undeniable, but more because the help from USA who send those wise brains back to China! Amazed? Sen. McCarthy of the USA was arguably the biggest contributor. In your term, McCarthy should be the most loyal citizen.
BTW, I don’t think the Indians who have secure and decent position in USA would go back in such a wave as the Chinese once did.
Conclusion: using your brain independently and stop
gleefully equaling US democracy with India democrazy to make you feel better as a upper-caste master to label who’s loyal and who isn’t. Still better, you stop being clownish to command others to think the way you think!
BTW, for your reference, please read this research paper:
Liars, Traitors, and Spies: Wen Ho Lee and the Racial Construction of Disloyalty
Brant T. Lee
University of Akron - School of Law
Asian American Policy Review, Vol. 10, p.1, 2002