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Reuters: World's lightest material a possible fix for heavy problems


Dec 15, 2009
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"Reuters: World's lightest material a possible fix for heavy problems (1:59)

May 15, 2013 - A scientist in China has produced the lightest substance ever recorded, which he says could provide solutions to heavy problems, such as pollution control. Gao Chou says his carbon aerogel can absorb up to 900 times its own body weight, in addition to displaying other qualities that make it ideal for further development. Ben Gruber has more."


"Published on Mar 21, 2013

A new kind of material proclaimed to be the world's lightest has been invented by professors in Zhejiang University."


"Published on Mar 26, 2013

The technological revolution continues. Chinese scientists have developed the lightest material in the world. Its weight is so small that it can be easily held on flower petals. The material is composed of graphene oxide and lyophilized carbon. The new spongy material of graphene airgel is extremely light indeed.

As is known, graphene has already brought a Nobel Prize to Andrey Game and Konstantin Novoselov. Pure graphene is a two-dimensional crystal -- it is the finest man-made material on Earth.

Despite its lightness, graphene is extremely strong. One sheet, as thick as a polyethylene bag, can stand the weight of an elephant. The advantages of graphene do not stop at that. In addition to strength and lightness, the material is quite flexible. It can be stretched without any damage by 20%.

One of the latest properties of graphene, discovered by scientists, is the ability to filter water, holding a variety of liquids and gases."
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Good Development!! Congratulations to the scientist for the great work!!
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