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Reusable Launch Vehicle & Hypersonic Flight Experiment -1 : Updates ?


Aug 14, 2013
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The cost of access to space is the major deterrent in space exploration and space utilization. A reusable launch vehicle is the unanimous solution to achieve low cost, reliable and on-demand space access.

Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration Program or RLV-TD is a series of technology demonstration missions that have been considered as a first step towards realizing a Two Stage To Orbit (TSTO) fully re-usable vehicle. A Winged Reusable Launch Vehicle technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) has been configured to act as a flying test bed to evaluate various technologies, namely, hypersonic flight, autonomous landing, powered cruise flight and hypersonic flight using air-breathing propulsion.

These technologies will be developed in phases through a series of experimental flights. The first in the series of experimental flights is the hypersonic flight experiment (HEX) followed by the landing experiment (LEX), return flight experiment (REX) and scramjet propulsion experiment (SPEX). Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstrator Hypersonic Experiment (RLV-TD HEX1) wherein the hypersonic aero-thermo dynamic characterization of winged reentry body along with autonomous mission management to land at a specified location and characterization of hot structures are planned to be demonstrated

Current status

As of 2009, Airframe Engineering model, axisymmetric proto nose cap after graphitisation (C-C) and slow burn rate propellant were realized. Aerodynamic characterization of technology demonstration vehicle was completed at NAL, VSSC and IIST.

Computational flow simulation and supersonic combustion in ground testing have been successfully achieved. Scramjet engine modules (passive) for the DMRJ flight demonstration were realised and alignment / integration with the test vehicle is progressing. Real time decision based ignition of second stage, a first of its kind is ready for implementation in the test flight.[3]

HEX is scheduled for 2013 and work for the same is on at VSSC

As per old ISRO input and Wikipedia HEX 1 flight was scheduled for September 2013 ....

No official news however so far ....
watch animation video here

Reusable Launch Vehicle - Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) - Indian Space Projects

Isro makes strides in pre-project plans

On April 1, 2013, the Deccan Herald reported that autopilot for the RLV-TD has been modified following simulation tests.

The navigation and guidance control (NGC) design has been validated and liftoff studies have been completed using simulation.

“Guidance and Autopilot designs were modified based on simulation results,” a source said.

ISRO has announced that it will test the RLV-TD in 2013-14.
ISRO To Begin Flights of Reusable Launcher Test Bed | SpaceNews.com

ISRO To Begin Flights of Reusable Launcher Test Bed

By SpaceNews Staff | Apr. 22, 2013

After a delay of three years, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is set to conduct the first trial of its winged Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD) later this year.

According to ISRO’s latest annual report, for 2012-2013, a review committee has concluded that launch of RLV-TD hypersonic flight mission in September 2013 “is feasible.” The test was initially planned for 2010.

The report said ISRO expects to conduct a series of trial flights of the technology demonstrator as an initial step in the development of a fully reusable two-stage-to-orbit vehicle. The demonstrator has been configured as a flying test bed for capabilities including autonomous landing, powered cruise flight and hypersonic flight using air-breathing propulsion, the report said.

The RLV-TD, featuring wings and tail fins, will be launched atop a solid-rocket booster. During early trials it will make unpowered ascents, but eventually it will be powered by an air-breathing scramjet, the report said. The RLV-TD and booster will be recovered separately, with the former landing on a runway like a plane and booster landing via parachute.

The report said development of the scramjet engine is in an “advanced stage.”
Just to clarify, the RLV-TD is merely intended as a low-cost testbed platform, and is not intended as a prototype that later platforms would resemble.

India's ultimate goal for RLV is the AVATAR (Aerobic Vehicle for hypersonic Aerospace Transportation) which will be an SSTO (Single-Stage-to-Orbit) vehicle.

India can't make AVATAR right away, so it will first build and operate the TSTO (Two-Stage-to-Orbit) vehicle, which is composed of a lower stage and an upper stage. The lower stage is a winged flyback booster powered by a semi-cryogenic rocket, and the upper stage is powered by a cryogenic rocket.

But before India can even build TSTO, it will build RLV-TD to act as a testbed platform for the technologies which will be used by the TSTO as well as the AVATAR SSTO. For instance, the RLV-TD will also test a hypersonic scramjet engine, which is not used in the TSTO, but will be used in the ultimate AVATAR SSTO.

Reusable Launch Vehicles

As a low-cost testbed (not a prototype), the RLV-TD will carry out a series of experiments: HEX, LEX, REX, and SPEX.

HEX (Hypersonic Flight Experiment) will see the RLV-TD launched on a rocket booster high above the atmosphere, and then released to glide back into the atmosphere at hypersonic velocity. Note that this will be a glide, and not an engine-powered flight, but it will be able to test the airframe and control systems. RLV-TD will then land in the ocean and be recovered.

LEX (Landing Experiment) will have the RLV-TD fitted with landing gear. It will be flown on a large transport plane and then dropped, so that it can glide down to a landing strip, deploy its landing gear and land like a regular aircraft.

REX (Return flight Experiment) will have RLV-TD fitted with jet engines that will allow it to take off from an airstrip like a regular aircraft. It will then fly around and return back to land on the strip like a regular aircraft.

Finally SPEX (Scramjet Propulsion Experiment) will have RLV-TD further fitted with a scramjet engine. It will get to take off from an airstrip like a regular aircraft, but once in flight it will accelerate to supersonic speed, after which it will activate its air-breathing scramjet engine and accelerate to hypersonic velocity. The scramjet will then switch off and the vehicle will decelerate until it can reactivate its normal jet engines and then return to land at the landing strip like a regular aircraft.

So the actual later vehicles that RLV-TD is acting as a testbed for, will look nothing like the RLV-TD itself. RLV-TD is a testbed, and not a prototype.
an 1 year old article....

India is planning to conduct the first flight trial of its Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) in the next 12 to 18 months, according to Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials.

The HSTDV programme aims to produce a hydrocarbon-fuelled scramjet test article capable of Mach 6-7 and autonomously guided flight. The HSTDV will pave the way for a hypersonic cruise missile and platforms that can perhaps be applied to other tasks, such as very high-speed reconnaissance.

According to DRDO sources, initial ground tests with the kerosene-fuelled scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) have been completed and the propulsion system is now being integrated with the air vehicle.

India Plans Hypersonic Flight Test at Parabolic Arc

most likely we'll see this test in either this year on early 2014.. :tup:
an 1 year old article....

India is planning to conduct the first flight trial of its Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle (HSTDV) in the next 12 to 18 months, according to Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) officials.

The HSTDV programme aims to produce a hydrocarbon-fuelled scramjet test article capable of Mach 6-7 and autonomously guided flight. The HSTDV will pave the way for a hypersonic cruise missile and platforms that can perhaps be applied to other tasks, such as very high-speed reconnaissance.

According to DRDO sources, initial ground tests with the kerosene-fuelled scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) have been completed and the propulsion system is now being integrated with the air vehicle.

India Plans Hypersonic Flight Test at Parabolic Arc

most likely we'll see this test in either this year on early 2014.. :tup:

Any idea if ISRO & DRDO have co-operated for scramjet engine ?

The Hypersonic Flight Experiment 1 is also slated to take place next year . It will be prelude ISRO's futuristic programme to eventually develop AVATAR reusable launch vehicle !

Flight review committee had said in December 2912 that trial is feasible in September 2013....I am not sure what has caused delay in flight testing ?
Mission Analysis of a Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology Demonstrator (RLV-TD)

V Brinda, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre; Rajesh Arora, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre; E Janardhana, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
Chapter DOI: 10.2514/6.2005-3291
Publication Date: 16 May 2005 - 20 May 2005

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