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Apr 27, 2016
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Chief Justice of Pakistan has resolved to solve missing and enforced disappearance once and for all. CJP also said that the state needs to change its mindset on this particular issue.

2. From the proceedings so far in our various courts, there appears to be no real intent from any concerned quarters solving this misery, thus indirectly in practical terms, thumbing the phenomena of disappearance. For example; when SHC pressed hard, one fine morning it was told that Sajjad Ahmed missing since long “had returned home”. The court rather than asking to produce the “returned-home” before it so it could ensure he was safe and enquire from him from where did he come from after so long, preferred to close this chapter by directing the prosecutor just to recover the others. One Sheikh Rasheed when “returned-home” claimed through his first TV appearance that he had gone on forty day “ چلہ ”. The same very “missing Sheikh Rasheed” shocked the whole nation later through his half a dozen Eid TV Interviews that he was being hanged turtle down on a crane when a kind “Officer” asked not to. He was, according to him, given a sheet what to say in his first TV interview when he returned from “ چلہ ” . He also said that the “Army” did not torture him. Why could had Army tortured him? It was his foul big mouth opening.

3. In relation to these “returned-home” the unwritten strategy appears to be Choudhary Shujat’s famous “مٹی پاو” and not to touch the real issue “returned home” so that no foot starts marching towards where at the ultimate end is the key to all the mystery. It can be understood from the example of kidnapping of journalist Matiullah Jan when the Court observed that the video recording of his kidnapping had been there and it was a case that could had been solved within two minutes. The court added that in saving Matiullah, the Government of the time had no role, the whole world saw who the kidnappers were.

4. Missing persons phenomena has gained momentum specifically during the last 2-3 years. Courts though had long been taking these cases but recently accorded it, with changing environment, more attention. Islamabad High Court Mr. Justice Kiyani has specifically been mentioned repeatedly in our talk shows. The missing anchor بطل حریت Imran Riaz visiting the house of the released poet Ahmed Farhad much praised Mr. Justice Kiyani. But the point and real point to ponder is, is there any real material ahead way or just a show? I don’t see any real seriousness.

5. This old man served forty-three long years in police uniform abroad, not any footpath constable but sitting in the concerned Ministry and had seen what prudence and oath demands not to repeat. One thing without any ambiguity can be said that missing person is an international “phrase”. It is just a question of operation in different systems. For the security that the people could during night take deep sleep with comfort, governments have to take some steps silently, hell what the two written lines named “law” said. The “law” alone today nowhere in world keep complete peace. Criminal world has developed beyond our imagination.

6. There are two angles to this issue. The first is that those whom we the ordinary believe are endeavoring to solve it “once and for all” in effect from their actions don’t appear having any real intent to show the light of the day to what they through their actions try us the commoners to be convinced. The second angel is that those who in real terms can help assist the concerned like the courts to arrive at truth and solve the misery “once and for all” themselves are non-cooperative. Honourable Justice Musarat Hilali indirectly without naming Sheikh Rasheed remarked that those who cannot speak for themselves, how can they speak for anyone else. بطل حریت Imran Riaz became angry when a journalist insisted “who were the kidnappers”. Showing his anger he enquired from the reporter does he the reporter wanted from him to take name of “this” or name of “that”.

7. There is another angel. Respected Amna Junjua was the main figure who started and gave the issue a real humanity touch in a formal way, not Asma Jehangir as most of our double speak politicians and anchors attribute. Asma had political touch. Never forget she became furious when a reporter pointed her out that the labour from her family factory were agitating for their rights, she gave a shut up call that it was her personal family matter. Hamid Mir gave more touch to the issue by frequently touching “His” Mama Qadeer showing with family bear footed travelling Quetta to Islamabad. But the same Hamid Mir never till today uttered a single word when “His” Mama Qadeer through Indian Channel 16 demanded from the Indians arms for fighting with his/their “enemy”. This silence should be a point to ponder for those who keep crying in talk shows and in the courts more than needed.

8. Amna Janjua once said (perhaps in the court or elsewhere?) that the Commission on Missing Person declared in 2013 her husband dead while one “released (returned home)” Imran Munir told her that her husband was in ISI custody. The CJP asked her as to what the court could do in the case. The answer is very simple and even an illiterate God fearing commoner could viz; “summon this Imran Munir to tell the court from where he returned, why he went there and how he saw Janjuna’s husband” in case we had real intent to reach at the naked truths prevailing on earth. What a wonder our courts don’t accept any statement verbal or written by a defence unless physical evidence produced, but just a statement that Sajjad Ahmed, Amin and poet Ahmed Farhad had come home is believed without satisfying itself by seeing the faces of these returned-home. The same very court forgot that authorities specially police most often speak lies. In relation to Matiullah Jan case SSP told the court that there was no vide recording available when the Honourable CJP observed the SSP concerned was an insult to the police uniform.

9. CJP Qazi Faez Isa though said that missing persons and enforced disappearance should be resolved once and for all and that the state needs to change its mindset on this particular issue. He is very wise and his words are the real cry of the time. But it is also cry of the time, in this time when the situation has touched the graph, that Ahmed Farhad, بطل حریت Imran Riaz anchor and Sheikh Rasheed are summoned for serious questioning viz (a) who were they, looked alike, faces hidden or with whom they spent their times (b) what they asked or demanded (c) why on return home they kept their lips tights (d) why Sheikh Rasheed was being hanged (e) who was that kind man and as to how Sheikh Rasheed knew the said man was an “officer” (f) why Sheikh Rasheed uses the word “Army”, (g) who gave Sheikh Rasheed written paper to read in the interview and (h) why Sheikh Rasheed earlier lied that he went on a چلہ . Sheikh Rasheed somewhere, reference of which instantly is not remembered, during his interview with Muneeb Farooq or thereafter said that his family could had been in trouble. Why? He be compelled to explain all this to the court enabling it to reach to the truth but only the truth for once and for ever resolution as CJP Qazi Sahib very wisely has wished. A talk show clip appeared on May 17, 2024 Sheikh Rasheed saying “I am thankful army did not torture me”. Why should had the army tortured Sheikh as our Army since two decades is heavily sacrificing in protecting we the masses? This is a question answer to which must be taken from him to solve “once and for all”.

10. In the case of three journalists the court ordered to publish sketches of the abductors. The point is why this very fine technique is not ordered in cases of all those who “returned-home” or from Chilla? But one thing under present environment has become necessary that this sketch dictating and sketch-drawing both are done within the court room. Did these sketches came “published” in our dailies?

11. Last but not the least as My Lord Qazi Faez Isa said that there was no role of Government in release of Matiullah Jan and the whole world knows who the kidnappers were. If the “whole world” which impression also includes My Lordship Justice Qazi Faez Sahib being the Head Qadhi of the state names “those” kidnapper so the issue, as My Lordship wished, may be solved for good and for ever.


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