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Retired air vice-marshal shot dead

unidentified accused... Awesome. Bastards, taking out such a decorated man of our country over a property dispute.

Perhaps Muradk, can tell us a little about him?
the name is Lateef Tambra (AVM retd)
Actually Asim we are not sure what led to his death, but there are certain ex army officers in property business who i've see doing frauds, i'm talking about defence lahore. Where actually these people with the help of defence authority actually sold files where the plots never existed and people lost in millions over it.
If anyone is found guilty of fraud then they should be charged and punished. Why it has become a norm to take law in your own hands. Nothing justifies the killings.May Allah bless his soul.
unidentified accused... Awesome. Bastards, taking out such a decorated man of our country over a property dispute.

Perhaps Muradk, can tell us a little about him?
Asim It was not a small property news, this building is big/huge and was unstable, but on one was listening to him and started and investigation that who is behind this and he was shot by 2 gum men i forget the building but most of you who know karachi know ands have seen the building,I will call a friend amd he knows more details.
Mr Aquil...
how do you know he was bastard and you aren't....without knowing his/her Amal we can't make Judgement..do you have any proof he did that..
Allah Hafiz
Where did I call him a bastard you moron? Learn to freakin read.
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