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Representing Chinas ethnic groups is now cultural appropiation


Aug 19, 2011
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U.S. and British state propaganda mouthpieces and overseas stenographers, boost lie about China appropiating Korean culture for another political onslaught against Winter Olympics in China.

All of them uncritically echoing the ridiciolous accussation of "cultural appropiation" in headlines and leading paragraphs as if they had any legitimacy, then only further down in the articles where 99% of the audience already stopped reading, acknowledging the contradicting fact that the show, smeared by Korean politicians in Washingtons pocket as "appropating" Korean culture, actually represented the 56 ethnic groups and their culture in China, including the Korean Chinese minority. A more than half a century old tradition at this point.

None of them explicitely point out or even criticise that the accussations are complete nonsense and pure smear. In fact some of the propaganda mouthpieces like Reuters tried to add weight to the accussation by lining up more of such accussations from the past with not regards to their validity.

Even more ridiculous are the accussations of "cultural appropiation" since the woman supposed to be "appropiating Korean culture" for wearing a Korean dress is actually ethnic Korean.


The joke doesnt end here. The same "independent" propaganda mouthpieces in unison attacked the 2008 Olympics in China over the same culture represenation. Except at that time for not representing them enough instead. That time representation of the cultures in the show where not "authentic" enough because actors where "just" wearing traditional garbs to represent the cultures but not all picked by their actual ethnic background.

It doesnt matter what China does or doesn't. They will continue to hate China, Chinese culture and Chinese people as long as China and its people remain free, independent and prosperous
I don't know what's wrong with Korean being part of the ethnic group in China. South Korea shall get a life and stop complaining, giving the western and India a chance to attack China.

South Korean shall regret their ill treatment of this China Korean when they came to SK in the early 2000 only to be disappointed by the discrimination they received from South Korean. By late 2010, the number of Chinese Korean migrate to SK has almost come to halt. Becos they feel they can live a human life better in China than SK as a Korean. Plus the living standard in China has improve so much, it's not even worth migrate to other so called paradise.
I don't know what's wrong with Korean being part of the ethnic group in China. South Korea shall get a life and stop complaining, giving the western and India a chance to attack China.

South Korean shall regret their ill treatment of this China Korean when they came to SK in the early 2000 only to be disappointed by the discrimination they received from South Korean. By late 2010, the number of Chinese Korean migrate to SK has almost come to halt. Becos they feel they can live a human life better in China than SK as a Korean. Plus the living standard in China has improve so much, it's not even worth migrate to other so called paradise.
Koreans are a bunch of petty haters and insecure snobs.
Korean is indeed a part of the 56 ethnic minorities in China just like the Dai people or Thai in Thailand.
Incompetent politicians will say the darndest thing to attract attention.
· According to the history claimed by some people in Korea and Vietnam, China only existed on the Yangtze River and they invented all Chinese culture. It's just a little strange that their history books are written in Chinese, but they can't read them themselves. There was even a reality show in which a Korean star could not recognize the place name of his own city and instead needed directions from Chinese tourists.
Don't understand the logic of the Korean's accusation.

In the same group together with the ethnic korean girl, there will be costume for Thais, Kazak, Vietnamese and even Russian ethnics, none of those countries would have problem.

Do the Korean consider Korean Chinese no longer Korean ethnics? Why the Korean so petty.
Don't understand the logic of the Korean's accusation.

In the same group together with the ethnic korean girl, there will be costume for Thais, Kazak, Vietnamese and even Russian ethnics, none of those countries would have problem.

Do the Korean consider Korean Chinese no longer Korean ethnics? Why the Korean so petty.
Korean opposition leader made facebook post about this,they want to use anything ,like anti china sentiment for political edge.

The part was simply about various ethnic minority transferring the national flag ,I would have found it problematic may be if there was a special segment about Korean hanbok alone which has the ugliest shape for traditional attire in eastern parts of Asia,like a blown up doll with too high ballooning frock length reaching up to chest in an unflattering manner. Hanfu and other ethnic minority clothes are much pretty.
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Korean opposition leader made facebook post about this,they want to use anything ,like anti china sentiment for political edge.
These Korean opposition are nothing but lapdog for american and Japanese. The Korean hate for Japanese are well known. Then the Japanese managed to bribe these small group of south Korean to try deflect the hate of Japanese to Chinese.

Their motive will never work cos Japanese colonization and ill treatment of Korean can never be forgotten until Japanese truly apologize their atrocities and remove A class war criminal remains from yasukuni shrine.
This is confusing.

A Korean Chinese girl wearing Korean costume to pay homage to her cultural heritage.

I would expect the Korean to be proud of her. And yet they did this cruel thing to deny this nice girl her right.

But all this would be under the assumption that they are the same Korean culture.

Therefore this could only make sense if the two Korean cultures are somewhat distinct from each other? And they are different identity because of long geographical separation? And they both don't recognize each other as same Korean?

The costume is thus only homage to her distinct Korean in China culture?
these are paid actors

and state sponsored public relations circus
These Korean opposition are nothing but lapdog for american and Japanese. The Korean hate for Japanese are well known. Then the Japanese managed to bribe these small group of south Korean to try deflect the hate of Japanese to Chinese.

Their motive will never work cos Japanese colonization and ill treatment of Korean can never be forgotten until Japanese truly apologize their atrocities and remove A class war criminal remains from yasukuni shrine.
Young Koreans are more anti China than anti Japan. Korea is infiltrated by psychotic evangelicals, that’s why their movies are always so dark and cult like. These groups propagate the same anti China hysteria 24/7 as evangelicals do in the US.

This is confusing.

A Korean Chinese girl wearing Korean costume to pay homage to her cultural heritage.

I would expect the Korean to be proud of her. And yet they did this cruel thing to deny this nice girl her right.

But all this would be under the assumption that they are the same Korean culture.

Therefore this could only make sense if the two Korean cultures are somewhat distinct from each other? And they are different identity because of long geographical separation? And they both don't recognize each other as same Korean?

The costume is thus only homage to her distinct Korean in China culture?
Korean nationalists are just crazy haters. There is a reason why many ethnic Korean Chinese came home from South Korea because the locals were too prejudiced even though they were ethnic Koreans. They were treated better by the majority hans in China than their supposed ethnic brethren.
Young Koreans are more anti China than anti Japan. Korea is infiltrated by psychotic evangelicals, that’s why their movies are always so dark and cult like. These groups propagate the same anti China hysteria 24/7 as evangelicals do in the US.

Korean nationalists are just crazy haters. There is a reason why many ethnic Korean Chinese came home from South Korea because the locals were too prejudiced even though they were ethnic Koreans. They were treated better by the majority hans in China than their supposed ethnic brethren.

these are paid actors

desperate attempt for China to try and look good
these are paid actors

desperate attempt for China to try and look good
No, these people are actually proud of their country. I know that’s hard to believe coming from depressed, cynical, nihilistic Britain.
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