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Report Card of PM Nawaz Sharif's First 100 Days in Office


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: Foreign Investment Up, Load-shedding Down in PM Nawaz Sharif's First 100 Days

FDI is up and load-shedding is down during Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government's first 100 days. However, there has been little progress on resolving fundamental issues such as lack of security, growing budget deficits, high current account deficits and continuing heavy subsidies to the power sector and various public sector enterprises like Pakistan Steel Mills, PIA, Railways, etc.

Foreign Inflows Jump:

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's first 100 days in office have seen a significant increase in foreign capital inflows.

Pakistan has $105.4 million foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first two month of the current fiscal year 2013/14 compared to $52.4 million received during the same month of the previous year, according to a Reuters' report. This is a continuation of the trend from the PPP government's last year in office which saw 76% year-over-year jump to reach nearly $1.5 billion foreign investment in fiscal year 2012-13.

Foreign remittances from Pakistani diaspora also saw a 7% increase to reach $2.64 billion in July-Aug 2013. IN addition, Pakistan reached a deal with IMF for $6.6 billion loan and the first tranche of $500 million was disbursed last week.

Load Shedding Decreases:

Circular debt payment of $5 billion by the government has induced power companies to buy more fuel and better utilize installed generating capacity in the last two months. As a result, the people are experiencing fewer hours of load shedding across the country.

The fundamental issue of the gap between cost of generating electricity and the electricity revenue receipts still remains. However, the Nawaz Sharif government is pushing higher electricity rates and lower fuel cost options to reduce this gap. Meanwhile, the circular debt has piled up again to nearly $1 billion in just the last two months. If this debt continues to mount and the government fails to clear it, the load shedding is likely to return soon.


Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif's government is trying to start talks with the Taliban militants in an effort to reduce the mounting death toll in terrorist attacks. An all-parties conference in Islamabad has endorsed peace talks with the Pakistani Taliban. The TTP leadership has welcomed the talks offer but it has continued to kill soldiers, policemen and civilians to dictate terms to Pakistan government. This was brought in sharp focus when the Taliban killed a top general in Upper Dir recently. The Taliban appear to be exploiting the perceived weakness being communicated by the government in response to continuing attacks.

Recent data from South Asia Terrorism Portal indicates a decline in overall death rate from terrorism but it also shows that more security personnel are continuing to lose their lives in such attacks.

Structural Problems Remain:

Pakistan imports a lot more than it exports. Exports add up to about $25 billion while imports stand at about $45 billion. Similarly, Pakistani government spends a lot more than it takes in as revenue, leaving a gap of 6-7% of GDP. Fundamental structural issues remain in terms of high current account deficits, widening gap between public revenue and spending, and large subsidies to public sector units including the power sector sapping public treasury. FBR is missing revenue target of Rs 2.5 trillion by Rs. 130 billion, according to an International Monetary Fund (IMF) assessment. Debt is accumulating again the power sector. Economic growth is barely keeping up with population growth. National savings rate is only about 10% which impacts domestic investments needed for the future.


Reviving economic growth is the biggest challenge facing the Sharif administration. It's going to be difficult to revive the economy without structural reforms to increase domestic and attract foreign investments, which in turn requires solving the basic issues of terrorism, energy shortages and tax collection.

Haq's Musings: Foreign Investment Up, Load-shedding Down in PM Nawaz Sharif's First 100 Days
Here's a video discussion on the subject and other topics:

Viewpoint from Overseas host Faraz Darvesh discusses with Riaz Haq and Ali Hasan Cemendtaur performance of the Nawaz Sharif Government in its first 100 days; Pakistani government’s talks with the Taliban and the need to have a public opinion against the Taliban version of false Islam; Sumbul rape case in Lahore; Women’s rights in Pakistan; and Sheema Kermani and Dr. Shershah Syed’s recent of the San Francisco Bay Area to raise funds for the Koohi Goth Hospital, Landhi.
This show was recorded at 1 pm PST on Thursday, September 19, 2013.
پہلے سو دن میں نواز شریف حکومت کی کارکردگی، طالبان سے مذاکرات، راءے عامہ ہموار کرنے کی ضرورت، طالبان کا اسلام جھوٹا اسلام ہے، پانچ سالہ بچی سنبل کے ساتھ زیادتی، حقوق نسواں، شیما کرمانی اور ڈاکٹر شیرشاہ سید کا سان فرانسسکو بے ایریا کا دورہ، کوہی گوٹھ اسپتال لانڈھی، فراز درویش، ریاض حق، صباحت اشرف، آءی فقیر، علی حسن سمندطور، ڈبلیو بی ٹی ٹی وی، ویو پواءنٹ فرام اوورسیز، امریکہ میں پاکستانی، سلیکن ویلی، سان فرانسسکو بے ایریا
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Right man at the right time. He isn't an overly emotional or a freak control. He is a very wise, seasoned and experienced politician as well as a successful businessman. Not only that, his team consists of well known and widely recognized economists and financial advisers.
Right man at the right time. He isn't an overly emotional or a freak control. He is a very wise, seasoned and experienced politician as well as a successful businessman. Not only that, his team consists of well known and widely recognized economists and financial advisers.

Don't forget big wallets and pockets full of money that aint theres.
And an unlimited supply of laptops, can't miss that one out either.
He's doing a superb job, honestly Pakistanis can go to sleep every night knowing the nation is being taken care of.
As compared to IMRAN (Potential PM before election) i think he is 1000 times better :yahoo:
IK is just insane:laughcry:
I said it before and i will say it again. 100 days,50 days,150 days are not enough to judge the work of a govt. A year or two can be a good sample. So most probably when a year passes by we will see how he has done. Seeing how bad the problems are over here i think it will take time to see the effects ( both negative and positive) of the steps taken to solve them.

Main problem is rising inflation and worsening economy. He needs to take these two in reins. Weakening of rupee each day with dollar and pound going sky high will badly effect us. On top of it all these are just one of the main problems.

Now another thing will be taken into context. Winter is fast approaching which will increase gas requirements. How they provide gas to Home,industry and fuel sector will be seen. The announcement of closing CNG for three months will bring alot of criticisms from the media and the people themselves. However amongst the high gas requirements, the electric requirements go down and should utilize this ease time to prepare for summer which will see electric needs sky rocket.
Right man at the right time. He isn't an overly emotional or a freak control. He is a very wise, seasoned and experienced politician as well as a successful businessman. Not only that, his team consists of well known and widely recognized economists and financial advisers.

He is right man for.....("Andoon main Kaana Rajja")...........Zardari just got bad name in corruption.....peoples even don't have idea how these two brothers and their family do corruption......:yay:
He's doing a superb job, honestly Pakistanis can go to sleep every night knowing the nation is being taken care of.

Yeah we want to see healthy competition between Punjab and KPK...... We have to bring Peace in Karachi because Karachi is financial hub of Pakistan.... I wish that Karachi will become city of Lights!!
There are some concerns about incompetency of PMLN team, This is very important to eliminate patwari and jagidaar system.... Also direction is going wrong in first 100 days, as IT minister Anusha Rehman ... barks about to ban Google from her Thick Grass mind....
Terrorism is also big problem...
I Believe that there were many false promises in election campaign,, Positive thing: Media is here to remind them promises again and again.... I hope that PMLN will not take any step to ban freedom of expression or any action against media...
working hard, but intelligent policies are required to grow.... And we don't have much time..

Power Crisis, was the worst crisis and they toke on themselves to fix it.. Good Work, I must say.. still can be improve by introducing consumer base power generation.. Making Consumer independent ofPower Requirement and all power get consumed by Industry.. And it don't required much effort even..

Infrastructure is 2nd best place scoring by the government, here many strategically projects been started, which can change whole worlds politics, and will Bring Pakistan into main player of World Politics.. I will give Excellent on this, and it was expected from them...

Industrial Boom, again it was expected from both brother... And was expected they will out perform in this area, but unfortunately they haven't done much in this area. Power Generation will help this sector, but to change things upside down more industry is required, which will generate more resources, more jobs, and more export.. which will in the end help Economy to grow.. I will mark here poor, not because they haven't perform, but since expectations are a bit higher..

Law and Order Situatiion, this was the toughest place as expected, but they relatively perform better .. a Clear Cut Policy of Peace, and strict action against misdoers clear visible. First time every whole nation knows what is the stand and no body is confuse about the policy and militants... Good Work.. Definitely..

Technology, well its very poor.. They should concentrate more on this area and Laptop money should have been trigger into this direction.. it would help the nation...

Education, Good work so far.. But more schools, universities, institutes are required to compete ever growing education prices. And to grow more..

Corruption, poor... no steps been made to recover the Pakistani Money.. Step against Power Defaulters is good thing.. But as per their manufasto more things are required...

PS: Agree 100 days aren't good enough time to jugde, but directions come out only in initial days..

My Hopes are high, way too high, since I supported them and expecting more out of them..
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