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Report: 90percent of missing Persons from Baluchistan killed by B.L.A

Any evidence?

You mean documental evidence? Then no. ISI is a professional spy agency, they dont leave trace or evidence of their work. They do their job neat and clean. Usually FC picks up the individual, which is witnessed by many, then that person gets disappeared for ever or his tortured dead body is found some where...but yeah that is not an evidence. Families of victims also name ISI and FC but that doesnt matter. What opened my eyes regarding the matter, was when i heard it from my kiliwal who is in FC, few years ago. He said they are told to beat the **** out of any random baloch walker on the spot and that they pick up baloch men for agency...but i guess it doesnt count as evidence.
Ask from any baloch, they are not ignorant of reality, like most of the members here are about security agencies, I think it is matter of national ego and ghairat and also because indian members are here. Indian security agencies did the same, in kashmir, on rather larger scale.
You mean documental evidence? Then no. ISI is a professional spy agency, they dont leave trace or evidence of their work. They do their job neat and clean. Usually FC picks up the individual, which is witnessed by many, then that person gets disappeared for ever or his tortured dead body is found some where...but yeah that is not an evidence. Families of victims also name ISI and FC but that doesnt matter. What opened my eyes regarding the matter, was when i heard it from my kiliwal who is in FC, few years ago. He said they are told to beat the **** out of any random baloch walker on the spot and that they pick up baloch men for agency...but i guess it doesnt count as evidence.
Ask from any baloch, they are not ignorant of reality, like most of the members here are about security agencies, I think it is matter of national ego and ghairat and also because indian members are here. Indian security agencies did the same, in kashmir, on rather larger scale.

You read too much tariq islamil sagar.
'Human right activists, media, politicians' you can believe in their baseless allegations.. not me.
I consider them part of the problem, only idiots/traitors trust them.
I rest my trust in people who have far more values and stake in Pakistan.. than these traitors, you mentioned.

You are talking in a tone of a fauji. Traitors or not, balochs are humans and muslims. Both humanity and islam are above nationality.

You read too much tariq islamil sagar.

nah i was fan of imran series...
So it is the stretagy of FC/army/ISI. Kidnap random baloch youngster, torture and kill him then put blame on non-existent BLA...
ISI has license to kill, they are above law. Their tactics though effective, are very brutal and inhuman......

Lol even the biggest troll on Bharat Rickshaw forum won't call BLA non existent. You need to work hard to make yourself more appreciative of the handiwork of your masters Bharat and Afghanistan.
Lol even the biggest troll on Bharat Rickshaw forum won't call BLA non existent. You need to work hard to make yourself more appreciative of the handiwork of your masters Bharat and Afghanistan.
Wow, so having an opinion different from the "Established"(read Establishment one) one can have you labelled as a RAW/KHAD agent. It exactly reminds me of the 1970-1971 epoch, when Bengalis were called Indian agents, and now Baloch/Pashtoons are being labelled Indian and Afghan agents.
Lol even the biggest troll on Bharat Rickshaw forum won't call BLA non existent. You need to work hard to make yourself more appreciative of the handiwork of your masters Bharat and Afghanistan.

I dont recognize existence of BLA for a simple reason: Baloch separatists/rebels deny any connection with it. The way they operates, smell of secret agency, either ISI or any foriegn secret agency which want to inflame balochistan crisis.
Wow, so having an opinion different from the "Established"(read Establishment one) one can have you labelled as a RAW/KHAD agent. It exactly reminds me of the 1970-1971 epoch, when Bengalis were called Indian agents, and now Baloch/Pashtoons are being labelled Indian and Afghan agents.

Acha it reminds you of that. Cool. Enjoy that feeling before you are banned from this forum. :)

I dont recognize existence of BLA for a simple reason: Baloch separatists/rebels deny any connection with it. The way they operates, smell of secret agency, either ISI or any foriegn secret agency which want to inflame balochistan crisis.

So you want the separatists living in Europe like London and Switzerland to come forward and accept that their "boys" are involved in killing labor and teachers in some part of Pakistan.

Good going simpleton.
Acha it reminds you of that. Cool. Enjoy that feeling before you are banned from this forum. :)
Banned for what ? Expressing my opinion ? Or not resorting to name-calling as you do ? Either way, the dirty war conducted by the FC, PakMil, IB, and ISI in Balochistan will come to haunt the Pakistani state just like the current wave of Frankensteins are coming home to roost in Karachi.
Banned for what ? Expressing my opinion ? Or not resorting to name-calling as you do ? Either way, the dirty war conducted by the FC, PakMil, IB, and ISI in Balochistan will come to haunt the Pakistani state just like the current wave of Frankensteins are coming home to roost in Karachi.

Yeah yeah. Keep your words of wisdom to yourself and get lost.
I guess then all Human right activists, media, politicians and many others of Pakistan are indian agents who speak against brutalities of FC/Army/ISI. There are some things which are above national interests, like humanity. As a human i can support actions of ISI, even if they are doing so in the name of national interest, patriotism , duty, safe gaurding waghaira waghaira.
Actually no country will blame because at one time or another everyone has done that to suppress such insurgencies.

As long Pakistan is important for strategic purpose, no one will let the Baluchistan issue to get more heat.

Countries don't have friends, just interests.
Acha it reminds you of that. Cool. Enjoy that feeling before you are banned from this forum. :)

So you want the separatists living in Europe like London and Switzerland to come forward and accept that their "boys" are involved in killing labor and teachers in some part of Pakistan.

Good going simpleton.

Those baloch leaders in foriegn countries are carrying out their separatist movement since 1947, they wouldnt make the mistake of tarnishing their movement by killing of innocent non-baloch civilians. Believe it or not, baloch nationalists are very sane minded compared to religous nuts. If baloch youth is indeed involved with BLA, then i am sure senior baloch leadership has no connection with them and that they are out of control. There are some baloch militants operating across province across security agencies like marris and bugtis, but they were never impressive like that BLA is. Tradionally Baloch engages in tribal warfare style, target killings was never their style. In previous uprisings they were defeated due to such reason. Balochs have some codes and principles, they wont commit such low and criminal acts in the name of nationalism. If they are doing so, then i have to assume that balochs have changed and have become fcked up people.
Those baloch leaders in foriegn countries are carrying out their separatist movement since 1947, they wouldnt make the mistake of tarnishing their movement by killing of innocent non-baloch civilians. Believe it or not, baloch nationalists are very sane minded compared to religous nuts. If baloch youth is indeed involved with BLA, then i am sure senior baloch leadership has no connection with them and that they are out of control. There are some baloch militants operating across province across security agencies like marris and bugtis, but they were never impressive like that BLA is. Tradionally Baloch engages in tribal warfare style, target killings was never their style. In previous uprisings they were defeated due to such reason. Balochs have some codes and principles, they wont commit such low and criminal acts in the name of nationalism. If they are doing so, then i have to assume that balochs have changed and have become fcked up people.

Come to Karachi and meet a few Baloch of Liyari. You might have no issues in accepting the fact that BLA is composed of some idiots of Baloch community after meeting those guys. No offense to Baloch in general. They are a nice people.

The thing is BLA is composed of Baloch, whether they are in control of their elders or not is another issue. Those living in Europe are related to these young unstable lot in one way or other. May be they are desperate. May be they know they can't beat military of Pakistan militarily hence they want to create maximum mayhem to raise the issue of Baluchistan globally. In any case nobody would deny that BLA exists and it is composed of some misguided Baloch.

Sometimes violence is required to make yourself heard by others. Yeah if Pakistan is on good terms with Uncle Sam then you would be declared terrorists in no time. But what if Pakistan isn't on good terms with Uncle. Your violence can help you too.
You mean documental evidence? Then no. ISI is a professional spy agency, they dont leave trace or evidence of their work. They do their job neat and clean. Usually FC picks up the individual, which is witnessed by many, then that person gets disappeared for ever or his tortured dead body is found some where...but yeah that is not an evidence. Families of victims also name ISI and FC but that doesnt matter. What opened my eyes regarding the matter, was when i heard it from my kiliwal who is in FC, few years ago. He said they are told to beat the **** out of any random baloch walker on the spot and that they pick up baloch men for agency...but i guess it doesnt count as evidence.
Ask from any baloch, they are not ignorant of reality, like most of the members here are about security agencies, I think it is matter of national ego and ghairat and also because indian members are here. Indian security agencies did the same, in kashmir, on rather larger scale.

You are talking reality and truth but you have failed to provide a single evidence to back your facts. Last year operation was conducted in lyari karachi, three men were caught supplying weapons and explosives to the killers, tell you what those 3 were on missing persn list in supreme court.....same thing was witnessed when these so called missing persons were caught from fata.
Though there were few innocent kidnappings but that can be regarded as colateral damage
Those baloch leaders in foriegn countries are carrying out their separatist movement since 1947, they wouldnt make the mistake of tarnishing their movement by killing of innocent non-baloch civilians. Believe it or not, baloch nationalists are very sane minded compared to religous nuts. If baloch youth is indeed involved with BLA, then i am sure senior baloch leadership has no connection with them and that they are out of control. There are some baloch militants operating across province across security agencies like marris and bugtis, but they were never impressive like that BLA is. Tradionally Baloch engages in tribal warfare style, target killings was never their style. In previous uprisings they were defeated due to such reason. Balochs have some codes and principles, they wont commit such low and criminal acts in the name of nationalism. If they are doing so, then i have to assume that balochs have changed and have become fcked up people.

No nation or society is free of crime and criminal eliments. Balochs also have criminals and general balochs like you and me dont appreciate them. I dont know how much importance negroid sheedi community of layari has in the matters of balochistan especially among suliemani balochs who always led baloch uprisings. The thing is when you work for greater cause like religion or freedom movement, you avoid criminal approach and dont include criminals.
Like any tribal nation Baloch people protests by guns and firing. Simple protests/demands of nawab abkar bugti by rocketing gas pipe lines turned into full baloch uprising because muscle-head faujis responded by use of force. Now baloch nationalism is on whole different level. Their past uprisings were simple tribal uprisings. Now baloch is speaking about treatment of qalat state, fate of nauroz khan, army operations, stealing of their natural resources, punjab and its dominance etc etc.
I believe that balochistan crisis can be solved once for all if only people of balochistan are given control over natural rescources of their province, with full autonomy.
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