You're a man, something God created in His own image, saying which is a pointer to the various aspects of your constitution. You could take a mental ride into the past, and somewhere in there you'd find a man giving somebody a tooth fewer, and yet you'd also find a man who could be extremely tender towards his wife and kids. That is exactly how we see God. We talk of His jamaal - beauty - and the jalaal - majesty. He is Extremely Merciful most of the time, and wrathful in his justice some of the time. And the first overshadows the second. If you can have a multi-faceted personality, why don't your thought-process make Lord-God less deserving of such?
Wherever there's the concept of God, I understand it is the leftover of the one He Himself made to be known to man through, as we believe, His appointed Messengers A.S.3, appointed to EVERY people, in ALL ages. ---------------------------(Arg. 1)
The Greek, Arab and Indian pantheons were ingenious political concepts that were able to unite people by allowing for any object-of-reverence. If you looked at all those tribes that had one such god represented, they'd ultimately be using that representation as 'wormholes' to a Higher Power, which wonder of wonders, cannot be materially represented! (I'm talking about Hindu and Arabic polytheists, it's been decades since I was made to study Greek mythology and it's all muddled up, but 2/3 might imply 3/3). Of the three, Hindu or Sanatan Dharmic theology is alive today, and if we scratched the surface, we find something in its basic very similar to Islam Or Judaism - Monotheism, life-after-death etc - and that buttresses my (Arg. 1). So, polytheism for at least these doctrines is but a screen over an implied monotheism!