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Reliance ADAG Ambitious Plans for Make In India


Jan 5, 2014
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Reliance ADAG Ambitious Plans for Make In India

Please find below the details about Anil Ambani led Reliance ADAG group plans for Indian Defense Sector under Make In India .

Its a plethora of information and very ambitious scope and implementation map







I got this presentation in mail for my office project about MII. Thought i should share this as its a beautiful and very elaborated planning.

@Abingdonboy @Capt.Popeye @MilSpec @Taygibay @nair @AUSTERLITZ @SpArK @mkb95 @Picdelamirand-oil @randomradio
@Blue Marlin @Stag112 @Nilgiri @IndoCarib @Star Wars @Levina @Parul @IndoUS @arp2041 @scorpionx @Echo_419 @danish_vij @Dandpatta @Water Car Engineer @acetophenol @SrNair @Sam.
@sathya @surya kiran @ni8mare @Ankit Kumar @ranjeet @magudi @anant_s @Taygibay @janon @Vauban @Sky lord @Koovie @sathya @surya kiran @sarjenprabhu @dadeechi @eyeswideshut @Skull and Bones @Hulk @ito @thesolar65 @anant_s @Ryuzaki @Skillrex @GURU DUTT @sachin10 @WAJsal @Icarus @Slav Defence @waz @Chinese-Dragon @vostok @scorpionx @Joe Shearer @jhungary @Penguin @Armani @BON PLAN @Khafee @Mentee @Robinhood Pandey @OverLoad @jamahir @Armstrong
Reliance ADAG Ambitious Plans for Make In India

Please find below the details about Anil Ambani led Reliance ADAG group plans for Indian Defense Sector under Make In India .

Its a plethora of information and very ambitious scope and implementation map







I got this presentation in mail for my office project about MII. Thought i should share this as its a beautiful and very elaborated planning.

@Abingdonboy @Capt.Popeye @MilSpec @Taygibay @nair @AUSTERLITZ @SpArK @mkb95 @Picdelamirand-oil @randomradio
@Blue Marlin @Stag112 @Nilgiri @IndoCarib @Star Wars @Levina @Parul @IndoUS @arp2041 @scorpionx @Echo_419 @danish_vij @Dandpatta @Water Car Engineer @acetophenol @SrNair @Sam.
@sathya @surya kiran @ni8mare @Ankit Kumar @ranjeet @magudi @anant_s @Taygibay @janon @Vauban @Sky lord @Koovie @sathya @surya kiran @sarjenprabhu @dadeechi @eyeswideshut @Skull and Bones @Hulk @ito @thesolar65 @anant_s @Ryuzaki @Skillrex @GURU DUTT @sachin10 @WAJsal @Icarus @Slav Defence @waz @Chinese-Dragon @vostok @scorpionx @Joe Shearer @jhungary @Penguin @Armani @BON PLAN @Khafee @Mentee @Robinhood Pandey @OverLoad @jamahir @Armstrong
Now the GoI has intiated a structured "Make in India" policy and has institutionalised this policy with a dedicated wing looking after it and a new DPP to be implemented in a few weeks (April 2 2016) emphashising heavily on MII, these powerhouses (TATA, Mahindra, L&T and Reliance) with vast capital are taking the Indian defence industry to a different level.


@kbd-raaf @Roybot @Bombaywalla @janon @skyisthelimit @noksss @SrNair @patentneer @Dandpatta
Oh Dear!

I don't mean to be a damp squib but wait that's exactly what I am going to do.

I have sat through hundreds of ADAG presentations and one can smell the stink of BS on the other side of the town.

Dear MoD if you have even an iota of patriotism and sense of responsibility you will use an industrial strength file shredder so that not even the meta data is left on the govt computers.

Common Parikrama! I hope you do know what's the status of ADAG financially? They have been for the past few years one of biggest wealth destroyers among Indian Corporates. There have neither the equity nor the brains to back some thing like this in the whole group. In any case I have concrete information that wheels are in motion to tighten the screws - which means moratorium on new funding. They can't call of the old loans because then the whole thing will come down like the house of cards but no new loans to Anil Ambani

Why not rope in the bigger brother? He may as corrupt any of the other sethjis but atleast he gets things done
Good, but the small brother is also neck deep in loans. Making defense equipment means, you have to have passion to make the equipment work to world level, chances of loss is more owing to stiff competition, willing to put more money into R&D, lobbying etc.
Problem is not the plan and initiation. Its the habit of both brothers to take their neck out when they sense loss citing some excuse or not achieving key milestones n blaming it on babudom. Anil did same thing on some infra projects.

Plus he is neck deep in loans. If he goes busts a lot of bust for India too.
Good, but the small brother is also neck deep in loans. Making defense equipment means, you have to have passion to make the equipment work to world level, chances of loss is more owing to stiff competition, willing to put more money into R&D, lobbying etc.
Exactly, its is a investment for the long run, say for the next 30years or so.

Presentation elaborates well about the opportunities arising in the defence sector which is very true. But the question is how are they going to capitalize on that. No doubt reliance have been good in refining petroleum or building ships but those are with borrowed technology. They will be held hostage to their foreign partners just like indian govt is. One of the slides (Reliance propulsion) mentions cryogenic technology! Well I would give them 4 or 5years where they either make or break.

Well I wish them well to become lockheed martin of india.

@PARIKRAMA thx for sharing the slide, by the way did you miss the "confidential" thing at the bottom of the slide.:azn:
Oh Dear!

I don't mean to be a damp squib but wait that's exactly what I am going to do.

I have sat through hundreds of ADAG presentations and one can smell the stink of BS on the other side of the town.

Dear MoD if you have even an iota of patriotism and sense of responsibility you will use an industrial strength file shredder so that not even the meta data is left on the govt computers.

Common Parikrama! I hope you do know what's the status of ADAG financially? They have been for the past few years one of biggest wealth destroyers among Indian Corporates. There have neither the equity nor the brains to back some thing like this in the whole group. In any case I have concrete information that wheels are in motion to tighten the screws - which means moratorium on new funding. They can't call of the old loans because then the whole thing will come down like the house of cards but no new loans to Anil Ambani

Why not rope in the bigger brother? He may as corrupt any of the other sethjis but atleast he gets things done

True financially the position is not that great for ADAG.. Well the idea here is to showcase whats there for all and how ambitious plans are being mooted.. Not saying all will work out but then again this sector pvt company participation was somewhat limited. At least big names now are coming ..

The bigger brother is also doing his bit but more subtly.. He got first Dr Vivek Lal who left for General Atomix.. Bigger brother still wants a falcon jet line and is trying hard for rafale too..Interestingly ADAG has not declared intentions for Dassault making it clear its bigger brother who will handle that pie perhaps

Exactly, its is a investment for the long run, say for the next 30years or so.

Presentation elaborates well about the opportunities arising in the defence sector which is very true. But the question is how are they going to capitalize on that. No doubt reliance have been good in refining petroleum or building ships but those are with borrowed technology. They will be held hostage to their foreign partners just like indian govt is. One of the slides (Reliance propulsion) mentions cryogenic technology! Well I would give them 4 or 5years where they either make or break.

Well I wish them well to become lockheed martin of india.

@PARIKRAMA thx for sharing the slide, by the way did you miss the "confidential" thing at the bottom of the slide.:azn:

I saw that.. Infact initially i posted just 2 of the slides in Rafale Sticky for some data purpose but then i posted multiple slides . @Abingdonboy suggested that i should share this with all as its a showcases MII potential and how bigger players are gearing up for that.
True financially the position is not that great for ADAG.. Well the idea here is to showcase whats there for all and how ambitious plans are being mooted.. Not saying all will work out but then again this sector pvt company participation was somewhat limited. At least big names now are coming ..

The bigger brother is also doing his bit but more subtly.. He got first Dr Vivek Lal who left for General Atomix.. Bigger brother still wants a falcon jet line and is trying hard for rafale too..Interestingly ADAG has not declared intentions for Dassault making it clear its bigger brother who will handle that pie perhaps

I saw that.. Infact initially i posted just 2 of the slides in Rafale Sticky for some data purpose but then i posted multiple slides . @Abingdonboy suggested that i should share this with all as its a showcases MII potential and how bigger players are gearing up for that.

It showcases nothing but the lingering ill-effects of crony capitalism - most of the cronies are in trouble - and the utter bankruptcy of believing that business success can be handed over to the next generation. No more true than political success can.

These claims and these plans are simply hogwash. While these colourful misrepresentations were being prepared, others - specifically, private sector players - have quietly been doing very effective work for decades. That these efforts are not publicised is quite all right.
It showcases nothing but the lingering ill-effects of crony capitalism - most of the cronies are in trouble - and the utter bankruptcy of believing that business success can be handed over to the next generation. No more true than political success can.

These claims and these plans are simply hogwash. While these colourful misrepresentations were being prepared, others - specifically, private sector players - have quietly been doing very effective work for decades. That these efforts are not publicised is quite all right.

Where r you been these days ? Heard the rumour that you have Retired ????
Where r you been these days ? Heard the rumour that you have Retired ????


It is important for me to concentrate on my academic work, and other matters, and I have restricted myself only to serious considerations of strategic, international, historical, sociological and constitutional nature. I hope I can keep to that self-discipline.
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