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Release of book containing Iranian nuclear archive by Israel in 10 days


Oct 5, 2016
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of

I think the contents about to be realized in the next 2 weeks will be absolutely earth shattering.

Possibility of Iranian nuclear stockpile is revealed or a very short term latent nuclear capability has already been developed. We’ve heard of some of these implosion device tests being done in Marivan in 2003.

It may become known that Iran has run secretive parallel programs under the leadership of the IRGC. Details will come soon, I think it’s worth opening up a whole thread about this as information comes out and can be shared here. Mohsen Rezaei has also recently confirmed that the archive is real and stolen

Book in question.
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If anyone is interested, thier is a ISIS-ONLINE report about these implosion tests done in the early 2000s.

Many in the intelligence community in the west including the IAEA were absolutely fooled. The location of the facility was in Abadeh, but it was named "Marivan" which is a small town in Iranian Kurdistan

The only reason this is even known, is from the nuclear archives.

Question always goes back to where would the ore come from as the known sources are closely monitored.
It is very possible that there might be a secret mine discovered by the irgc but it is highly unlikely that this could stay secret with so many leaks every where.
Question always goes back to where would the ore come from as the known sources are closely monitored.
It is very possible that there might be a secret mine discovered by the irgc but it is highly unlikely that this could stay secret with so many leaks every where.
The majority of these activities happened in 1990s until 2003, prior to Iran's nuclear case becoming one of the world's best-known international issues.

Most probably, this book will contain nothing new that hasn't been released already. The timing of releasing it is suspicious though. Probably Israel feels afraid of the recent developments in the region, particularly Saudi Arabia and Iran trying to mend their ties. The existence of Israel in the Middle East relies on chaos and discord among regional powers.
Question always goes back to where would the ore come from as the known sources are closely monitored.
It is very possible that there might be a secret mine discovered by the irgc but it is highly unlikely that this could stay secret with so many leaks every where.

Prior to the theft of the nuclear archive, Gchine uranium mine was completely unknown during a military usage before being "converted" to civilian use and made known. Only "military" amounts of uranium was mined, not tons of uranium ore that would've been justified for civilian usage.


Clandestine nuclear fuel cycle is possible, and the uranium ore from this mine could've been stored somewhere unknown. Difficult to say, was it lumped in with the known stockpile or part of a clandestine stockpile?

Only "military" amounts of uranium was mined, not tons of uranium ore that would've been justified for civilian usage.
The "military" amount of natural uranium needed for a bomb is at least 2.7 tonnes, assuming a critical mass of 15 kilograms for U-235, which can be achieved by a heavy-metal tamper that reflects neutrons and prevents them from escaping the chain reaction.
They will pack it with 1% lies and the rest of 99% content is just a clandestine to make that that 1% believable.

I think the contents about to be realized in the next 2 weeks will be absolutely earth shattering.

Possibility of Iranian nuclear stockpile is revealed or a very short term latent nuclear capability has already been developed. We’ve heard of some of these implosion device tests being done in Marivan in 2003.

It may become known that Iran has run secretive parallel programs under the leadership of the IRGC. Details will come soon, I think it’s worth opening up a whole thread about this as information comes out and can be shared here. Mohsen Rezaei has also recently confirmed that the archive is real and stolen

Book in question.
Yes just like the revelations that WMD's were in Iraq
The majority of these activities happened in 1990s until 2003, prior to Iran's nuclear case becoming one of the world's best-known international issues.
I am not sure but if correct This book will cover activities from 2010 till now and European intelligence on are they related material which prove that nuclear activities is more active the active then ever but much much more covert,

This is to making sure that Vina talks is derailed
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They will pack it with 1% lies and the rest of 99% content is just a clandestine to make that that 1% believable.
Well after the theft of th archive iran must have published its content and prevented such moves
Well after the theft of th archive iran must have published its content and prevented such moves
LOL. So, you're basically saying that Iran should've admitted to things that it wanted to keep secret. 🤪 At least now we can deny what they say and claim they're baseless and the burden of proof will be on them, instead of acknowledging everything on our own.
This is why I never trust reformists. 😋
LOL. So, you're basically saying that Iran should've admitted to things that it wanted to keep secret. 🤪 At least now we can deny what they say and claim they're baseless and the burden of proof will be on them, instead of acknowledging everything on our own.
This is why I never trust reformists. 😋
There is nothing to be acknowledged, the fact that they publish these files in a fairy-tale book instead of bringing to UNSC proves that even Israelis don't believe their own allegations.
LOL. So, you're basically saying that Iran should've admitted to things that it wanted to keep secret. 🤪 At least now we can deny what they say and claim they're baseless and the burden of proof will be on them, instead of acknowledging everything on our own.
This is why I never trust reformists. 😋
@Arian ..Do U think the theft of the info by Israel was an intentional act by Iran to let the enemy know what they have so no miscalculation can happen on their side...
PS: @yavar ....the same question to you my friend.

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