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Red carpet rolled out as PM Hasina reaches New Delhi

It is just because of Pakistan she got red carpet.. India is looking upto even Armenia.
Your comments say that India is using its diplomatic skills to improve its position in the world. How about Pakistan, what diplomatic skills it is showing? Think of the lecture in the UN assembly. India won without firing a shot and Pakistan lost credibility when your PM uttered Dhamki. Learn humility and then diplomacy.
The word is Rak-khel. You have to spell it properly...

Gharka murgi daal barabar....

Jokes aside - this type of red carpet protocol is so 1980's.....who cares??

Bangladeshi per capita GDP is set to exceed India's at some point, both countries are on almost equally strong economic footing. We are a practical bunch.

At the end of the day, trade and jobs for people are what matter. Not atum bum, missile launches/space missions, 24 gun salute and military parades to enthrall burbaks/ahammuks.

Your not wrong, but I just dont understand all the "Bangal-Hindustan bhai bhai" talk when this is how they regard you
Your comments say that India is using its diplomatic skills to improve its position in the world. How about Pakistan, what diplomatic skills it is showing? Think of the lecture in the UN assembly. India won without firing a shot and Pakistan lost credibility when your PM uttered Dhamki. Learn humility and then diplomacy.
India has already had ground plus support due to be a big market and supporting lobbies bcz to check China, being largest democracy, to be isreal sympathizer etc
But my point was, BD cannt be created separately if Pakistan was not created.. even now bcz of Indian ant-pakistan sstance, Sheikh hasina is getting red carpet.. it may not be the sole reason and diplomacy can be aggressive to..
India has already had ground plus support due to be a big market and supporting lobbies bcz to check China, being largest democracy, to be isreal sympathizer etc
But my point was, BD cannt be created separately if Pakistan was not created.. even now bcz of Indian anti-pakistan stance, Sheikh hasina is getting red carpet.. it may not be the sole reason and diplomacy can be aggressive to..
Note also that Pakistan (east & west) could not be created without the contribution of the Muslims of Bengal. So, it is rather that if we did not work for Pakistan it would not have been created. Read also Lahore Resolution. It says of two Muslim States in the NW and NE of British India.

Red carpet reception depends upon the cordiality between the two countries. As Bd economy is enlarging it will cause more export from India. So, it is obvious that India will give a Red Carpet Reception to BD PM. For India, we are a very important country economic and geopolitics ways.


But my point was, BD cannt be created separately if Pakistan was not created.. even now bcz of Indian ant-pakistan sstance, Sheikh hasina is getting red carpet.. it may not be the sole reason and diplomacy can be aggressive to..
It is rather present Pakistan would not be created without contribution by the Muslims of Bengal.

About Red Carpet Reception, please see the picture above. It is in Saudi Arabia that our PM received a Red Carpet Reception, too. It is all because we have broken away from the shackles of dirt-poverty created during Pakistan time and is becoming an important well-to-do country.

We get respect from others because our politicians are not war-mongers as many in the west of India. Macho culture without poison teeth is valueless. Ask you PM why he had to abide by the dictate of your warmonger generals in his UN speech.
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It is rather present Pakistan would not be created without contribution by the Muslims of Bengal.
For sure the movement started there.. but nothing happened since 1906 till 1935. Plus it was birtish weakness which is the main reason.But my point was, East Bengal own its own couldn't create a separate country but west Pakistan could.
Red carpet reception depends upon the cordiality between the two countries. As Bd economy is enlarging it will cause more export from India. So, it is obvious that India will give a Red Carpet Reception to BD PM. For India, we are a very important country economic and geopolitics ways.
I know. I just stated that, now Delhi will go overboard in welcoming anyway to give red carpet, pacts, statements etc as they need BD to talk about 71 to malign Pakistan as Pak is keeping Modi on its edge.
Your not wrong, but I just dont understand all the "Bangal-Hindustan bhai bhai" talk when this is how they regard you

There is no bhai bhai talk anywhere, this is all propaganda. The reason this propaganda is so effective is the sheer volume of money that has been invested to indoctrinate the uneducated and less clue-full cadres. AL keeps plenty of percentage from govt. contracts and by extorting business folks - some of it is used to drive this propaganda.

It is not that AL is that India-friendly, but they need (and aim) to be Pakistan unfriendly. The narrative is that Pakistan was behind the killing of her father and whole family, and while that event may have been tragic, that vendetta has now been brought into the national stage, trumpeted back and forth for the exclusive alibi of keeping Hasina Gaddi-Nashin, which a lot of folks do not agree with.

Going back to that time prior to that horrific event in the mid 70s, I heard from my elders that the financial irregularities and mixing of personal and state agendas had reached such a level (crores wasted on personal property while the poor lay dying and banks looted at gunpoint by Sheikh Jamal and Sheikh Kamal, Mujib's two boys) that it became unbearable to even the most sane and reasonable neutral observer.

There was talk from the family itself of forming a Mujib dynasty - which was the reason for the killing of the whole family by the disgruntled army commanders. It mirrored the events in India at that time with the killing of Indira Gandhi and her family dynasty in different ways, though in a different manner.

It was sad to see that even after a horrific event like this, there was no reaction or protest from the general populace, which explained a lot of things. Things have a way of correcting themselves in South Asian leadership no matter how egregious they become. No doubt Hasina and Son have kept that in mind and placated the armed forces well, giving them a hefty share of the loot, so they keep quiet.

Hasina's Sister and niece are also active in AL, though in a much more understated manner nowadays.
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There is no bhai bhai talk anywhere, this is all propaganda. The reason this propaganda is so effective is the sheer volume of money that has been invested to indoctrinate the uneducated and less clue-full cadres. AL keeps plenty of percentage from govt. contracts and by extorting business folks - some of it is used to drive this propaganda.

It is not that AL is that India-friendly, but they need (and aim) to be Pakistan unfriendly. The narrative is that Pakistan was behind the killing of her father and whole family, and while that event may have been tragic, that vendetta has now been brought into the national stage, trumpeted back and forth for the exclusive alibi of keeping Hasina Gaddi-Nashin, which a lot of folks do not agree with.

Going back to that time prior to that horrific event in the mid 70s, I heard from my elders that the financial irregularities and mixing of personal and state agendas had reached such a level (crores wasted on personal property while the poor lay dying and banks looted at gunpoint by Sheikh Jamal and Sheikh Kamal, Mujib's two boys) that it became unbearable to even the most sane and reasonable neutral observer.

There was talk from the family itself of forming a Mujib dynasty - which was the reason for the killing of the whole family by the disgruntled army commanders. It mirrored the events in India at that time with the killing of Indira Gandhi and her family dynasty in different ways, though in a different manner.

It was sad to see that even after a horrific event like this, there was no reaction or protest from the general populace, which explained a lot of things. Things have a way of correcting themselves in South Asian leadership no matter how egregious they become. No doubt Hasina and Son have kept that in mind and placated the armed forces well, giving them a hefty share of the loot, so they keep quiet.

Hasina's Sister and niece are also active in AL, though in a much more understated manner nowadays.

I dont understand why Bangladeshis put up with it, none of the immigrants I met in Pakistan and the UK have ever been anti-Pak or Pro-India for that matter, so where does SH get all her support from?

How can people OK with spending taxpayer money on making bollywood movies, imprisoning the opposition, or scrubbing the name of Pakistan throughout the land, when there are clearly more important priorities that need to be addressed.
Not all of us brother. I want Bangladeshis to prosper and call some of your countrymen my friends. I don't like watching them eat or the way they forget their wallets on evenings out, but I still want them to do well

I have to disagree bro, I think Indians and Pakistanis take the lead when it comes to stinginess lol

Not all of us brother. I want Bangladeshis to prosper and call some of your countrymen my friends. I don't like watching them eat or the way they forget their wallets on evenings out, but I still want them to do well

Not here for appeasement, but any sane Bangladeshi would tell you a stronger Pakistan is a good deal for us. Yesterday I met two people, one was from West Bengal, both of them were 19 years old and students, they support BJP. When I told them that surely the track record of Modi is questionable, they agreed but said that he has done more for the internal affairs of the country. Pretty sh-t don't you think that a murderous individual can be redeemed just because he done some developments..
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