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Reconstruction of Karakoram Highway will be done at the end of 2013


Sep 15, 2007
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In May 13th, in the north of Pakistan honza area Karakoram Highway, a truck traveling on the newly fixed road. By the end of 2006, due to the road fell into disrepair, China and Pakistan determined to undertake the Karakoram Highway Road extension construction. In 2008 February, the China Luqiao Engineering Co., Ltd. who is responsible for the implementation of the Karakoram Highway Expansion Project officially started to work, which now is expected to be completed at the end of 2013.


According to the China Luqiao Engineering Co., Ltd. incomplete statistics, in 5 years of construction period, the Karakoram Highway Reconstruction Project has created nearly 10000 jobs for workers in Pakistan. The Karakoram Highway also known as the Karakoram highway, form east China's Xinjiang Kashi, across the Karakorum, Hindu Kush and Himalaya three big mountains, through the China-Pakistan border Khunjerab pass, to the town in northern Pakistan, a total length of 1224 km, across the board, with an altitude of 600 meters to 4700 meters. During the time from 1968 to 1978, Chinese builders built north of the border the Khunjerab pass, South to thakot bridge, a total length of 613 kilometers road.




Get Close to Staff Members Who Are Responsible for Reconstruction of Karakoram Highway, A Friendship Road Connecting Pakistan to China

In February, the reconstruction and extension project of Karakoram Highway carried out by CRBC was launched. Compared with domestic projects, the project in Pakistani mountainous area is obviously more difficult. Chen Haipeng who is in charge of the whole section said to us, “The difficulties are more than you can imagine. Firstly, the overall length of the project is 332 kilometers. There are various geological disasters such as mudslide, rockfall, snowslide, collapse and frozen soil, which have posed a big threat to the construction as well as the safety of workers. I can give you a simple example, snowslide happens every year in a place two kilometers from our camp. So it costs us lots of energy and labor to clear up the snowslide.”

According to the schedule, the reconstruction and extension of Karakoram Highway will be finished in August, 2012. However, the barrier lake caused by landslide at the beginning of 2010 becomes the biggest difficulty confronting the project at present. According to Chen, “The project consists of A, B, C and D sections. The barrier lake is located at the middle place of C section. As it cuts out the transportation between the upper and lower reaches, the materials needed in the upper reaches should be transported from China. That is very troublesome and costs a lot of time. What’s more, because of the high cost caused by long-distance transportation, it can be said, the original cost price is doubled.”

The hardships in work can be overcome. But as time passes by, the homesickness that occurs to employees of CRBC in Pakistan cannot be neglected. General Manager Assistant Li Guosheng who is responsible for production safety told me about one dialogue between him and his son. He said although his son was very young, he was very supportive. “Once I asked my son if he was dissatisfied with my long stay abroad. He said he was supportive of my decision. He was a little crafty. But in fact, I knew he hoped his father could keep him company and check his homework as usual. But he knew even though he didn’t want me to work abroad for so long, he could not stop me. Because he knew I had made my decision.”
If busy work and friends around could relieve homesickness, the 50-year old Wang Lijun was the friend of loneliness. The barrier lake separates the camp in D section from the outside world and people can only reach there by taking a speedboat. But Wang Lijun has been here for a year and a half. He didn’t seem depressed when talking about his life there. “Loneliness is nothing to me. I have got used to it. It is warm now. I can either take a walk or sing a song. Sometimes I stroll dozens of times in the yard. ”

It seems that Wang Lijun will continue to stay there for quite a long time. When mentioning his understanding about the work, he said that a sense of honor was supporting him. “That is a sense of honor. When I become old, I can tell the story of my work to my kids and I will feel proud of myself. Just as when we first came here, the older generation told us their stories in building Karakoram Highway. They felt proud when they talked about this.”

During our interview, almost each employee of CRBC said it was the born friendship with Pakistan that made them have deep feelings toward this China-Pakistan Friendship Road. Wang Hongming is 27 years old. As a member of the so-called Post-80s, he came here immediately after his graduation, and this is the third year he has been here. From him we can see that the friendship has been passed down to the younger generation. “If I have an opportunity to make a choice, I would like to choose this highway. When this road was introduced, I knew Chinese began to build this road in the 1960s and 1970s. And when I came here, I felt the Pakistanis are very friendly to us and there were strong ties of friendship between China and Pakistan. When the road is completed and I’ve got a chance to bring my parents here to walk on this road I have partly constructed, I think I will feel proud.”
Here is a good vid about travelling on the Karakoram Highway made by Stef Hoffer in 2011:

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Well done.
It's the key road to connect with both China and Pakistan, nexttime u can directly drive the car to China(XinJiang) or to PaKistan, at the same time a strategy road from China(XinJiang) direct to the Karachi and Gwadar ports, the oils & military supports all will running on it.
Good for China and Pakistan !


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