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Reason why remittance not coming in pakistan as before.

I bought a Plot in Gwadar during OK eta as I thought Gwadar will be a big city soon.
Now all the monkey business in government and Baloch protests in Gwadar made me wary and I am selling it at a loss. But happy because I don't want to lose all my money.
Gwadar is another Karachi in the making. No zoning laws. No planning. Right by the sea but no drinking water.



At this point one can't help but remember Zelensky

The local store I shop at used to get clothes and bedding from Pakistan
even that has stopped since 6 months. Now they get them from
Bangladesh, India and other far east countries.

The Establishment will not learn a lesson until the people come out
Sri Lanka Style. The Americans and Establishment have decided to
make Bilawal the next PM of Pakistan.
The local store I shop at used to get clothes and bedding from Pakistan
even that has stopped since 6 months. Now they get them from
Bangladesh, India and other far east countries.

The Establishment will not learn a lesson until the people come out
Sri Lanka Style. The Americans and Establishment have decided to
make Bilawal the next PM of Pakistan.

2023-2028 = PMLN
2028-2033 = PPP

Musical chairs. But there will be hiccups along the way. Few VoNC, RCO.
Frankly this seems fairly ineffective strategy. Most of these kind of remittances are done through investment in businesses and direct transactions to family members. Not investing in the companies hurts the development of civil society further exacerbating the issues which allow PDM to flourish.
PTI FANs think that overseas Pakistanis will stop visiting and sending their money to their families because imran is no longer PM. and will stop buying properties and cancel all their businesses even if it causes a loss to them because that's what PTI wants.

self delusion has no limit.

2023-2028 = PMLN
2028-2033 = PPP

Musical chairs. But there will be hiccups along the way. Few VoNC, RCO.

The Americans have gave the orders to GHQ and Inter Sexual Intelligence,
Bilawal has done about 8 trips to America.

They will get similar package to Kerry-Lugar bill they gave to Zardari but at
what cost. The Army will have to fight the Taliban and drone strikes will
make a come back.

PTI FANs think that overseas Pakistanis will stop visiting and sending their money to their families because imran is no longer PM. and will stop buying properties and cancel all their businesses even if it causes a loss to them because that's what PTI wants.

self delusion has no limit.

Its not just PTI fans, even the Saudi's, Chinese and Turks refused to give
this Government money.
Gwadar is another Karachi in the making. No zoning laws. No planning. Right by the sea but no drinking water.



At this point one can't help but remember Zelensky


Imagine no drinking water and that in a country, which isn’t capable to handle its load shedding since 20 years add to this the miserable law and order situation. There is no reason to invest in Gwadar.
besides youthiapa propagated the real issue is there is almost 15 % difference in open market and central bank rates thats why people are not sending remittances via banks , if one is overseas, he will simply carry cash or call a friend / family and offer them an exchange

besides youthiapa propagated the real issue is there is almost 15 % difference in open market and central bank rates thats why people are not sending remittances via banks , if one is overseas, he will simply carry cash or call a friend / family and offer them an exchange
and who should be blamed for this exchange rate ? mia khalifa or sunyn leone ?????????
Core Commanders mentality is destroying Pakistan. They command everything in Pakistan as if they're the most successful humans in Pakistan. The fact is they are only performing on the chair of an institution because of blind obedience of juniors and such a hierarchy doesn't exist outside military. Welcome to reality.

Pakistan needs real leader who knows how to lead hearts and minds of a Pakistani, and the ONLY leader that has this capacity is Imran Khan.
I pulled out every penny I had in my Pakistani accounts as foreign currency (USD) within days of IK's removal. After that, I never sent a penny as remittance and have paid off family members in Pakistan from my other local PKR bank account. I will keep on doing it until I have no other option.

and who should be blamed for this exchange rate ? mia khalifa or sunyn leone ?????????

Haha. Rondu BC. Mang ja k vote ab rota q hai?

I pulled out every penny I had in my Pakistani accounts as foreign currency (USD) within days of IK's removal. After that, I never sent a penny as remittance and have paid off family members in Pakistan from my other local PKR bank account. I will keep on doing it until I have no other option.
I'm moving what remains of my PKR cash holdings into USD and shipping it off to another country lmao.
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It's a step in the right direction. No need to send money if you can't give them the right to vote, throw an elected PM out like a soiled tissue and impose haramis at the helm.
My brother use to send money to Pakistan, I asked him to stop. No need to send any to Pakistan while we have traitors and their handlers looting and plundering the national exchequer.
He is no IK or PTI fan but even he knows that khan was a thousand time better then what we have here.
Its best time for Khan to announce the date of new long march , this time make sure the complete closure of the main highways, motorways, airports ,railway tracks , inside Punjab and KPK, also openly request the overseas Pakistanis to stop sending any remittances to Pakistani until the next order .
These morons and their handlers are now planning to permanently disqualify him , and there are no elections in their new plan even after October 23
It's not even about Imran Khan and PTI - it's about the crooks who replaced him.

Why would I risk my hard earned money in the hands of thieves. Today I build a factory, tomorrow politically backed qabza groups take over ownership. What am I going to do? Go to paid off judges?

Under IK and PTI people faced the same risks but had hope of a govt receptive to your complaints. When I know all theft is being kicked up to Zardari and Sharif so they get a taste too - who can I turn too? Nobody.

This post should be put up in lights. Its not about PTI at all, its about the crooks in power now. Who would seriously want to invest their hard earned cash in the current set up of 13 odd loose parties created not for the betterment of the country but to take down another party. This is dirty politics, any sane investor will stay away until things stabilise and there is certainty. Of course people will send remittance to families many overseas Pakistani's support their families this way, what will really hurt the country is the investment across different areas like business, finance, education, technology. This will have longer term effects unfortunately if not resolved soon.

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