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Reason why PAF forced US to remove US/NATO ID from new PAK F16


May 21, 2006
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This news has the true reason IMO. What you think ?

he Hamas regime acquired U.S.-origin air defense systems but was unable to use them in combat.
Hamas sources said the Islamic military has acquired the Stinger man-portable air defense system. The sources said the Stingers were acquired from smugglers in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula in 2008 and deployed in the 22-day war against Israel in January 2009.

"We were disappointed by them, and they were found to have been useless," a Hamas source said.

The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.
"Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'"

Industry sources said Raytheon, producer of Stinger, installed identification friend/foe capabilities more than a decade ago. The sources said this would prevent Stinger from being fired against any aircraft used by the U.S. military.

Another Hamas source said gunners deployed Stinger along with heavy machine guns in attacks on Israeli helicopters during the war in the Gaza Strip. The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

"The Stinger was drawn by the heat of our guns rather than the engines of the Israeli helicopters," the source said. "At that point, we stopped using this weapon."

The sources said Hamas has abandoned plans to acquire additional Stingers. Instead, the Islamic army has been ordering the Russian-origin SA-16, or Igla-1, surface-to-air missile system, with a range of five kilometers.
Hamas couldn't fire smuggled Stingers against Israelis due to embedded ID system
This news has the true reason IMO. What you think ?

he Hamas regime acquired U.S.-origin air defense systems but was unable to use them in combat.
Hamas sources said the Islamic military has acquired the Stinger man-portable air defense system. The sources said the Stingers were acquired from smugglers in Egypt's Sinai Peninsula in 2008 and deployed in the 22-day war against Israel in January 2009.

"We were disappointed by them, and they were found to have been useless," a Hamas source said.

The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.
"Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'"

Industry sources said Raytheon, producer of Stinger, installed identification friend/foe capabilities more than a decade ago. The sources said this would prevent Stinger from being fired against any aircraft used by the U.S. military.

Another Hamas source said gunners deployed Stinger along with heavy machine guns in attacks on Israeli helicopters during the war in the Gaza Strip. The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

"The Stinger was drawn by the heat of our guns rather than the engines of the Israeli helicopters," the source said. "At that point, we stopped using this weapon."

The sources said Hamas has abandoned plans to acquire additional Stingers. Instead, the Islamic army has been ordering the Russian-origin SA-16, or Igla-1, surface-to-air missile system, with a range of five kilometers.
Hamas couldn't fire smuggled Stingers against Israelis due to embedded ID system

Haider - where is the PAF reference?:coffee:
I don't have the news with me, need to dig out. But Pak F16 deal was delayed,because of above reason. PAF never want to have IFF/ID system installed in F16,but on the hand US wanted. But at the end I think but I am not sure PAF won. But for sure that was the reason of delay in deal. Main threat was any Isreal attack on Pak nuke facilities or Indian acquisition of American plane in future. But " yes" NATO planes threat persist anyway.
Actually IFF systems are fairly complex. To"customize" this for the PAF, would cost a sizable chunk of change. The number of planes Pakistan is ordering is not many planes, and the unit cost of modifying it for Pakistan would high. PAF was not prepared to pay this cost. This is why the issue died a natural death. Here is a link on how these systems work.

IFF Questions & Answers

Basically, what PAF wanted was to be able to discriminate between a friendly P3-Orion ( USA) vs a Mirage 2000 (NATO), vs a Mirage III vs a Jaguar (UK), vs a possible F-18. See where I am going with this?

The title of the thread is wrong... PAF did not force the US to do anything..
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Oh those Hamas idiots---ROFL---if they had only gone to missile defence school---the first thing they would have learnt was friend or foe---someone qualified in extremely high tech electronics could have modified the launchers to do the job.

Oh those Hamas idiots---ROFL---if they had only gone to missile defence school---the first thing they would have learnt was friend or foe---someone qualified in extremely high tech electronics could have modified the launchers to do the job.

Sir even browsing the net would have given them information of IFF systems installed on all american systems.
That Hamas thing is possible, since both Stingers and Israeli aircraft are American made, they follow a mutually compatiable protocol of radio sigs.
The source said Hamas smuggled four Stinger systems in 2008. The source said the Hamas military deployed the Stingers against Israel Air Force AH-64 Apache attack helicopters during strike missions in the northern Gaza Strip.
"Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'"

This could be true.

Another Hamas source said gunners deployed Stinger along with heavy machine guns in attacks on Israeli helicopters during the war in the Gaza Strip. The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

But this is most certainly false. Not only is it contradictory against what was said in the first quoted paragraph but this is basically impossible unless they shot the missile right past the gunners who were on a hilltop a fair distance away from the person who fired the stinger.

Sounds like one of those urban legends designed to discredit a group.

Besides, why would Hamas have American stingers. Who would supply them and why wouldn't it be 20 times more likely that they would have Russian made Strelas instead (which in fact, have the ability to disable IFF).
yes this may well be the case!

i also heared about the iraqies not able to use there SAM systems against the US as the frence have given US the codes for the SAMz and they were all jammed.

the PAF may also be concerned for the same reasons and would want the planes to be completely refreshed not having any signs of the old sofware system that may be cracked!!
but the question is that was this demand met!!

have the US agreed to do so!

any info?
"Our gunners couldn't fire the weapon," the source recalled. "A notice came up on the display saying 'friendly aircraft.'"


The source said one Stinger surface-to-air missile was launched, but the projectile veered off course and struck a Hamas gunner squad.

"The Stinger was drawn by the heat of our guns rather than the engines of the Israeli helicopters," the source said. "At that point, we stopped using this weapon."

HAHA....ths just keeps getting better :P..........

Oh those Hamas idiots---ROFL---if they had only gone to missile defence school---the first thing they would have learnt was friend or foe---someone qualified in extremely high tech electronics could have modified the launchers to do the job.

hmm going to missile defence school requires some sort of infrastructure, and where do you find this in poverty stricken refugee camps in the world's largest prison? :crazy:
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