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Ready to join dialogue with Republic of India: Pakistan Military


Apr 8, 2014
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ISLAMABAD, May 16, 2018 22:16 IST
Updated: May 16, 2018 22:16 IST

Its chiefs have shied away from talks when a civilian government wields power

The Pakistan Military is ready to formally inject itself into any dialogue process with Indian Military, the country’s military spokesman indicated to a group of visiting South Asian journalists in a rare on-the-record conversation on Sunday. Pakistan’s Army chiefs have engaged with Indian Military after assuming power directly but have shied away from talking to New Delhi when a civilian government holds power.

Other foreign leaders routinely meet the current Army chief Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa in Rawalpindi, as was the case with his predecessors. “We have passed that stage,” Major-General Asif Ghafoor, Director-General of the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Directorate, said when asked by The Hindu whether the Army chief would join Pakistan’s civilian leaders in talking to Indian elected leaders or meeting his Indian Army counterpart.

Indian Establishment has long felt that the Pakistan Army is not on the same page with the country’s civilian government when it engages in talks with New Delhi, and could sabotage the process like what happened with the Lahore “breakthrough” in 1999.

After the 2016 Uri terror strike, New Delhi scrapped plans to attend the SAARC summit in Islamabad.

The bilateral dialogue process has also been put on hold. NSAs Ajit Doval and Nazir Janjua have, however, been meeting and interacting on a range of issues. Asked whether the Army envisaged a grand reconciliation with India or small steps in the direction of peace, Gen. Ghafoor said the two countries could not jump to the moon. “Initial steps have to be taken,” he said.

Gen. Ghafoor also told The Hindu that groups like the Pakistan based outfits who are being trained on Pakistan territory would have to be mainstreamed and that Pakistan was awaiting “evidence” from India to conclude the trial in the November 2006 Mumbai terror strikes.

He said Pakistan had been much misunderstood abroad. Westerners feel that Pakistanis dress like Osama bin Laden with nuclear bombs in hand. “The same red blood runs in our veins,” he stressed.

Gen. Ghafoor also indicated that Pakistan was ready to consider participating in any multilateral exercise that involved Indian troops under Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) auspices. Both India and Pakistan are now members of SCO, a grouping in which the Chinese have taken the lead.

Conceding that there was a “trust deficit” between India and Pakistan, he said the time had come to move forward. He said SAARC could be a most effective forum if it could be revived. “Let us make SAARC effective.”

On former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s statement that militant groups were active in Pakistan and questioning why the Mumbai attack trial could not be completed, Gen. Ghafoor said the remarks had gotten more play in the Indian media than in Pakistan.

Mr. Sharif, however, has not backed down from his comments despite a meeting of Pakistan’s National Security Council, which comprises the top brass of the country’s military.

Demanding a national truth commission, Mr. Sharif, who is at loggerheads with the Army, said on Tuesday, “We should find out who laid the foundation of terrorism in the country. Pakistan is not becoming isolated; it is already isolated. Tell me which country stands with us.”

Mr. Sharif’s nominee as Prime Minister, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, who demits office at the end of May as a caretaker government comes in ahead of general elections, has defended his former boss.
Ready to join dialogue...............:coffee:
What BS.

This is just another eyewash which pakistan initiates from time to time fearing international pressure and renegs or altogether ignores when things have cooled down.

Ever since Nawaz Sharif broke open the proverbial "closet", exhibiting its contents for all of the neighborhood to see, pakistan has been in a hurry to stave off diplomatic pressure from the UN and other UN bodies, the pressure pakistan has been feeling for some time now.

India takes seriously any comment that calls for peace with it, defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Monday, days after Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa favoured talks to resolve all disputes, including Kashmir, between the two countries.

“Any comment on wanting peace will definitely be taken seriously,” Sitharaman said in reply to a query about Bajwa’s comments indicating that the Pakistan Army would supporting peace talks to resolve India-Pakistan disputes.

She was speaking to reporters after inaugurating a workshop on artificial intelligence in national security and defence of India.

Sitharaman also said that the armed forces would honour the government’s Ramzan ceasefire decision in Jammu and Kashmir.

“We shall fully honour the policy which the Home Ministry on behalf of the government of India announced. The policy has clearly laid out how it is going to pan out and we shall abide by everything that was announced,” she said.

In her address at the workshop, the defence minister said the India Army, Navy and the Air Force needed to incorporate the concept of artificial intelligence which can also be used to check chemical, biological and nuclear weapons and also to keep vigil on outer space.

The Defence Ministry has approved the future roadmap on using Artificial Intelligence as tactical deterrent and its peaceful and commercial use.
OH my God Pakistan caved in under constant pressure from Modi and his isolation trips.
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