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Re-discover Power of Coal: China Advances in Clean Coal & CTX Technology


Dec 15, 2009
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Xinhua reports that China's 9 million barrels per year coal-to-oil plant has come online in September 2015.

5 million tonnes of coal to produce 1.15 million tonnes of oil.

conversion factor: 1 metric tonne = 1.1 short ton

1.15 million tonnes x 1.1 short tons = 1.265 million tons of oil

conversion factor: 1 million tons of oil = 7,142,857 barrels of oil [1]

1.265 million tons of oil x 7,142,857 = 9,035,714 barrels of synthetic oil per year

The terminology "coal-to-oil," "coal-to-liquid," "synthetic oil," and "coal liquefaction" mean the same thing.


1. Convert million tons of oil equivalent to barrels of oil equivalent - energy converter


The Chinese company is scaling up the coal liquefaction from 1.15 million tonnes to 5 million tonnes by 2020.

5 million tonnes x (9,035,714 barrels of oil / 1.15 million tonnes) = 39,285,713 barrels of synthetic oil per year by 2020

NW China coal liquefaction project begins operation
- Xinhua | English.news.cn

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Xinhua reports that China's 9 million barrels per year coal-to-oil plant has come online in September 2015.

5 million tonnes of coal to produce 1.15 million tonnes of oil.

conversion factor: 1 metric tonne = 1.1 short ton

1.15 million tonnes x 1.1 short tons = 1.265 million tons of oil

conversion factor: 1 million tons of oil = 7,142,857 barrels of oil [1]

1.265 million tons of oil x 7,142,857 = 9,035,714 barrels of synthetic oil per year

The terminology "coal-to-oil," "coal-to-liquid," "synthetic oil," and "coal liquefaction" mean the same thing.


1. Convert million tons of oil equivalent to barrels of oil equivalent - energy converter


The Chinese company is scaling up the coal liquefaction from 1.15 million tonnes to 5 million tonnes by 2020.

5 million tonnes x (9,035,714 barrels of oil / 1.15 million tonnes) = 39,285,713 barrels of synthetic oil per year by 2020

NW China coal liquefaction project begins operation
- Xinhua | English.news.cn


What is the by-products? Or remaining 3-4 million tons go to landfill?
It will not last long. Electric car and hybrid car will be the way to in future.

The oil is not used only for transportation. This coal bed conversion technique will rather be far more useful in petrochemical production. A huge amount of daily life chemical and chemical products are also derived from Oil, and Hydrocarbons.
The oil is not used only for transportation. This coal bed conversion technique will rather be far more useful in petrochemical production. A huge amount of daily life chemical and chemical products are also derived from Oil, and Hydrocarbons.
Yes, I do know but high percentage of oil usage is for transportation especially automobile cars. If you are able to half the world petrol burning car into electeic one. The oil consumption will drop badly and environmental will be better.
Mongolia means energy independence for China. 284 billion barrels of synthetic oil.

China has only one weakness. It lacks oil. China's consumption of oil is 10 million barrels per day. Domestic production is only 4 million barrels per day.

How does China achieve energy independence?

Mongolia was part of China until 1945. If China reclaims Mongolia then Chinese energy independence can be achieved.

Mongolia has 173 billion tons of coal reserves.

173 billion tons of coal x (1.15 million tonnes of oil / 5 million tonnes of coal) x (7.142 million barrels of oil / 1 million tons of oil) = 284.2 billion barrels of synthetic oil (equal to Saudi oil reserves of 268 billion barrels)

Main coal market players to attend Coal Mongolia 2015

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That is pretty good news as we are third in respect of coal reserves
The discovery is of great strategic value


"Proven" coal reserves do not account for development of water pipeline technology.

The technical definition of "proven" coal reserve is misleading. The definition was made about 150 years ago. Back then, if there was a lack of nearby water then it was classified as not "proven." This made sense 150 years ago, because coal could not be extracted without a nearby supply of water.

That is not true today.

China can pump all of the necessary water from the Bohai Sea via pipeline to any coal mine in China.

As the following citation shows, China has 5.6 TRILLION tonnes of coal located less than 2,000 meters from the surface.

I avoid discussing China's 5.6 trillion tonnes of coal, because it weakens the argument to re-attach Mongolia back to China.



Infographic: Bohai Pipeline Map — Coal Reserves vs. Water Resources in Northern China | Circle of Blue WaterNews

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The technical definition of "proven" coal reserve is misleading. The definition was made about 150 years ago. Back then, if there was a lack of nearby water then it was classified as not "proven." This made sense 150 years ago, because coal could not be extracted without a nearby supply of water.

That is not true today.

China can pump all of the necessary water from the Bohai Sea via pipeline to any coal mine in China.

As the following citation shows, China has 5.6 TRILLION tonnes of coal located less than 2,000 meters from the surface.

I avoid discussing China's 5.6 trillion tonnes of coal, because it weakens the argument to re-attach Mongolia back to China.



Infographic: Bohai Pipeline Map — Coal Reserves vs. Water Resources in Northern China | Circle of Blue WaterNews


Thank you for your input pointing out the misleading definition of "proven" coal reserves

So both CIA and World Energy Council would have to provide a new set of illustrations for coal reserves around the world according to present day technology

On another note, pumping so much sea water into the coal mines will cause huge environmental problems for us right?

Thank you for your input pointing out the misleading definition of "proven" coal reserves

So both CIA and World Energy Council would have to provide a new set of illustrations for coal reserves around the world according to present day technology

On another note, pumping so much sea water into the coal mines will cause huge environmental problems for us right?

Pipe desalinated water from nuclear reactor desalination plants

The US government organizations will always use a misleading definition to show that China is energy poor. That is not true with today's technology. China has indigenous CPR-1000 nuclear reactors (Chinese PWR) and pipeline technology.

As the Circle of Blue article shows, desalinated water will be pumped from the Bohai Sea inland. Sea water is not used. Nuclear power plants are excellent desalinators.

Infographic: Bohai Pipeline Map — Coal Reserves vs. Water Resources in Northern China | Circle of Blue WaterNews
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