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Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

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America has also compensated Shumaila's family. Her's family compensated money is in the custody of Police.
I don't understand what the majority of the members here are furious about. In the end the family certainly chose the best option. They wouldn't have gotten anything even if Davis were hanged. Now the family may change its nationality, and I wonder whether the family members had a better life in Pakistan.

I mean if the people of Pakistan, and I mean those that are well off and have so much power and money and are crying on TV about Davis's escape, were really serious about Davis getting tried in Pakistan, they had ample amount of time to reach out to the grieving families to offer their own compensation to block any escape move by the American.

Yes, the family has chosen the best option, and the court... I heard it did not receive any case regarding the possession of illegal weapons by Davis. What could the court do... overstep its authority and sentence Davis without any case?
not first time they deal every time and sale there motherland. ISI is same as dogs of USA .US throw bone and ISI bark for them.same army and gov of pak

If the bone is in favor of Pakistan, specifically the ISI, then sure the ISI would go after it. Otherwise, recent developments show exactly contrary to what you claim.
I must say i m ashamed of my nationality today. I think i should also change my signature ...

You are too late my friend to feel like that :pakistan:

:lol: Come on this is Pakistan,

How about this Pakistanis. Beside blaming every problem in Pakistan on others first look at yourself! If Pakistanis were not like what they are today then Pakistan would be in a position to boss around others as well.
In this saga the prestige of Pakistan was compromised
2 times-
1st- When Davis shot 2 men
2nd- When people in power and military
Let it's own people down.

I guess we will never know the truth about those two
Were they robbers, or ISI or or
What was the reason for shooting them?
Whats wrong being a khaki man? He is fallowing the orders of the government because people wanted democracy and thats how fcuking democracy works nothing dirty about it.

every khaki shuld feel ashame and lay down his uniform . if they cant defend nation iside or out side. what PAF is doing ? joy ride? were is PAF to save sky of pakistan? they are not under gov at all. usa give them arm for exersizes and joy ride and they let public die .i hate them all.they wear khaki when they can stop drones and cia agents .otherwise what the porpuse of this huge forces?they just drink nation's blood and cant defend them. i am ashamed why dont we pay this money on education so atleats we have millions of educated pakistani and less extreamsts.
Lets see how many Pakistanis will now support Pakistan Army and ISI in any Waziristan operation now that they let the murderer Raymond Davis walk away free.

good point, in my point of view situation now out of control, very big mistake they did to release this Rambo at this moment when they lined up for this operation.
It will better if they carried operation and then release this "Durmat".
Now to find support for army action quite difficult.
Your posts quality is very low in this thread.

i am now out of false proud and i can see the truth. the truth is clear as i can see sun. isi army gov and all others which has power are nothing more the shoe of USA
good point, in my point of view situation now out of control, very big mistake they did to release this Rambo at this moment when they lined up for this operation.
It will better if they carried operation and then release this "Durmat".
Now to find support for army action quite difficult.

NOW SPPORT???????? hhahahaahhaha they go there for money they fight for money since it was not our war at 2001 nor even in 2005 but pakistani army got advanture and start it. you forget pak army ask more money or stop war?ehehhehehehe how can a army stop its war and ask money from another nation? go pak army fight money bless you.
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