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Rawalpindi woman sentenced to death in blasphemy case

All sane voices in this thread are asking only 1 thing to NOT take life out of another person, The man-made laws are not perfect, these are designed in a way that can induct even innocent people, especially minorities are easy target. See how other Muslim countries are dealing with such and have no such issues.

But radical minded folks, with a totally closed minds having no argument but insisting the blashphemy laws to be linked with islam. Oh bhai, no body is saying that islam is not official religion, nobody is denying that islam is official religion. It is quite obvious when you run out of arguments, you keep on repeating something which nobody is questioning, you resort to either saying sane voices as "munafiq", "kafir" or "fools". Abuses and violence is in your nature and thats exactly why you are supportive of such draconian man-made laws. The fact is you are never taught tolerance and value of human lives. You have seen religion as a cult for your group of people.

None of radicals have any clue or any idea to logical arguments made here by sane voices, such as how come All of Mecca were still alive if Blasphemy had a DEATH sentence, how come that lady, how come thousands of other people.

Any person with common-sense can see who are the people here, who are with the weak, the oppressed and with non-violence and who is the group with pure evil. If you think yourselves as religious, then I wonder how come so-called religious people can be evil in nature. If religion would have had fractions of positive impact on you, it would have taught you tolerance and above all value for human-life.

Even goes against teachings of Jesus - But I tell you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who mistreat you and persecute you

In terms of a moral and ethical standpoint, I just don't understand how reducing someone's experience over a technicality = eternal bliss
Maybe if you people bothered to read then you would realize that the accuser attempted to be 'friendly' with her and when she avoided him, out of anger he purposefully initiated a 'religious discussion' and then accused her of blasmephy.
As usual the Blasmephy Law showing how useful it is...
Trust you to come along and spoil a good witch hunt.
Stopped reading after that.. bye
Best thing to do when you don't have a logical answer.
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