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Rare: US Deploys (2) B-2 Spirit Bombers to Europe for Exercises


Dec 19, 2013
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United States
United States
Usually these take off from Missouri in the US heartland and stay in the air round-trip to/from their target. The security surrounding these overseas must be immense. I have seen one flying in person, and it is quite a sight.


US deploys two B-2 bombers to Europe for exercises - Channel NewsAsia

WASHINGTON: The US Air Force has deployed two nuclear-capable B-2 stealth bombers to a British air base for exercises with NATO allies, the Pentagon said on Monday.

The deployment, which the Pentagon said was pre-planned and short-term, comes against a backdrop of tension with Russia over unrest in Ukraine.

"It certainly is yet another demonstration of America's ironclad commitment to the NATO alliance," said Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.
Americans are scared of Russians. They watched helplessly as their little ally got ripped apart right in front of the whole world and chewed up by Motherland Russia.

It's like those stupid Hollywood movies of the 1990s where they would show American fighter planes wooshing here and wooshing there, taking out North Korean facilities before they get hold of any nuclear technology.

Then came 2006 where North Korea carried out the atomic kaboom. All that the United States could do was beg China to restrain North Korea while at the same time brainwash its own citizens with the notion that the, "North Koreans have not yet mastered the technology to miniaturise the nukes to fit inside a delivery system". A big jump by the Americans from preventing North Korea from acquiring the nukes in the first place to then suddenly going into absolute denial.

No point America now wooshing it's fighter planes all over Europe, doing all sorts of verbal circus, now that the Russians have already acquired the Jewel in the Crown.
Americans are scared of Russians. They watched helplessly as their little ally got ripped apart right in front of the whole world and chewed up by Motherland Russia.

It's like those stupid Hollywood movies of the 1990s where they would show American fighter planes wooshing here and wooshing there, taking out North Korean facilities before they get hold of any nuclear technology.

Then came 2006 where North Korea carried out the atomic kaboom. All that the United States could do was beg China to restrain North Korea while at the same time brainwash its own citizens with the notion that the, "North Koreans have not yet mastered the technology to miniaturise the nukes to fit inside a delivery system". A big jump by the Americans from preventing North Korea from acquiring the nukes in the first place to then suddenly going into absolute denial.

No point America now wooshing it's fighter planes all over Europe, doing all sorts of verbal circus, now that the Russians have already acquired the Jewel in the Crown.

The Americans are cowards by nature. All talk, nothing to back it up. Pathetic people as a whole.
Americans are scared of Russians. They watched helplessly as their little ally got ripped apart right in front of the whole world and chewed up by Motherland Russia.

It's like those stupid Hollywood movies of the 1990s where they would show American fighter planes wooshing here and wooshing there, taking out North Korean facilities before they get hold of any nuclear technology.

Then came 2006 where North Korea carried out the atomic kaboom. All that the United States could do was beg China to restrain North Korea while at the same time brainwash its own citizens with the notion that the, "North Koreans have not yet mastered the technology to miniaturise the nukes to fit inside a delivery system". A big jump by the Americans from preventing North Korea from acquiring the nukes in the first place to then suddenly going into absolute denial.

No point America now wooshing it's fighter planes all over Europe, doing all sorts of verbal circus, now that the Russians have already acquired the Jewel in the Crown.

This a rather defensive post in response to a pre-planned military exercise with a close ally.

The Americans are cowards by nature. All talk, nothing to back it up. Pathetic people as a whole.

Any thoughts on the actual thread topic? Unprovoked e-intimidation attempts have plenty of other threads to be posted in.
Americans are scared of Russians. They watched helplessly as their little ally got ripped apart right in front of the whole world and chewed up by Motherland Russia.

It's like those stupid Hollywood movies of the 1990s where they would show American fighter planes wooshing here and wooshing there, taking out North Korean facilities before they get hold of any nuclear technology.

Then came 2006 where North Korea carried out the atomic kaboom. All that the United States could do was beg China to restrain North Korea while at the same time brainwash its own citizens with the notion that the, "North Koreans have not yet mastered the technology to miniaturise the nukes to fit inside a delivery system". A big jump by the Americans from preventing North Korea from acquiring the nukes in the first place to then suddenly going into absolute denial.

No point America now wooshing it's fighter planes all over Europe, doing all sorts of verbal circus, now that the Russians have already acquired the Jewel in the Crown.
You mean like how the Soviets turned tailed and fled Cuba ? Or how the Kremlin abandoned East Germany ?
This a rather defensive post in response to a pre-planned military exercise with a close ally.

Any thoughts on the actual thread topic? Unprovoked e-intimidation attempts have plenty of other threads to be posted in.

We scare you american?

And thoughts are exactly what I posted. Americans are cowards who will carry out such exercises because they are scared of a real war. Oh well, At-least they provide comic relief to the rest of the world during tense times.
Americans are scared of Russians. They watched helplessly as their little ally got ripped apart right in front of the whole world and chewed up by Motherland Russia.....

Remember the Soviet Union ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!:usflag:
We scare you american?

And thoughts are exactly what I posted. Americans are cowards who will carry out such exercises because they are scared of a real war. Oh well, At-least they provide comic relief to the rest of the world during tense times.

If I agree with you, will you refrain from posting any further in the thread?

I wouldn't mind hearing from some of the more intellectual Russian members. Luckily Russia is fascinating to me, so through research and interaction, I know for a fact that this is not a Tier 1 asset of hers. ;)

Remember the Soviet Union ?

This is how they want you to respond. The presence of Americans makes them uncomfortable, so baiting you into a childish verbal spar, instead of commenting on the actual thread topic, is an attempt to get you removed.

Most people know the history, no need to remind.
Remember the Soviet Union ? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!:usflag:

Remember Ukraine where the mighty USA sat and watched like a rat. Good times.

2014 btw, what year are you talking about? Oh that's ancient history. Thats about all you have left.

Dont you have some terrorist pals to snuggle with? I heard you guys are into that kind of thing.
Remember Ukraine where the mighty USA sat and watched like a rat. Good times.

You probably don't remember, because you're a little kid, when Russia had to build a wall to keep it's own people and the people they captured from escaping. We knocked ALL that down without firing a shot. Vladi is STILL butt-hurt from that one. Now Russia is just a shell of what it was before. Poor guys.

2014 btw, what year are you talking about? Oh that's ancient history. Thats about all you have left.

YOU brought up Vietnam, genius.

Dont you have some terrorist pals to snuggle with? I heard you guys are into that kind of thing.

Doesn't Spetsnaz have a theater of people to gas ?
Remember Ukraine where the mighty USA sat and watched like a rat. Good times.

2014 btw, what year are you talking about? Oh that's ancient history. Thats about all you have left.

Dont you have some terrorist pals to snuggle with? I heard you guys are into that kind of thing.

Ukraine is still there as far as I know? the whole world has watched and to be honest not alot has happened, a few peasents with guns shooting each other in some border towns that basically are Russian, its not really a big deal and once it blows over the boring normaltiy of life there will resume. Lets face it, its a civil war with a death toll thats akin to a days worth of robberies in America lol, its a shitty piece of land in the middle of no where, the only people that seem to really care about it are Russians.
well its a symbolic action, but a rather strong symbolic one nonetheless, It just to show that the U.S will remain committed to Europe security through Nato and i presume the U.S will be even more pressured now to seek more military bases/missile defence system in eastern Europe(which was first halted but will/might now be rolled off due to Russia actions in Ukraine).
However its still just symbolic though. The U.S , Russia, China will never ever go to war directly with each other, since this will mean the end of the world as we all know it.. This is something the other countries in Eastern europe and Asia need to know. However, this doesnt means the U.S wont seek to establish more missile defence systems in East europe(which they are already doing) and in Asia (which they are discussing and have been pressuring south Korea to accept it.

But im of the opinion that the U.S should have tacled one country at a time. Taking both China and Russia at the same time isnt a clever move. It has only brought them even more closer together than they were before/would have liked to be. This has all but Changed the equation in Asia/Europe. Since Russia and China closer relationship/partnership will have the effect of making the U.S 'asia pivot a failure' though it was bound to fail anyway. Russia now being close partner with China has left both little Vietnam and India in a dilemna, since both are wary of China(vietnam more so) but have a good/deep relation with Russia. So they are kind of in an ackward position, since they cant afford to alienate both the west and Russia. Having a closer relationship with one will automatically affect their relationship with the other. So thats one more weak link in the pivot(apart from south Korea and japan issues).

Well this crisis has once again shown that we should be careful about our overeliance on russian oil/gas. There will always be huge risks associated with this dependence. hence we should diverstify our gas sources as much as possible. this should be a priority of European countries that depend too much on russian oil. Hopefully the tension in Ukraine will come down soon, and relations will improve between the europe and Russia.
well its a symbolic action, but a rather strong symbolic one nonetheless, It just to show that the U.S will remain committed to Europe security through Nato and i presume the U.S will be even more pressured now to seek more military bases/missile defence system in eastern Europe(which was first halted but will/might now be rolled off due to Russia actions in Ukraine).
However its still just symbolic though. The U.S , Russia, China will never ever go to war directly with each other, since this will mean the end of the world as we all know it.. This is something the other countries in Eastern europe and Asia need to know. However, this doesnt means the U.S wont seek to establish more missile defence systems in East europe(which they are already doing) and in Asia (which they are discussing and have been pressuring south Korea to accept it.

But im of the opinion that the U.S should have tacled one country at a time. Taking both China and Russia at the same time isnt a clever move. It has only brought them even more closer together than they were before/would have liked to be. This has all but Changed the equation in Asia/Europe. Since Russia and China closer relationship/partnership will have the effect of making the U.S 'asia pivot a failure' though it was bound to fail anyway. Russia now being close partner with China has left both little Vietnam and India in a dilemna, since both are wary of China(vietnam more so) but have a good/deep relation with Russia. So they are kind of in an ackward position, since they cant afford to alienate both the west and Russia. Having a closer relationship with one will automatically affect their relationship with the other. So thats one more weak link in the pivot(apart from south Korea and japan issues).

Well this crisis has once again shown that we should be careful about our overeliance on russian oil/gas. There will always be huge risks associated with this dependence. hence we should diverstify our gas sources as much as possible. this should be a priority of European countries that depend too much on russian oil. Hopefully the tension in Ukraine will come down soon, and relations will improve between the europe and Russia.
So oil from iran and saudi arbia is better? Look what just happened in iraq, at least russia doesnt stick ideology with their resources and sponsors fundamentalism

You mean like how the Soviets turned tailed and fled Cuba ? Or how the Kremlin abandoned East Germany ?
yet cuba remains communist to this day, germans themselves wanted to be part of the west thanks to your propaganda
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