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RAPE culture is NOT REAL!! It is Feminist Crap!!

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Dec 31, 2018
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United States

Rape Culture is NOT Real. It is a stupid concept made up by Westerners to vilify men. We are men, and girls will always be under our watch and will not be allowed to fall into traps. Get ahold of yourselves Westerners!
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Girls today:

Unless you can put the information genie back in the bottle, the only thing that will be constant is change.
But then again girls these days grow up watching a whole lotta BS like Hannah Montana and listen songs like 7 Rings by Ariana Grande. Which conditions them to act like total and absolute B!tches.

It teaches them to be lustful and willing to do anything to get what they want. Whether it is marrying someone rich, making love with him and waking up next day and calling it rape.

Such women are reason why Feminism will always struggle to gain traction.

Rape Culture is NOT Real. It is a stupid concept made up by Westerners to vilify men. We are men, and girls will always be under our watch and will not be allowed to fall into traps. Get ahold of yourselves Westerners!

Rape is a real problem.

I've come across 2 desi girls who have confided in me about their own episodes.

I agree the femi-nazis take it too far.

But its a real thing.

Don't discount it like that.
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Rape is a real problem.

I've come across 2 desi girls who have confided in me about their own episodes.

I agree the femi-nazis take it too far.

But its a real thing.

Don't discount it like that.
Are you sure they weren't just dreaming? They really get damp at night.

Heres my rule: Never trust a woman. They can be lying thru their teeth. Grain of salt every time.
. .
May you be blessed with daughters.
Do you know who Reham Khan is? And her fantasy lustful Fifty Shades novel about Imran Khan.

Guess what—it was all FAKE!!
. .
Lots of worried men it seems. ..
But then again girls these days grow up watching a whole lotta BS like Hannah Montana and listen songs like 7 Rings by Ariana Grande. Which conditions them to act like total and absolute B!tches.

It teaches them to be lustful and willing to do anything to get what they want. Whether it is marrying someone rich, making love with him and waking up next day and calling it rape.

Such women are reason why Feminism will always struggle to gain traction.

Indeed. Feminism itself is a progressive concept which if implemented in its true sense, will leap human progress forward by decades but this gold digging behavior of few lesser women have regressed feminism into a stereotypical joke.
So what.

Grow up bud.
Point is to not encourage women to lie. And cultural 'mixing of sexes' will facilitate many blurry situations.

A woman can ruin your life by accusing you of 'sexual harassment' in this age because people will take her seriously even when you openly plead not guilty. Some might want to hurt you on the spot without giving you a fair chance to prove your innocence. Imagine people beating you, getting arrested by police, and dragged into courts for a crime you did not commit.

There is much wisdom in Islamic way of life.

Lots of worried men it seems. ..
We should be: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/female-hypergamy-liberation-huge-threat-to-societal-order.604193/
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It is true what they say. The only time a man can ever remotely understand what a woman goes through in this world is when they have a daughter of their own. Some people on this thread need to grow up.
But then again girls these days grow up watching a whole lotta BS like Hannah Montana and listen songs like 7 Rings by Ariana Grande. Which conditions them to act like total and absolute B!tches.

It teaches them to be lustful and willing to do anything to get what they want. Whether it is marrying someone rich, making love with him and waking up next day and calling it rape.

Such women are reason why Feminism will always struggle to gain traction.

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan this is what ((Koshers)) want men and women hating each other in all societies break down of family they did this crap in the West post WW2 now they want to spread it all over the world this time it will fail cause even westerners know this movement is crap
from what I can gauge, the recent Aurat March has been more that sucessful
it put a lot of male a***** on fire

and surprisingly it caused everyone to forget the current Indo-Pak tensions and focus on this, why?
because some women carrying posters are more dangerous than an nuclear armed enemy next door
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