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Ranch riot-possible armed insurection against the Goverment in the US


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
@boomslang @KingMamba @Juice How the hell is this not news ? There's talk of up to 5000 armed militia men preparing to help that Nevada rancher and the major media outlets don't even talk about the stand off at the ranch.Is the goverment trying to kill the situation ? It's allready leaking....

[QUOTEA turf war has erupted in rural Nevada as a longtime rancher and hundreds of his supporters battle the federal government, which has moved to seize cattle that graze on thousands of acres of public land.
Cliven Bundy, 68, has been embroiled in a two-decade-long dustup with the federal Bureau of Land Management, which finally sent in men armed with large guns to surround Bundy's ranch in Bunkerville, west of the Arizona and Utah border, as contracted cowboys roundup the man’s 900 beef cattle during the next several days.
The beef has built up since 1993 when Bundy, whose family has long worked the land in Clark County some 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas, refused to pay grazing fees on 600,000 acres of public land, dubbed Gold Butte, surrounding his 160-acre farm.][/QUOTE]

A big lol at this one :

The government has set aside designated “First Amendment areas” around the closed public lands that are to be used by the hundreds of demonstrators who have come to support Bundy against what they say is an overreaching government.

Nevada rancher in tense standoff with federal government over cattle on rural public lands  - NY Daily News

‘Expect To See A Band Of Soldiers’: Militia Members Arrive At Nevada Ranch « CBS Las Vegas

Militia groups are rallying behind a rancher whose cattle are being seized by the federal government.

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that two militia members from Montana and one from Utah have arrived at Cliven Bundy’s ranch.

“We need to be the barrier between the oppressed and the tyrants,” Ryan Payne of the West Mountain Rangers told the Review-Journal. “Expect to see a band of soldiers.”

Payne said that militias from New Hampshire, Texas and Florida are likely to join and stand with Bundy and stay at his ranch.

“They all tell me they are in the process of mobilizing as we speak,” Payne told the Review-Journal, adding that hundreds of militia members are expected.

Protesters and militias swarming into Nevada are being arrested as a rancher wages war against federal agents he says are trying to take both his cattle and his land.

At least three people have been arrested while protesting the removal of the cattle from land rancher Cliven Bundy, of Bunkerville, says has been in his family since the 1870s - the government claims it is federal land Bundy is using illegally.

Armed private militias have even joined the family in its fight against the government, according to 8 News Now. A spokesperson for one of the militias claimed he 'isn't afraid to shoot.'

Margaret Houston, Cliven Bundy's sister and a cancer survivor, told those gathered Wednesday at a town hall meeting that the scene 'was like a war zone, I felt like I was not in the United States.'

'Serious bloodshed was narrowly avoided,' the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported, as dogs were also socked on a pregnant woman and the rancher's son was shot with a taser, witnesses said.

Read more: Armed private militias join battle between Cliven Bundy Ranch and federal agents | Mail Online
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Yes i saw , there is news all over Social Media but apparently MSM seems to be ignoring this, possibly trying to make sure less people get to know of this.... Though I did not know there were 5000 militiamen
I don't see the '5000 man ' part. I've seen three guys there. I'll have more at the range when I go shooting later today.:sniper:It shouldn't be too hard to prove who's land it is.
Yes i saw , there is news all over Social Media but apparently MSM seems to be ignoring this, possibly trying to make sure less people get to know of this.... Though I did not know there were 5000 militiamen

From what i've read that is the number they are counting on,for now they are just preparing to flood to Nevada.Some have arrived but it has the possibility to turn ugly given the american gun culture and many are rilled up against what they perceive as the Goverment infringing on their First Amendment rights.

I don't see the '5000 man ' part. I've seen three guys there. I'll have more at the range when I go shooting later today.It shouldn't be too hard to prove who's land it is.
Even if they don't swell to that number this still has the possibility to end up as Waco 2.0 given the tense situation on the ranch and it's pretty unbelievable i don't see nothing on CNN.

I was glad Waco burned. The a-holes spread gas around inside. Like I said, it should be easy to tell who owns the land. If it isn't the ranchers, he has to leave. Simple.
I was glad Waco burned. The a-holes spread gas around inside. Like I said, it should be easy to tell who owns the land. If it isn't the ranchers, he has to leave. Simple.

That land is a major source of water, minerals and other stuff which the military industrial complex wants , the land from what i see belonged to his forefathers so its his....
I was glad Waco burned. The a-holes spread gas around inside. Like I said, it should be easy to tell who owns the land. If it isn't the ranchers, he has to leave. Simple.

Free speech designated areas ? What's that now ? o_O
The falling of the American Empire would truly be an spectacular event. No empire lasts for ever. Lets hope i am alive to see the down fall of the American Empire and lets hope it will be shown on Live TV.
The government says the rancher hasn't paid grazing fees in twenty years. The rancher admits to this but says he doesn't recognize federal authority on land that belongs to Nevada. So, basically he admits it isn't his land. He's going to come out on the short end of this one. The 'free speech area' is probably to keep all the yahoos in one place.

The falling of the American Empire would truly be an spectacular event. No empire lasts for ever. Lets hope i am alive to see the down fall of the American Empire and lets hope it will be shown on Live TV.

It's always fun to read about all the anti-American hand-wringers getting a chubby, hoping for the improbable. You should hold your breath, waiting. If the U.S. 'goes down' guess what'll happen to the rest of the world ? Remember what happened when little Greece defaulted ? Imagine .......:usflag:
You should hold your breath, waiting. If the U.S. 'goes down' guess what'll happen to the rest of the world ? Remember what happened when little Greece defaulted ? Imagine .......

I will be somewhere in UK drinking my favourite PG tea with some fine digestives biscuits. Watch and enjoy the show.:coffee:
I will be somewhere in UK drinking my favourite PG tea with some fine digestives biscuits. Watch and enjoy the show.:coffee:

You wouldn't be able to afford tea and biscuits. But keep waiting.........:usflag:
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