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Ramadan - Fasting in 2008



New Recruit

Sep 3, 2008
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Ramadan is the time of the year when we as Muslims must obey one of the five pillars of Islam, fasting. Fasting is an important step all Muslims must take.
Ramadan is on its way once more. Lucky are those who will be there when it arrives. Looking back at the last Ramadan, I remember the plans, promises and changes I intended to make which did not go exactly as planned. More sadly, I remember that I knew of people that were alive then, but this year they are gone! Who would have thought that they would not be able to get ‘one’ more Ramadan?
When a Muslim man or woman fast they are learning how precious life is and how we should be grateful for what we have and feel as others less fortunate then we are.
Islam is no different-for every good dead is multiplied by ten times. In the month of Ramadan, we have tremendous incentives given to us: mercy, forgiveness and endless opportunities to gain reward.
The month of Ramadan is one of the best months of the year, in which Allah Almighty grants us the opportunity to cleanse our hearts and feed our thirsty souls with something that is everlasting: piety.
Fasting is one recipe that frees our souls from temptations and from every prison we unintentionally invent around our souls.
You can find audio Naats and Lectures at NaatShareef.org
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told us: “Three supplications will not be rejected (by Allah) the supplication of the parent for his child, the supplication of the one who is fasting, and the supplication of the traveler. [Al-Bayhaqi, at-Tirmidhi - Sahih].

Quick Things to keep in mind
· The month of Ramadan is an invitation from Allah to boost our faith; do not turn it away
· Protect yourself from yourself
· The fruit of fasting is piety; our way to Paradise
· Do not overload yourself with big plans
· Do one good thing at a time, and add items as you go
· Let it bse the month in which you start the new ‘you’
The Sermon Given by The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) on the Last Friday of Sha'ban, on the advent of the Month of Ramadan.

"Indeed ahead of you is the blessed month of Allah. A month of blessing, mercy and forgiveness. A month which with Allah is the best of months. Its days, the best of days, its nights, the best of nights, and its hours, the best of hours. It is the month, which invites you to be the guests of Allah and invites you to be one of those near to Him. Each breath you take glorifies Him, your sleep is worship, your deeds are accepted, and your supplications are answered. So, ask Allah, your Lord, to give you a sound body and an enlightened heart so you may be able to fast and recite His book, for only he is unhappy who is devoid of Allah's forgiveness during this great month."

"Remember the hunger and thirst of the day of Qiyamah (Judgment) with your hunger and thirst; give alms to the needy and poor, honor your old, show kindness to the young ones, maintain relations with your blood relations; guard your tongues, close your eyes to that which is not permissible for your sight, close your ears to that which is forbidden to hear, show compassion to the orphans of people so compassion may be shown to your orphans. Repent to Allah for your sins and raise your hands in duʼa during these times, for they are the best of times and Allah looks towards His creatures with kindness, replying to them during the hours and granting their needs if He is asked..."

"O People! Indeed your souls are dependent on your deeds, free them with Istighfar (repentance) lighten their loads by long prostrations, and know that Allah swears by His might: That there is no punishment for the one who prays and prostrates and he shall have no fear of the fire on the day when man stands before the Lord of the worlds."

"O People! One who gives Iftaar to a fasting person during this month will be like one who has freed someone and his past sins will be forgiven." Some of the people who were there then asked the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): "Not all of us are able to invite those who are fasting?" The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied: "Allah gives this reward even if the Iftaar (meal) is a drink of water."

"One who has good morals (Akhlaq) during this month will be able to pass the 'Siraat'...on the day that feet will slip... One who covers the faults of others will benefit in that Allah will curb His anger on the Day of Judgment.

As for one who honors an orphan, Allah will honor him on the Day of Judgment. And for the one who spreads his kindness, Allah will spread His mercy over him on the Day of Judgment.

As for the one who cuts the ties of relation, Allah will cut His mercy from him... "

"Whosoever performs a recommended prayer in this month, Allah will keep the fire of hell away from him... Whoever performs an obligatory prayer in this month, Allah will reward him with seventy prayers [worth] ."

"And whosoever prays a lot during this month will have his load lightened on the Day of Measure. He who recites one verse of the Holy Qurʼan will be given the rewards of reciting the whole Qur'an during other months."

"O People! Indeed during this month the doors of Heaven are open, therefore ask Allah not to close them for you; the doors of Hell are closed, so ask Allah to keep them closed for you. During this month Shaytan (Satan) is imprisoned so ask your Lord not to let him have power over you."
ramdhan mubarak..its really hard 2 fast these dais..rozas open at 7:30..b4 it was nearly 8/..
but still Allah has given us energyy
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