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Raeisi to address nation on new subsidies scheme tonight

Shapur Zol Aktaf

Feb 10, 2013
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
President Ebrahim Raeis announced earlier today that he will address the nation on national TV later today at 9 p.m. Tehran Time.

The president is said to talk about his administration's plans to modify the previous subsidies scheme with the aim of assisting the low-income class more than before.


Senior Official Says Iran Paying $100 Billion In Energy Subsidies

Iran is providing more than $100 billion annually in energy subsidies to citizens, a senior official says, amid a steep rise in food prices and general uncertainty.

The head of the Planning and Budget Organization Massoud Mirkazemi told state television that the government is in the process of “reforming the subsidy system…and we are close to final decisions.” He repeated the official argument that the government wants the subsidy to go to the people instead being wasted in different ways.
Mirkazemi said that in addition to energy subsidies, the government is providing another $20 billion to keep food and medication affordable.

This is big news.. very very very important. This is called surgery... very brave, finally following the direction of our economists. It's a little bit risky, but the yield is very big for Iran on different fronts: directly benefiting government budget, environment and those who truely need the subsidies. The subsidies should become targeted and only reach those who need them. It could safe Iran many tens of billions a year (and if I'm not wrong we're not even taxing energy, fuel etc are we?)

Hopefully the exchange rate will also be unified to 1 as well (market exchange rate).

These measures will immediately reduce corruption and smuggling (neighbours are indirectly subsidized), saving government many tens of billions which could be redistributed to agriculture, infrastructure, military, science/R&D.

If done bravely and well..this could lead to an Iranian renaissance. It has basically the same value as fighting the enemy in real war.
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1.Stupid condition. what if we have family with 5-6 kids and father has bought 2 houses for future of kids ?

2.Stupid condition. why government should care of one family want to spend their hard earned money to see their children or relatives in foreign countries ?

3.Stupid condition. they can sell their expensive cars and buy these disasters in market, it will send wrong signal to the market that these useless shit under 200 mill cars are the way to go.

4.Stupid condition. creating jobs are now punishable ???

5.Stupid condition. one expensive house and no job it means you are below poverty line.

6.Stupid condition.even small businesses take these loans with less than 10 workers.

7.Stupid condition.
One person with 4 million monthly 4 million income means close to 173 USD (NIMA rate of USD is 23k toman) per month equals to 5.7$ per day.

Family of two 5 million toman ~ 213 USD. 3.3$ per day for each person.

Family of three 6 million toman ~ 260 USD 2.1$ per day for each person.

(real market rate is 28.5K toman for a USD)

On top of that it will take 1 month to 1 year for government to evaluate your wealth status.which as always they so are dumb at their jobs.at the end they end up eliminating only 10% of people with a lot of mistakes.

Solution ? Ignore all these stupid pre-conditions and give everyboday their share directly to every person who is not below 18 years old.

خشت اول گر نهد معمار کج تا ثریا می رود دیوار کج​

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Remove all these stupid pre-conditions as soon as possible it forces people to change their behaviors.Like trying to invest in for future home or buying certain cars or hide their income level and ....

give top 33% group -10%
middle 33%group Normal
and bottom 33% group +10%
or something similar

I'm sure 1-5% wont go to even fill forms. just don't fking impose certain living life way on all people for a 5-10% elimination.
View attachment 842675View attachment 842676

1.Stupid condition. what if we have family with 5-6 kids and father has bought 2 houses for future of kids ?

2.Stupid condition. why government should care of one family want to spend their hard earned money to see their children or relatives in foreign countries ?

3.Stupid condition. they can sell their expensive cars and buy these disasters in market, it will send wrong signal to the market that these useless shit under 200 mill cars are the way to go.

4.Stupid condition. making jobs are punishable ???

5.Stupid condition. one expensive house and no job it means you are below poverty line.

6.Stupid condition.even small businesses take these loans with less than 10 workers.

7.Stupid condition.
One person with 4 million monthly 4 million income means close to 173 USD (NIMA rate of USD is 23k toman) per month equals to 5.7$ per day.

Family of two 5 million toman ~ 213 USD. 3.3$ per day for each person.

Family of three 6 million toman ~ 260 USD 2.1$ per day for each person.

(real market rate is 28.5K toman for a USD)

On top of that it will take 1 month to 1 year for government to evaluate your wealth status.which as always they so are dumb at their jobs.at the end they end up eliminating only 10% of people with a lot of mistakes.

Solution ? Ignore all these stupid pre-conditions and give everyboday their share directly to every person who is not below 18 years old.

خشت اول گر نهد معمار کج تا ثریا می رود دیوار کج​

That's not related to this news.
That's not related to this news.
Payment method is same

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس به نقل از اداره کل روابط عمومی و ارتباطات مردمی سازمان هدفمندسازی یارانه‌ها، به موجب جزء 1 بند ص تبصره 1 قانون بودجه سال 1401 و دستور حجت‌الاسلام رئیسی، ریاست جمهور، یارانه 400 هزارتومانی برای دهک های اول تا سوم (کم درآمدها) و یارانه 300 هزارتومانی برای دهک‌های چهارم تا نهم (پردرآمدها) به ازای هر نفر ، روز دوشنبه 19 اردیبهشت به حساب سرپرستان خانوار واریز شد.

ثبت نام از متقاضیان جدید یارانه، از قلم افتادگان، جاماندگان و منصرفین دوره قبل نیز بزودی از طریق وب گاه سازمان هدفمندسازی یارانه‌ها و رسانه‌های جمعی اطلاع رسانی خواهد شد.

Same garbage , same plan but different names.

بعد از طی مراحل ثبت نام و بررسی شرایط متقاضی در صورت واجد شرایط بودن مانند سایر مشمولان یارانه جدید نیز از این دو نوبت از یارانه بهرمند خواهند شد.

This process takes 1 month to 1 year.

Problem ?

solution .^
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Payment method is same

به گزارش خبرگزاری فارس به نقل از اداره کل روابط عمومی و ارتباطات مردمی سازمان هدفمندسازی یارانه‌ها، به موجب جزء 1 بند ص تبصره 1 قانون بودجه سال 1401 و دستور حجت‌الاسلام رئیسی، ریاست جمهور، یارانه 400 هزارتومانی برای دهک های اول تا سوم (کم درآمدها) و یارانه 300 هزارتومانی برای دهک‌های چهارم تا نهم (پردرآمدها) به ازای هر نفر ، روز دوشنبه 19 اردیبهشت به حساب سرپرستان خانوار واریز شد.

ثبت نام از متقاضیان جدید یارانه، از قلم افتادگان، جاماندگان و منصرفین دوره قبل نیز بزودی از طریق وب گاه سازمان هدفمندسازی یارانه‌ها و رسانه‌های جمعی اطلاع رسانی خواهد شد.

Same garbage , same plan but different names.

بعد از طی مراحل ثبت نام و بررسی شرایط متقاضی در صورت واجد شرایط بودن مانند سایر مشمولان یارانه جدید نیز از این دو نوبت از یارانه بهرمند خواهند شد.

This process takes 1 month to 1 year.

Problem ?
View attachment 842741
solution .^
All the conditions which you wrote are BS. 30% of people get the higher payment, 60% get the lower, 10% get nothing.

It's a Very fine move for giving the money to people rather than smugglers who were happily depleting our strategic reserves.

All the conditions which you wrote are BS. 30% of people get the higher payment, 60% get the lower, 10% get nothing.

It's a Very fine move for giving the money to people rather than smugglers who were happily depleting our strategic reserves.

Pic below belongs to Q&A section. 5-6 hours after last night interview .

I wrote an essay to say why they are bs.

200k(for family 4) tomans was almost nothing for most of families but 1200-1600k will be close to 20-25% of income of nearly 50% of our population so these conditions will change their behaviors and not in a good way.

My guess is a lot of people will change their payment methods,type of cars,houses and going for hiding traces of their income.they know fuels changes are coming in near future.
Help the poor in Iran become asset holders (low income housing priority projects) and tax the rich and Uber wealthy in Iran.

Also hopefully this doesn’t lead to more riots like the last time. But overall, subsidies aren’t not sustainable. This is a good decisions as long as the savings from cutting subsidies isn’t lost to government corruption (of which we know there are quite a few corrupt factions).
Help the poor in Iran become asset holders (low income housing priority projects) and tax the rich and Uber wealthy in Iran.

Also hopefully this doesn’t lead to more riots like the last time. But overall, subsidies aren’t not sustainable. This is a good decisions as long as the savings from cutting subsidies isn’t lost to government corruption (of which we know there are quite a few corrupt factions).

1.They put all these red lines on 77 million people:

Your family income level goes above my red line ? No more yaraneh
Second car or wrong type of car ?(who could have guessed this one? :angel: )No more yaraneh
Second house or a luxury house ?No more yarane
Paying for certain number of people's insurance ?No more yaraneh
Taking this amount of loans ? No more yaraneh
Foreign trips ?No more yaraneh

2.Imagine if you are teacher of a class, you took multiple tests and results are out.at the end you tell your students with S and A scores to stay outside class teachings for next months since their scores were higher and you want to focus your time on students with F to D scores so they can catch up with everyone else.
What will happen in this scenario ?

Guys with S score don't care since they have private teachers at home.
Some guys with A scores do have private teachers some don't have this type of luxury life style.
You telling guys with B,C,D,E,F scores to never reach A or S scores since outcome is staying outside classes for months.As a teacher this is the worst thing possible you could do to your students.
Some of your F students won't improve because this F score is their max capacity.
You manage to improve score of some guys with D to F scores.
Some of your B,C students remained same .some even got lower scores and got few more D to F students.

(I will not put uncommon cases like father and mother of a family are S and A tier students but their kids are C,D tier students and you sent all family outside for sake of simplification.)

How a system like this is a fair system ?
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