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Racist EU: Belgian doctor denies help to Jewish 90yo woman with fractured rib


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‘Send her to Gaza’: Belgian doctor denies help to Jewish 90yo woman with fractured rib
Published time: August 01, 2014 15:01
Edited time: August 02, 2014 16:11


AFP Photo/Jean-Sebastien Evrad

A doctor in Belgium has refused medical help to a 90-year-old Jewish woman with a fractured rib, saying that she needs to be sent to Gaza to “get rid of” the sharp pain she is suffering.

“I’m not coming,” the physician said and hung up after receiving the call at 11pm Wednesday.

Bertha Klein, 90, had a fractured rib and was suffering from “agonizing pain.” She had her son, an American citizen, call the doctor via Flanders medical hotline and ask for help on her behalf.

“Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will get rid of the pain,” the doctor told the man, as he called back for clarifications, according to local Joods Actueel newspaper. The paper said that the doctor knew right away that it was a Jewish patient's name, and he heard an accent, which might have predetermined his reaction.

The family then called a friend, Samuel Markowitz, who is an alderman of the Antwerp District Council and a volunteer paramedic.

He also called back the doctor and confronted the doctor with his statements. Markowitz managed to record their conversation.

Hershy Taffel, Bertha Klein’s grandson, filed a discrimination complaint with the police.

“It reminds me of what happened in Europe 70 years ago,” Taffel told Joods Actueel. “I never thought those days would once again be repeated.”

As Joods Actueel reached the physician, he did not deny having such a phone call. He confirmed that he did made an anti-Semitic comment and had denied the woman help, but said that he had an“emotional reaction.”

Health ministry officials are looking into the incident.

Joods Actueel editor-in-chief Michael Freilich said that the incident was alarming, as it comes amid“string of incidents in a short period of time.”

"This is yet another incident in a short period of time. A shop in Antwerp refused a woman to serve because she was Jewish, a café in Liège has a sign hung with the message 'Dogs welcome, Jews not,' and in Brussels slogans like "Death to the Jews" were chanted during a demonstration and on Facebook, we see calls every day of hatred against the Jewish people,” Freilich said.

Anti-Semitic attacks soar across Europe
Jewish communities around the world have been facing upswing in anti-Semitic incidents, including physical assaults, firebombing of synagogues and calls for violence against Israelis, after the latest Israeli-Hamas conflict.

Jewish communities have been targeted in Germany, France and Italy in the past week. In the UK, police and community groups have recorded a 50 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents over the past month.
“Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will get rid of the pain,” the doctor told the man, as he called back for clarifications, according to local Joods Actueel newspaper. The paper said that the doctor knew right away that it was a Jewish patient's name, and he heard an accent, which might have predetermined his reaction.

Not acceptable, but after all that you have done, are you expecting a better reaction? The world is outraged, even if the Govts are in bed with Israel.
This is definently not professional. Medical treatment should be for everyone.
yawn...save it for the Grim Reaper

1 rib is not a worthy excuse , the reaper will take you with all your flaws


I think the story is "fake" she called at 11pm is he her private doctor to go there at 11 pm
She should ask her family to take her to General Hospital which is open 24 hours

Suprisingly this makes the story ? I mean I have asked for doctor's appointment many times and I have to take an appointment 1 week in advance .. so tough luck lady (Alleged broken rib)
definite breach of the Hippocratic oath.
definite breach of the Hippocratic oath.

Emotions aren't rational, Hippocratic oath transcends all that and this isn't acceptable under any circumstance but at the end of the day, the one discharging the duties is a human.
Emotions aren't rational, Hippocratic oath transcends all that and this isn't acceptable under any circumstance but at the end of the day, the one discharging the duties is a human.

yes. His emotions are understandable, but his actions were cruel. Understandable, but cruel.
There are a dozen other ways of recording your protest but not helping a patient is unacceptable.
Well ,here the protest against the massacre in Gazais done badly and against the wrong person . but if I'm not wrong in USA a doctor don't have an obligation to accept any patient who has not entered his office .
And honnestly there is some fundamental problem with eu and us medical services for example Somebody told me its like this . if you usually work at 9am till 7pm and then one day you close your office door at 18:30 and do some light reading .and as usual at 19 open the door and want to go out and see a man has fallen in front the door of your office with a knife stick out of his back and is begging for your help . as he did not actually entered a practicing medical center you can ignore him walk over him close the door of your office and let him die there without any help .

By the way its comfirting that thesituation here at least was not life threatening .agonizing yes but not life threatening and the treatment for such injuries is usually just a pain killer
‘Send her to Gaza’: Belgian doctor denies help to Jewish 90yo woman with fractured rib
Published time: August 01, 2014 15:01
Edited time: August 02, 2014 16:11


AFP Photo/Jean-Sebastien Evrad

A doctor in Belgium has refused medical help to a 90-year-old Jewish woman with a fractured rib, saying that she needs to be sent to Gaza to “get rid of” the sharp pain she is suffering.

“I’m not coming,” the physician said and hung up after receiving the call at 11pm Wednesday.

Bertha Klein, 90, had a fractured rib and was suffering from “agonizing pain.” She had her son, an American citizen, call the doctor via Flanders medical hotline and ask for help on her behalf.

“Send her to Gaza for a few hours, then she will get rid of the pain,” the doctor told the man, as he called back for clarifications, according to local Joods Actueel newspaper. The paper said that the doctor knew right away that it was a Jewish patient's name, and he heard an accent, which might have predetermined his reaction.

The family then called a friend, Samuel Markowitz, who is an alderman of the Antwerp District Council and a volunteer paramedic.

He also called back the doctor and confronted the doctor with his statements. Markowitz managed to record their conversation.

Hershy Taffel, Bertha Klein’s grandson, filed a discrimination complaint with the police.

“It reminds me of what happened in Europe 70 years ago,” Taffel told Joods Actueel. “I never thought those days would once again be repeated.”

As Joods Actueel reached the physician, he did not deny having such a phone call. He confirmed that he did made an anti-Semitic comment and had denied the woman help, but said that he had an“emotional reaction.”

Health ministry officials are looking into the incident.

Joods Actueel editor-in-chief Michael Freilich said that the incident was alarming, as it comes amid“string of incidents in a short period of time.”

"This is yet another incident in a short period of time. A shop in Antwerp refused a woman to serve because she was Jewish, a café in Liège has a sign hung with the message 'Dogs welcome, Jews not,' and in Brussels slogans like "Death to the Jews" were chanted during a demonstration and on Facebook, we see calls every day of hatred against the Jewish people,” Freilich said.

Anti-Semitic attacks soar across Europe
Jewish communities around the world have been facing upswing in anti-Semitic incidents, including physical assaults, firebombing of synagogues and calls for violence against Israelis, after the latest Israeli-Hamas conflict.

Jewish communities have been targeted in Germany, France and Italy in the past week. In the UK, police and community groups have recorded a 50 percent increase in anti-Semitic incidents over the past month.

Taking out his frustration on a 90 year old women,why doesn't the doctor man up & go to gaza to fight the evil Jews
i'm sure he would have treated her if she was much younger , that belgian doctor reminds me of MarkusSS
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