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Racial Violence in Pakistan

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What's wrong with that? After all, Pakistan was created for Muslims of the sub-continent.

a lot is wrong with that .....a medieval level discriminatory law should never be applicable in a wanna be modern, progressive state.....should India / European countries with Hindu/Cristian majority reciprocate in a similar way.....besides under Pakistani law ....minorities are supposed to be guarrenteed rights .....
Bangladesh and Pakistan: where minorities fear to walk

Lee Jay Walker

The Modern Tokyo Times

In modern day Bangladesh and Pakistan you have constant persecution of non-Muslim minorities and also minority Muslim communities are being killed in the name of radical Sunni Islam in Pakistan. Therefore, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Shia Muslims, Sikhs, and others, face daily persecution and hatred in Bangladesh and Pakistan respectively.

On August 11th this year it will be "Minority Day" in Pakistan, however, Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti of the Pakistan Christian Congress announced that they will be observing 'Black Day" because of the constant persecution of minorities in Pakistan.

Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti states "How we can celebrate Minority Day in Pakistan when our innocent brothers are being killed by Islamic militants and our women are being gang raped and enforcedly converted to Islam."

It is clear that the partition of India led to chaos and hundreds of thousands of people were murdered. After this chaos divisions would emerge between East Pakistan and West Pakistan and further bloodshed would occur, with the outcome being the sovereign nations of Bangladesh and Pakistan. However, while India remains to be multi-religious, the opposite is happening in Bangladesh and Pakistan because religious minorities are facing the brute reality of radical Sunni Islam.

To make matters worse both Bangladesh and Pakistan would witness the gradual Islamization of their societies, notably Pakistan, and massive corruption and persecution of women would continue. The Islamization of both nations was especially traumatic for Hindus and Sikhs in Pakistan and for Hindus and Buddhists in Bangladesh. Not surprisingly, this Islamic persecution of minorities in both nations re-awakened anti-Islamic feelings in India.

Christians in Pakistan also began to feel the brunt of radical Sunni Islam and the same applies to Ahmadiyya Muslims who suffer greatly. At the same time you also have growing divisions within Sunni Islam and the usual Sunni-Shia divide led to many massacres and terrorist attacks.

However, unlike the destruction of Buddhism and Hinduism in Afghanistan which happened centuries earlier because of Islamic conquests, forced conversions to Islam, systematic persecution, and controlling all leverages of power; the Islamization of Bangladesh and Pakistan took place in the twentieth century and continues today.

Yet why are the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism being allowed to be destroyed in both nations? After all, Buddhists in Bangladesh were a small minority and they could never threaten Islam; the same applies to Hindus in Pakistan. Despite this, the international community remains very silent.

Therefore, why did other nations remain quiet when massive religious persecution was taking place? After all, nations like France, the United Kingdom and America were espousing 'democracy' and liberals were glorifying multi-faith societies and stating that Islam was a religion of peace. At the same time major institutions like the Commonwealth, which espoused global human rights, remained quiet despite religious persecution and pogroms in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

In Pakistan the destruction of Hinduism and persecution of Hindus took many forms. The first path was the massacre of Hindus during partition and forcing Hindus to leave via coercion. However, over the last 50 years the destruction of Hinduism in modern day Pakistan was based on past Islamic global conquests and the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed who sanctioned the persecution of non-Muslims. For the Prophet Mohammed had told his followers to 'Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth (Islam) . . .' Therefore, the followers of Hinduism were to be subdued in accordance with the teachings of Islamic Sharia Law, the Koran and the Hadiths.

Given this, Hindus were now a subdued minority, like Christians in Pakistan, and they were unequal in law and status in accordance with the teachings of Islam. At the same time Hindu temples were often converted into Muslim mosques or destroyed, and ancient Hindu architecture was left to collapse and fade away. The choice for many Hindus was either to convert to Islam in order to escape persecution, flee to India or to accept that they were second-class citizens in Pakistan. Not surprisingly, the Hindu population in Pakistan continued to decline and this civilization is being eradicated by Islam.

The situation for Buddhists in Bangladesh was different, for Buddhism had survived countless Islamic conquests in one region because of terrain and other factors; therefore, Buddhists and other faiths had survived in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. However, the increasing population of Bangladesh led to many problems and the government of Bangladesh hoped 'to kill two birds with one stone.' This applies to moving millions of Muslim people to remote parts of Bangladesh, notably the Chittagong Hill Tracts, while at the same time this new Muslim migration would crush the mainly Buddhist tribal opposition in this region.

Therefore, millions of Muslim migrants were moved into the Chittagong Hill Tracts and the mainly Buddhist tribals (some are Christian, Hindu or follow traditional beliefs) became embroiled in a civil war. Islamic radicals also moved into this region and many Buddhist priests were killed, including some being beheaded. At the same time hundreds of Buddhist temples were destroyed and the Bangladesh army took part in many massacres, and some Buddhist women were gang-raped by both Islamic zealots and the Bangladesh army.

In time the mainly Buddhist tribals were overwhelmed by the armed forces of Bangladesh and Muslim migration because this was a clear dual policy based on Islamization and control. Their situation, however, went unnoticed in the West and Islamic nations obviously remained silent. To make matters worse, the mainly Buddhist tribes had no nation supporting them and no major world leader to draw attention to their plight. Given this, the government of Bangladesh continues with this policy and Buddhists and other minorities face the ongoing Islamization of the Chittagong Hill Tracts.

Therefore, the destruction of thousands of years of Hindu/Buddhist civilization in these nations is being destroyed and the world remains largely silent. It is clear that mainly Buddhist nations like Japan (and Shinto), Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, and others, should form an organization to help their co-religionists; with Japan being the main financial power to raise awareness of Buddhist persecution. However, sadly this is not happening and India clearly did not do enough in order to protect or raise the issue of Hindu persecution in both Bangladesh and Pakistan.

If global silence continues then Buddhism will one day be eradicated in Bangladesh. However, the global community did condemn the Taliban in Afghanistan for destroying Buddhist statues and art, yet the same global community remains quiet when Buddhist tribes are being systematically persecuted. Does this mean that Buddhist art in Afghanistan is more important than the persecution of Buddhist communities and the gang **** of Buddhist women in Bangladesh?

Surely the Hindus of Pakistan and Buddhists in the Chittagong Hill Tracts deserve better? If the international community remains silent about this crime, then soon these lands will be Islamized and religiously 'cleansed.'

The ongoing silence is an international disgrace and because of this Islamists are now killing Ahmadiyya Muslims and Christians in Pakistan. After all, the world remained silent when Hindus and Sikhs faced massive persecution in Pakistan and the same applies to the constant destruction of Buddhist tribal villages in Bangladesh. Therefore, the persecution of all minorities is getting worse in modern day Pakistan.

The most vulnerable and 'voiceless' in Bangladesh and Pakistan have been abandoned by the international community. Why?

Von Hölle;1210167 said:
That is because Pakistan does not have sizable minority(less than 2 % compared to 15% at the time of partition- wonder did they all convert??)
So in your lack luster judgement, the more the merrier ???
Higher the ratio... the more you can waste. :no:
Going by your logic, one wonders, who is suppressing the Americans or the Europeans to convert to Islam in ever great numbers. ;)
However regular attacks have taken place on minority groups!!
There have been ad hock incidence against a certain minority but nothing as regular as you would like us to believe... certainly nothing compared to the horror on your side.
Pakistan Christians Protest "Black Day" Treatment of Minorities at UN

New York: August 12, 2010. (PCP) The Pakistani Christian Diaspora in USA staged protest in front of United Nation Offices to observe “Black Day” on killing of Christians and to mark 1st anniversary of Gojra massacre
The protest of "Black Day" was organized by Pakistani Christian Association in North America PCA, Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and The Peace Worldwide which was attended by congregates of different denominations of Pakistani Churches.

The protestors hoisted cards with slogans to end persecution and killing of Christians in Pakistan. The copies of petition were also distributed among different UN delegates to highlight plight of Christians in Pakistan.

The petition to Mr. Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of United Nation sought intervention of United Nations to end killing of Christians and to press upon government of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law.

The petition also appealed to Secretary General of United Nations to award Refugee Status to Pakistani Christians on continuous constitutional genocide.

At the end of protest, Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC and Mr. James Cyprian went in UNO building and presented petition to officer of Secretary General office.

Here is copy of petition submitted to UNO:

Mr. Ban Ki Moon,

Secretary General, United Nations

New York.

20 million Pakistani Christians observed “Black Day” instead of Minority Day by government of Pakistan on August 11, to demand repeal of blasphemy law and to end killing of Christians.

His Excellency,

We wish to draw your kind attention on rising violence against Christians on pretext to blasphemy law, enforced conversion, kidnap and gang **** of Christian women, vandalism of Churches, desecration of Holy Bibles, attacks on homes of Christians, killing of innocent Christians and destruction of Christian properties in Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The government of Pakistan have failed to ensure justice and to protect life and property of Christian citizens where fundamental Muslims attack and destroy homes of Christians under supervision of administration and walk free after killing them.

On July 31, 2009, thousands of Muslims attacked Gojra Town Christians colony setting on fire more than fifty homes and burning alive 7 Christian children and women in presence of local police but culprit are free mocking justice system of Pakistan. The Muslim mobs attack and destruction of hundreds of homes in village Korian and Bahminwala in Punjab province of Pakistan where culprits have been also protected and saved by administration to walk unpunished.

The arrests of Christians under blasphemy law have been doubled in present regime and incident of killing of Two Christian Brothers on July 19, 2010, in broad day light in District Courts of Faisalabad during hearing in blasphemy case is total failure of administration to protect life of Christians in Pakistan.

20 million Pakistani Christian have no voice in democratic institutions of Pakistan when Islamic parties are selecting their representation on reserved seats for minorities in parliament and using them as tool to mislead international community on situation of Christians in Pakistan. We have been deprived of our right to elect our representatives and turned to be second class citizens in Pakistan. Therefore, Pakistani Christians demand right of election of their representative proportional to population in parliament instead of selection by Muslim groups.

We appeal your honor to press upon government of Pakistan to repeal blasphemy law and to adopt necessary measures to protect life and property of Christians in Pakistan.

The thousands of Christians from Punjab province are fleeing to other cities on incidents of violence and arrests under blasphemy have forced them to take refuge in safe places. We also appeal your honor to award Refugee Status to Pakistani Christians that they may take refuge in other countries when they do not have equal basic democratic rights in Pakistan and treated as second class citizen.

Thanking you.

1. Nazir S Bhatti,

President, Pakistan Christian Congress PCC

Pakistan Christian Congress

Editor, Pakistan Christian Post PCP

Pakistan Christian Post

2. William Shahzad

Chairman, Pakistani Christian Association in North America PCA

3. James Cyprian

The Peace Worldwide

Dated: August 12, 2010.

New York."

Pakistan Christians Protest Black Day Treatment of Minorities at UN | Before It's News

a lot is wrong with that .....a medieval level discriminatory law should never be applicable in a wanna be modern, progressive state.....should India / European countries with Hindu/Cristian majority reciprocate in a similar way.....besides under Pakistani law ....minorities are supposed to be guarrenteed rights .....

Minorities in a state which has a failed democracy, feudal lord system, absence of any law & order should not expect equal treatment. That is the sad reality.

Besides what you consider a medieval discriminatory law might be a sacred religious diktat for other people. In a country that was fonded solely on basis of religion lines b/w religious laws and constitutional laws are often blurred
what do you call targeted blowing up of Ahmedis??
What do you call targeted killing of Muslims & suicide attacks at holy shrines within Pakistan........ Hypocrisy isn't going to alter any reality.
So in your lack luster judgement, the more the merrier ???
Higher the ratio... the more you can waste. :no:
Going by your logic, one wonders, who is suppressing the Americans or the Europeans to convert to Islam in ever great numbers. ;)

There have been ad hock incidence against a certain minority but nothing as regular as you would like us to believe... certainly nothing compared to the horror on your side.

No the assumptions goes like..since there are not many of them to begin with and small no, which are also spread out..hence large scale incidents are not recorded..or as blain pointed out ..there are people don't even spare their co-religionist..why would they spare other religions??

As a matter of fact ..I am just wondering ..where did all those minorities disappear??..If they did not convert by force..then maybe to escape some biased laws.
Minorities in a state which has a failed democracy, feudal lord system, absence of any law & order should not expect equal treatment. That is the sad reality.

Besides what you consider a medieval discriminatory law might be a sacred religious diktat for other people. In a country that was fonded solely on basis of religion lines b/w religious laws and constitutional laws are often blurred

well bro....thats the very basis on which they make their arguments about discrimination in India and their right to talk about it in the first place ....thats the point on the strength of which they point fingers at us when we claim the moral high ground......

also regarding the bold part ...such people are not running the government from the seat at Islamabad....and they do not form the state laws.....I agree that to a talibanesque mentality...such an action is legit ....but it is appalling if the state government prefers to turn a blind eye to them and does not act decisively to strictly punish the perpetrators ....such Apathy has not and will never be shown in India at least...despite all our flaws and shortcomings .....even our brand of radicals ( Shiv Sena , Sangh ) all the ones about which Pakistanis cry foul about would never commit such atrocities ....now is it fair ? I think not........
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