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Quetta police arrest children used for bomb blasts

These ruthless terrorist will go to any extent to achieve their evil agendas, even if they have to sacrifice the innocent children of the nation. Children are the future of any nation. They should be carrying books and cricket bats not bombs and guns. They should be in school learning about science, arts and even theology but not in some remote cave where they are trained to kill themselves and others.

It is appalling that the terrorist leadership proudly take responsibility for these atrocities from their hideouts while children die without rhyme or reason. My heart goes out to the mothers who lose their children not only to the terrorists but the ones who are killed in terrorist bombings. We all need to pause for a minute and take a deep look at this… to save Pakistan’s future; we need to ensure the physical and psychological well-being of innocent children.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Sir, don't you think we Americans can help Pakistan by giving them jobs...? The US can import many Pakistani goods which can help create jobs in Pakistan & will help jobless people.
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