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Quetta market hit by 2 blasts

Pakistan didnt help Taliban against USA to leave from Afg while in 1980's Pakistan helped Mujahideen/Taliban against Russia. Taliban were helped up to 2001 or maybe up till 2002. Its been 20 years. Taliban have evolved. Afghanistan is a country of clans and tribes. How many tribal leaders can Taliban bring under their influence and which of those tribal leaders are against Pakistan and have been helping TTP. ISIS has been brought into existence. Al-Qaeda still exists. For Pakistan, TTP was born where as BLA/BRA etc were strengthened.

India will let its investment in Afghanistan sink so easily after 15-20 years ? No.
USA has completely abandoned Afghanistan ? No thats not how CIA operates.
What has China done against TTP or BLA/BRA who attack here and there in the same province where CPEC stands ? it's Pakistan's problem, not China's or Taliban's.
Pakistan is hospitable towards ANA soldiers who are fighting Taliban. The pre-2002 Taliban is not the same as the Taliban of now. They have survived against a super-power, USA, what will be Pakistan to them? Why wouldn't they negotiate with Pakistan and/or USA for USA/NATO to exit Afghanistan and try to get control of the country again. They would even negotiate with China or Russia or other countries, even Iran. Pakistan didn't stand with them in the past and they used Pakistan to talk to USA. Whether Pakistan had put a condition for Taliban to assist against TTP after USA withdrawal or not is to be seen.
I'm not disagreeing with your assessment, I'm saying what are we doing to counter the increased instances of terrorism?
What have we done to boost our internal security?
Not a defense analyst but does it really matter to spend money on conventional forces and maintaining them in the nuclear era? Realistically the only way the two sides damage each other is through espionage so the focus would be much better diverted to countering it
Well, having a million men at the State's beck and call has many advantages, law and order, infrastructure development and recruitment of what would otherwise be, unemployed youth. Armies are more than just a fighting force, they play a big part building a nation and social uplift of a population.
Absolutely devastated. The plight of the Hazara community is enormous.
Pakistan didnt help Taliban against USA to leave from Afg while in 1980's Pakistan helped Mujahideen/Taliban against Russia. Taliban were helped up to 2001 or maybe up till 2002. Its been 20 years. Taliban have evolved. Afghanistan is a country of clans and tribes. How many tribal leaders can Taliban bring under their influence and which of those tribal leaders are against Pakistan and have been helping TTP. ISIS has been brought into existence. Al-Qaeda still exists. For Pakistan, TTP was born where as BLA/BRA etc were strengthened.

India will let its investment in Afghanistan sink so easily after 15-20 years ? No.
USA has completely abandoned Afghanistan ? No thats not how CIA operates.
What has China done against TTP or BLA/BRA who attack here and there in the same province where CPEC stands ? it's Pakistan's problem, not China's or Taliban's.
Pakistan is hospitable towards ANA soldiers who are fighting Taliban. The pre-2002 Taliban is not the same as the Taliban of now. They have survived against a super-power, USA, what will be Pakistan to them? Why wouldn't they negotiate with Pakistan and/or USA for USA/NATO to exit Afghanistan and try to get control of the country again. They would even negotiate with China or Russia or other countries, even Iran. Pakistan didn't stand with them in the past and they used Pakistan to talk to USA. Whether Pakistan had put a condition for Taliban to assist against TTP after USA withdrawal or not is to be seen.
Very uncertain times to be sure. Taliban wanted legitimacy for their reign over Afghanistan during the 90s' and yet hosted AQ. I am skeptical that even now regional actors could influence them enough to bring about a change in their behavior. They would talk the talk, but not walk it, is the fear as shown by history. As far as our support is concerned, we did shield their leadership by providing sanctuaries to them and their families. Quetta shura (kutchlak) is not a myth.
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