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Questions related to India's ASAT test

If it's successful then it means Pak will have the deterrence!!! This is from the analysis of Indo-Pak tussles so far!!! And, in Pak's case deterrence means deterrence, it's no joke (IAF jets, IN subs etc.)!!! How Pak generates these stuffs???? I have no clues....

Now, going by the modern Indo-Pak history, India tries to take out a Pak SAT but fails!!! Then, Pak declares a "surprise" to be delivered, and take out a couple of theirs!!! India then wants to take the fight to the Mars....
Hi, @Hakiket ve Hikmet
I generally dont reply blatant trolling, I just couldnt help but notice, are you always this high? You dont have to view Indo-Pak history with a bias all the time, sometimes, it is great to let your rational brain do the work. Sometimes it is more fruitful and productive to go through credible literature, research seminars, interact with people who work on these things and then make an informed opinion. I am not really sure, if what I write will make any sense to you but you should realize where India and Pakistan are in research in general and space research in particular. You dont really have to be someone with super IQ to answer that question. It might sound harsh to a lot of people (and I am not trolling!) but the fact is, Pakistan simply can not survive without direct/indirect backing of the Chinese and Saudi in the areas of technology and finance. I will end it here!
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Russian and Israeli assistance involved- but their space program does warrant applaud; unlike their defense programs.

No proof of anything except claims.
When they send a man on the moon, then maybe.
Decisive leader is a boon for India...

He has called off the nuclear bluff... and knows the capabilities of India...

Called off the nuclear bluff......only to be left defeated, beaten down, and humiliated at the hands of Pakistan

..........and indian wing commander getting captured by us ON TOP of that :lol:

Infact, it was PAF who called off the bluff of so-called 'conventional superiority' of india, and bombed indian militarily target with impunity and shooting down responding indian jets

Even staunchly anti-Pakistan NY Times Staff called it "humiliating episode" for india

We in Pakistan are all hoping for another "decisive leader" Modi term. Genuinely.
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