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Qatar, Saudi Arabia bid to host 2030 Asian Games

Was she easy on the eyes :D ?

I dont know man, I was still at elementary school at that time. Talking about easy women, I define it as a women that can be easily conquered in the heart. And from my experience it is only possible for any woman who have already loved us in advance. I dont like the difficult one though. So easy women in my perspective is positive and doesnt have any negative connotation at all. :)
There are zero difference between Saudi and Qatar they are one country

You live in a pinky cotton world.. My question is legit because it happened these kings and prince's are fighting each other even in hilarious ways their uncles their cousins and whatever for power anything else is illusionary wishful thinking..

By the way if it sounded pro Qatar then keep it in mind that Qatar is not considered any friendly it's just strategically because most of us know how kings are, they nothing more than brutal filthy egoistic dictators giving themselves a fancy name..
There are zero difference between Saudi and Qatar they are one country. Modern day Saudi Arabia used to be ruled by different families and clans before al Saud took over and United Arabia and become the sole royal family if wasn’t for imperialists Saudis would have united the entire Arabia including Kuwait ,UAE and Oman

Diyar baker, Diyar mudhar, and Diyar rabeeah the Arab syriac Aramean land which the stateless mountain nomads claim it was their historical land but the name of these lands tells you who is really the owner here

Actually, if not for the global powers of the day (100 + years ago), more precisely UK and France, there would be a unified Arab state in the Mashriq at least.

For millennia those areas of Arabia were part of the same ancient civilizations (all the way back to the Neolithic period 12.000 + years ago), empires, caliphates, sultanates, kingdoms etc. In fact

Actually all of the Arabian Gulf and Eastern Arabia, from Southern Iraq to the Eastern Province, where also a part of the Ubaid period that began roughly 6500 BC, the predecessor of Sumer, Dilmun, Magan etc.

However more locally, KSA would have easily incorporated Kuwait, Bahrain (de facto already a Saudi Arabian region), Qatar, UAE and Oman. Those areas were already a part of previous Saudi Arabian states just ruled by the House of Saud in the 1700's and 1800's. The map was quite a bit different which is normal as borders have been changing throughout human history.

Actually the Brits also stopped the Ikhwan from invading Jordan and Southern Iraq, the British air force bombed after they conquered/sacked Amman and border towns in Iraq, both were under British Mandate back then.

Anyway forget any dynasty here, this is of less importance, what is needed is a unification, the current divide makes no sense. The ruling families have turned their ancestral lands into separate entities in areas like Kuwait, Bahrain, UAE and Qatar. Oman is different as they had an empire not long ago that stretched from Pakistan and Iran to the Swahili coastline in Africa but another unification is long overdue.

This might only occur, because no ruler would willingly leave his throne and privileges, once political changes occur or the strongest (KSA) takes matters into their own hand with the will of the people in those nations. Hence the necessary education of the necessity for unity. The good thing, outside of silly harmless rivalry, is that the locals know this very well and support further integration by large, hence the success and pride locals take in the GCC, even though it is not an optimal political platform either, and the close political, military, economic, people to people, educational etc. cooperation that the GCC has facilitated. Free movement of goods, travel, people, workers etc. GCC is in many ways similar to the EU in this regard and we need more of such regional Arab blocs. Iraq, Jordan, Yemen etc. should eventually join the GCC as well as Palestine, Lebanon and Syria. Egypt could join as well as well as neighboring Sudan and then we would have an Arab regional bloc that would cover all of the Mashriq. The Maghreb could form the other bloc with Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya, although Eastern Libya might want to join the Mashriq.

Some maps:



If not for Ibn Saud, we would have 4-5 entities. So we need more such figures in the future unless people want 20 + more Arab nations to emerge.

In fact if history turned out a bit different it could have been the Hashemites or Rashidi (Jabal Shammar used to control lands in Syria, Jordan, Iraq and KSA) that would have united those lands (maybe done a better or worse job, nobody knows for sure)


You live in a pinky cotton world.. My question is legit because it happened these kings and prince's are fighting each other even in hilarious ways their uncles their cousins and whatever for power anything else is illusionary wishful thinking..

By the way if it sounded pro Qatar then keep it in mind that Qatar is not considered any friendly it's just strategically because most of us know how kings are, they nothing more than brutal filthy egoistic dictators giving themselves a fancy name..

I already replied to @Salmanov why your post is nonsense. There is no difference between the people in the GCC, we are one people and we were one nation/entity for millennia. It is all Arabia. The difference here is that Arabia is 4-5 times larger than Anatolia and just like Anatolia in the past once was divided into many entities, the same is the case in Arabia right now with mostly the West preventing regional Arab unity like anywhere else. If not for the Ottomans conquering the region and local people like the forefathers of 95% of all modern day Turks, this divide would have continued, and if not for Ataturk, those lands would now be divided into Greek, Armenian, Kurdish and Syrian (Arab) lands.

Using your logic, the Ottomans, who have a 1000 times worse track record of rulers killing brothers (this is a Turkic speciality if you look at history, quite unknown for Arabs, although sibling wars have been common) were no different and the current day rulers such as Erdogan and other "presidents" are no different.

Anyway if you don't understand the difference between royal families, noble families, historically important clans, tribes, families, dynasties, ruling families and the average common man, you need to take a course in human history and realize which families are dominating the world across all the borders. Hint, it is not the common man. You can call it unfair or whatever, but this is a historical reality. The elites have always shaped and created the world and each culture across the world. Just the way it is. The only difference between bad then and today, is that it is easier to rise up on the social ladder and leave a mark yourself due to the improvement of education, access to information, economic improvement and more opportunities.

Ban that entire event together with all its useless non-productive glamorized players, **** the Asian games

I don't care about those Asian Games either but it might be a good business opportunity to attract a large number of tourists etc. I like sports and I am happy that KSA is now hosting international golf tournaments, tennis tournaments, cycling tournaments, even more international football tournaments, athletic tournaments, boxing (the world super heavyweight fight between Ruiz and Joshua was fantastic for instance), Dakar Rally, Formula E racing etc.

It was absolutely ridiculous to see small nations like UAE, Qatar, Bahrain etc. due it for decades (with success) while the big brother (KSA) was just silent in this regard.

I support such Arab involvement everywhere from Morocco to Oman. It is good for tourism, PR, local sports etc.
It has already been decided. Qatar won, but Saudi will still be a host in 2034.

Looks like Saudia Arabia patched stuff up with Qatar hopefully
  • Saudia-Iran can patch it up
  • Saudia-Turkey can patch it up too
I have seen 106 F ( 41.5 C) in 11pm in July a few years ago. It feels like you are in an oven !
2038 and 2042 ASIAN Games could be played in South East Asian countries like Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Philippine. They have good sport facility already,
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