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Qatar ready for dialogue, says emir in televised address

Saif al-Arab

Mar 26, 2015
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Saudi Arabia
Qatar ready for dialogue, says emir in televised address

Arab News | Published — Saturday 22 July 2017

Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. (AP)

DOHA: Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani said in a televised speech on Friday that Doha is ready for dialogue to resolve a diplomatic crisis with neighboring Gulf countries so long as his country’s sovereignty is respected.
“We are open to dialogue to resolve the outstanding problems,” so long as Qatar’s “sovereignty is respected,” he said. “The time has come for us to spare the people from the political differences between the governments.”
The Qatari emir valued Kuwait’s mediation and the support of other countries for the efforts, including the US, Turkey and Germany.
He criticized the closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people.
The Qatari emir claimed that life in his country was continuing as normal since the Anti-Terror Quartet, comprising Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, severed diplomatic and travel ties with it last month.
“As you know, life in Qatar life goes on normally,” he added.


And we the Arab nation, people and in particular citizens of the Arabian Peninsula are and always will be ready to ensure and work towards a healthy brotherly and sisterly relationship regardless of what the existing rulers are up to on both sides. This ground reality will never change.

To all non-Arabs here or elsewhere that try to create hostility between brotherly people, meddle in affairs that do not concern you or troll here on PDF, here is something that you should have in mind:

The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:

"From Caesar of Rome to Muawiya,

We've come to know of what has occurred between you and Ali, and we see that you are more fitting for the Caliphate and so if you wish I will send you an army which will retrieve for you the head of Ali."

and so Muawiya replied to him saying,

"From Muawiya to Hercules,

Two brothers disputing so what right do you have to intervene? If you don't keep quiet I will send you an army its forerunners near you while its rearmost near me, to retrieve your head which I would then give to Ali."

Nothing more to add, I believe.
@Saif al-Arab If you care so much about the Arab world or the ME why do you insist on the hatred path? It seems since the death of Abdullah you (Saudis) became much more hardline and illogical.
@Saif al-Arab If you care so much about the Arab world or the ME why do you insist on the hatred path? It seems since the death of Abdullah you (Saudis) became much more hardline and illogical.

Who are we? Are you addressing King Salman or MBS here? Am I a decision maker or a top official?

Please be serious.

Also your claim of "hardline" and "illogical" is your own claim and opinion. I don't know what you base that on nor do I know if you are aware of what the dispute between KSA/Bahrain/Egypt/UAE etc. and Qatar is based on. If you take a look at previous threads about this issue on PDF and preferably outside of the forum (Arabic sources but not only) you will notice that this is a dispute based on politics that date back years. It is an internal Arab issue and concerns issues limited to this part of the world.

It is a political dispute between regimes in power not the people!

I hope that you realize that 95% of all Qatari citizens (some 325.000 people) are originally from modern-day KSA, including the royal family (Al-Thani). Or that what is today Qatar has been part of ancient civilizations, empires, kingdoms, sultanates, imamates, sheikdoms, emirates etc. based in modern-day KSA or ruled by people from modern-day KSA during both pre-Islamic times and Islamic times. Even the House of Saud once ruled what is today Qatar not that long ago.

It has nothing to do with Iran for instance as UAE alone has 10 times the trade with Iran than Qatar. In fact UAE too hosts more Iranian citizens than there are citizens in Qatar. Let's discuss issues based on facts and not fantasy otherwise nothing can be solved.

BTW, may I ask where you are from in Iran if you don't mind? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, obviously.

If you are from Southern Khorasan Province that would be a nice surprise as I have a few questions. I don't think that there is a single Iranian user from that region here.
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Qatar ready to talk!:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Why would they lower themselves to the kingdom of doom, while they have the upper hand !

Wonder if the swath of white fabric the subhuman ordered from France, have arrived..:coffee::coffee::coffee:
Who are we? Are you addressing King Salman or MBS here? Am I a decision maker or a top official?

Please be serious.

Also your claim of "hardline" and "illogical" is your own claim and opinion. I don't know what you base that on nor do I know if you are aware of what the dispute between KSA/Bahrain/Egypt/UAE etc. and Qatar is based on. If you take a look at previous threads about this issue on PDF and preferably outside of the forum (Arabic sources but not only) you will notice that this is a dispute based on politics that date back years. It is an internal Arab issue and concerns issues limited to this part of the world.

It is a political dispute between regimes in power not the people!

I hope that you realize that 95% of all Qatari citizens (some 325.000 people) are originally from modern-day KSA, including the royal family (Al-Thani). Or that what is today Qatar has been part of ancient civilizations, empires, kingdoms, sultanates, imamates, sheikdoms, emirates etc. based in modern-day KSA or ruled by people from modern-day KSA during both pre-Islamic times and Islamic times. Even the House of Saud once ruled what is today Qatar not that long ago.

It has nothing to do with Iran for instance as UAE alone has 10 times the trade with Iran than Qatar. In fact UAE too hosts more Iranian citizens than there are citizens in Qatar. Let's discuss issues based on facts and not fantasy otherwise nothing can be solved.

BTW, may I ask where you are from in Iran if you don't mind? You don't have to answer if you don't want to, obviously.

If you are from Southern Khorasan Province that would be a nice surprise as I have a few questions. I don't think that there is a single Iranian user from that region here.
I am talking about the Saudi king that passed away(Ahmadinejad visited him). He was much more calculated and logical compared to the new leaders in charge. The young prince with the beard is too young to be in such a place.

About Qatar i agree. Iran should stay out of it. It is a family fight, literally.

I am not talking about Qatar,Bahrain,Kuwait etc. I am talking about the new hardline approach of the Saudi government. It is taking the region to a very dangerous path.
I am talking about the Saudi king that passed away(Ahmadinejad visited him). He was much more calculated and logical compared to the new leaders in charge. The young prince with the beard is too young to be in such a place.

About Qatar i agree. Iran should stay out of it. It is a family fight, literally.

I am not talking about Qatar,Bahrain,Kuwait etc. I am talking about the new hardline approach of the Saudi government. It is taking the region to a very dangerous path.

King Abdullah was and is a respected ruler who did a lot of good inside KSA. Regardless of that he had his faults like every leader and one of them was to act overly passively.

Age should not matter here but abilities, visions, the people that you surround yourself with etc. MBS is turning 32 next month. Other young officials have entered the government too which is a very good thing.

What is that dangerous path about? The Saudi Arabian Vision 2030 that is intended to modernize KSA further in regards to economic, social and religious reforms? Is it KSA pursuing a closer policy to China (our largest trading partner), Russia, emerging markets in the Arab world, Asia, Africa, Latin America, improving ties with Iraq, Sudan, Algeria etc.? Or initiating promising reforms inside KSA just within the past 18 months?

You are probably mostly referring to Yemen. Well, read up on that conflict and who started it (Houthis) and why KSA won't allow all of Yemen turning into a hostile and lawless nation.

KSA policies in regards to Iran are just a consequence of Iranian policies. There was no such problems pre-1979. That's merely 38 years ago.

BTW, you did not answer where you are from originally in Iran. Is it by any chance Southern Khorasan Province? I know that the likelihood of this is small nevertheless I have to answer again.
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Qatar ready for dialogue, says emir in televised address

Arab News | Published — Saturday 22 July 2017

Emir of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani. (AP)

DOHA: Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani said in a televised speech on Friday that Doha is ready for dialogue to resolve a diplomatic crisis with neighboring Gulf countries so long as his country’s sovereignty is respected.
“We are open to dialogue to resolve the outstanding problems,” so long as Qatar’s “sovereignty is respected,” he said. “The time has come for us to spare the people from the political differences between the governments.”
The Qatari emir valued Kuwait’s mediation and the support of other countries for the efforts, including the US, Turkey and Germany.
He criticized the closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem and expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people.
The Qatari emir claimed that life in his country was continuing as normal since the Anti-Terror Quartet, comprising Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Egypt, severed diplomatic and travel ties with it last month.
“As you know, life in Qatar life goes on normally,” he added.


And we the Arab nation, people and in particular citizens of the Arabian Peninsula are and always will be ready to ensure and work towards a healthy brotherly and sisterly relationship regardless of what the existing rulers are up to on both sides. This ground reality will never change.

To all non-Arabs here or elsewhere that try to create hostility between brotherly people, meddle in affairs that do not concern you or troll here on PDF, here is something that you should have in mind:

The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:

"From Caesar of Rome to Muawiya,

We've come to know of what has occurred between you and Ali, and we see that you are more fitting for the Caliphate and so if you wish I will send you an army which will retrieve for you the head of Ali."

and so Muawiya replied to him saying,

"From Muawiya to Hercules,

Two brothers disputing so what right do you have to intervene? If you don't keep quiet I will send you an army its forerunners near you while its rearmost near me, to retrieve your head which I would then give to Ali."

Nothing more to add, I believe.

"The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:"

Can you remind me how many muslim killed b/w the brotherly fight of Muwaviya and Hazrat Ali RA and how much damage Muaviya caused to the Religion ? It was his fight which caused the schism in Islam
"The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:"

Can you remind me how many muslim killed b/w the brotherly fight of Muwaviya and Hazrat Ali RA and how much damage Muaviya caused to the Religion ? It was his fight which caused the schism in Islam

That is factually incorrect.

I have reported your post for sectarian baiting.
"The Emperor of Byzantine sent a letter to Muawiya in hopes of sowing more dispute and hatred among the Muslims. The letter read as follows:"

Can you remind me how many muslim killed b/w the brotherly fight of Muwaviya and Hazrat Ali RA and how much damage Muaviya caused to the Religion ? It was his fight which caused the schism in Islam

My quote has nothing to do with who was right, who was wrong or who caused what. I am talking about it being unwelcome and unnecessary for non-locals and non-Arabs to meddle negatively or try to cause harm in a dispute between brothers that can only be solved by brothers. Moreover considering the fact that this dispute has nothing to do with the people of the countries involved as I stated in detail in post 1 and 3. Regimes only are involved. I do note that you live in Qatar and might be biased in this dispute but that is understandable.

BTW events that occurred 1400 years ago are of a political nature. Now turned religious for some groups. I won't participate in that. I can have my own views and they are as the majority in case you are going to accuse me of taking sides in a dispute that is 1400 years old and a dispute which I logically had no role in nor any living person or even their great-grandfather's 37 times over.

1400 years is approximately 45 generations just to put things into perspective.

Qatar mustn't forget the Battle of Al Wajbah.


Hopefully Qatar returns to its roots.

They will dear.
Arabs and Muslims are not so faithful to each other that they boast. They are calling for outsiders for help against each other. Saudia and Kuwait calling for US against Saddam. Again both Qatar and Saudia calling US for their cause.

And I don't understand, who is playing the role of Muawiyyah and who is playing the role of King of Byzantine?

Is Qatar is Muawiyyah or Saudia is Muawiyyah?

Is Iran is King of Byzantine, or US is the King of Byzantine mentioned here?

It seems to me Iran has nothing to do with the initiation of this conflict. It was initiated because of the madness of Arabic States itself. Yes, may be Trump played a role as he claims that his visit was the reason for Saudia taking these measures against Qatar.

My quote has nothing to do with who was right, who was wrong or who caused what. I am talking about it being unwelcome and unnecessary for non-locals and non-Arabs to meddle negatively or try to cause harm in a dispute between brothers that can only be solved by brothers.

All I see Saddam backstabbing Kuwait. Then Kuwait and Saudia backstabbing Saddam.
And then Saudia backstabbing Qaddafi.
And then Saudia backstabbing Morsi.
And then Yemeni Arabs fighting Saudia. Now Arabai Saudia blaming them for taking help from outsider Iran, while Arabi Yemeni blaming Saudia for taking help from outsider US.
Same for Arabi Hizbullah who is blamed to take help from outsider Iran.
Same for Arabi Syria.
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