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Qaradawi’s U-Turn: I love the UAE, Saudi Arabia


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi says “I am part of Qatar, Qatar is a part of me ... I am now 88 years old, and I will stay in Qatar to be buried in its soil.” (File photo: Reuters)​

By Amena Bakr | Reuters
Sunday, 20 April 2014

An influential Qatar-based Islamist whose fiery sermons strained ties between Doha and its neighbors sent a conciliatory message to countries he has criticized in an apparent attempt to help end a rift between the Gulf Arab allies.

Sheikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian-born cleric whose sermons have often admonished the authorities in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), said all views expressed in his preaching were his own and not those of Qatar.

“My personal position does not reflect the position of the Qatari government ... I do not take on an official position, but just express my personal opinion,” he said in an emailed statement on Sunday.

The ageing cleric used unusually placatory language about Qatar’s neighbors, some of whom he has accused of a variety of failings including being insufficiently Islamic.

“I would like to say I love all the countries of the Gulf, and they all love me: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Bahrain. I consider them one country and one house,” he said.

On March 5, in an unprecedented move, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Bahrain recalled their ambassadors from Qatar, accusing Doha of failing to abide by an accord not to interfere in each other’s internal affairs. Qatar denies the charge.

The three states were especially angry at Qatar’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist movement that reveres Qaradawi and whose ideology challenges the principle of conservative dynastic rule long dominant in the Gulf.

‘Qatar is part of me’
Since the withdrawal of the Gulf ambassadors, Qaradawi has refrained from preaching during Friday sermons, a move seen as an attempt to calm tensions.

In his Sunday statement, Qaradawi noted that he had been awarded prizes in Saudi Arabia and UAE for his work, adding he valued the awards highly.

Qaradawi said the opinions he expressed in his public statements were only delivered as a means of constructive criticism.

“What I said, and I say, is a matter of sincere advice, which will prove its sincerity after a while,” he said.

The UAE summoned the Qatari ambassador in February over what it said were insults by Qaradawi in a Qatar state television broadcast in which he condemned the UAE as anti-Islamic.

In a sermon shortly afterwards, Qaradawi apparently addressed the UAE: "Were you angry at me because of two lines I said about you? What if I gave an entire sermon just on your scandals and injustices?"

In his statement, Qaradawi denied media reports that he would be leaving Qatar soon. He said: “I am part of Qatar, Qatar is a part of me ... I am now 88 years old, and I will stay in Qatar to be buried in its soil.”

Last Update: Monday, 21 April 2014 KSA 13:20 - GMT 10:20


keeping qaradawi's religious opinions aside, he certainly gets political attention. Or they using religion to gain political ascendancy?
Can't stand the guy!

He has lost it in the past few years. MB is acting more like a power hungry cult for each year but now they are completely countered everywhere.

keeping qaradawi's religious opinions aside, he certainly gets political attention. Or they using religion to gain political ascendancy?

Basically a attention whore on his old days.

Qatar is being dealt with while we speak.
He is a terrorists who made a fatwa ordering to kill Syrians, and I heard he was going to be sent to Tunisia, then from there he is going to start trying to destroy Algeria...
He is a terrorists who made a fatwa ordering to kill Syrians, and I heard he was going to be sent to Tunisia, then from there he is going to start trying to destroy Algeria...
That terrorist Qaradawi issued a fatwa, and his terrorist follower bachar acted on it to the last detail, and is still doing so by killing Syrians on daily basis. If u want to act stupid, I will post some pictures of barrel bombs going off in the middle of the streets in what is Aleppo.
That terrorist Qaradawi issued a fatwa, and his terrorist follower bachar acted on it to the last detail, and is still doing so by killing Syrians on daily basis. If u want to act stupid, I will post some pictures of barrel bombs going off in the middle of the streets in what is Aleppo.
if you want to act stupid I will post videos and pictures of your beloved F$A eating human flesh, beheading people, raping woman, suicide bombings, killing innocent civilians and etc... and I can also post pictures of the barrel bombs falling on wherever the F$A terrorists are found, even if they were on Mars, they will get that barrel bomb, the Syrian government just like any other government have the right to pursue those terrorists and kill them other countries such as the west invaded nations on behalf of fighting terrorism...
if you want to act stupid I will post videos and pictures of your beloved F$A eating human flesh, beheading people, raping woman, suicide bombings, killing innocent civilians and etc... and I can also post pictures of the barrel bombs falling on wherever the F$A terrorists are found, even if they were on Mars, they will get that barrel bomb, the Syrian government just like any other government have the right to pursue those terrorists and kill them other countries such as the west invaded nations on behalf of fighting terrorism...
How sweet so u have only that one video to go by, really, u will talk about it for the rest of your life. Oh wait what else do u have to talk about, ur ISIL that bachar has deliberately assisted. U are just a fool, of wait sorry ignorant fool who will believe all that is told to him and will never ever use his brain which I doubt u have at the first place. Come up with something new boy, that flesh eating thing was out of taste and uncalled for no doubt, I dont condone it, but I am sure he was done enough harm to indulge in such behavior. That said, u have no moral ground to stand on that is u had any morals to begin with, which also I doubt that u had any.

if you want to act stupid I will post videos and pictures of your beloved F$A eating human flesh, beheading people, raping woman, suicide bombings, killing innocent civilians and etc... and I can also post pictures of the barrel bombs falling on wherever the F$A terrorists are found, even if they were on Mars, they will get that barrel bomb, the Syrian government just like any other government have the right to pursue those terrorists and kill them other countries such as the west invaded nations on behalf of fighting terrorism...
So how many Syrians will vote for bachar, let me guess. More then 6 mil poor souls displaced and living as refugees in other countries. Millions displaced internally or cutoff from the center, and still bachar will because 95% of Syrians voted for him. And u will lead the cheer brigade.
How sweet so u have only that one video to go by, really, u will talk about it for the rest of your life. Oh wait what else do u have to talk about, ur ISIL that bachar has deliberately assisted. U are just a fool, of wait sorry ignorant fool who will believe all that is told to him and will never ever use his brain which I doubt u have at the first place. Come up with something new boy, that flesh eating thing was out of taste and uncalled for no doubt, I dont condone it, but I am sure he was done enough harm to indulge in such behavior. That said, u have no moral ground to stand on that is u had any morals to begin with, which also I doubt that u had any.

So how many Syrians will vote for bachar, let me guess. More then 6 mil poor souls displaced and living as refugees in other countries. Millions displaced internally or cutoff from the center, and still bachar will because 95% of Syrians voted for him. And u will lead the cheer brigade.
how many will vote for Alasad? I don't know, but I guess many will so he can kill all those Alqaeda terrorists... as of now he is the best leader to fight your beloved Alqaeda... and that human flesh act was just to show your their mentality, you ignored all the beheading and suicide bombings, and mortar shells falling daily on civilians from the F$A terrorists... of course you will ignore all those terrorists acts, because you support them... btw when you carry a Syrian passport you can have a say on Syrian internal affairs... and if you want to talk about humanitarian cause, then support peace in Syria not war, peace can be easily restored when the west and their puppets in the region end weapons flow to the Alqaeda terrorists in Syria...
how many will vote for Alasad? I don't know, but I guess many will so he can kill all those Alqaeda terrorists... as of now he is the best leader to fight your beloved Alqaeda... and that human flesh act was just to show your their mentality, you ignored all the beheading and suicide bombings, and mortar shells falling daily on civilians from the F$A terrorists... of course you will ignore all those terrorists acts, because you support them... btw when you carry a Syrian passport you can have a say on Syrian internal affairs... and if you want to talk about humanitarian cause, then support peace in Syria not war, peace can be easily restored when the west and their puppets in the region end weapons flow to the Alqaeda terrorists in Syria...
I can give u one million and one reasons with proof and show u that how full of chit u are. But then whats the point. I will try and explain it to u in very simple terms. what u are trying to do ur level best is coat shit with sugar and sell it off as candy, but baby boy we aint buying that crap.
He has lost it in the past few years. MB is acting more like a power hungry cult for each year but now they are completely countered everywhere.

Basically a attention whore on his old days.

Qatar is being dealt with while we speak.


Please be gentle, My countrymen has to go there to send remittances :(
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