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Putin’s Approval Rating Rises to 80% – Poll


Jun 26, 2012
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Russian Federation
Putin’s Approval Rating Rises to 80% – Poll

Putin’s Approval Rating Rises to 80% – Poll

© RIA Novosti. Ramil Sitdikov
17:21 26/03/2014

MOSCOW, March 26 (RIA Novosti) - Russian President Vladimir Putin's approval rating has reached 80 percent, with a majority of Russians saying the country is heading in the right direction, an independent pollster said Wednesday.

A poll by the Levada Center said public support for the Russian leader rose by 8 percent since Putin delivered an address to parliament on Crimea before the predominantly Russian-speaking region rejoined Russia last week.

Levada said Putin's approval rating peaked at 85 percent in spring 2008, when Dmitry Medvedev, now prime minister, succeeded him as president.

Another poll by Levada last week said a majority of Russians believe their country is a great power and an important player in the international arena.

Some 63 percent of respondents said modern Russia has regained the status of a superpower, the highest level in the history of the poll, conducted by the Levada Center since the 2000s.

Putin was named International Person of the Year by Britain's The Times newspaper in December, for succeeding in his ambition of reestablishing Moscow as a critical player in solving international problems.

According to the poll released Wednesday, only 18 percent of respondents did not approve of Putin's performance as president.

The survey was conducted March 21-24 among 1,600 respondents across 130 cities in Russia. The statistical margin of error was 3.4 percent.
No surprise there, Russians are used to living under authoritarian regimes.
No surprise there, Russians are used to living under authoritarian regimes.
What a very idiotic reading. Peoples, all peoples, revel in nationalistic optimism whenever their country achieves military glory - it was like that among Americans in the first few weeks of the US invasion of Iraq, too. This has nothing to do with democracy, dictatorship or whatever other buzzwords Westerners create to justify their feelings of superiority.
I seem to recall Thatcher's popularity skyrocketed after defeating Argentina in the Falklands War to recapture Falkland. 8-)
Putin's popularity would reach 90% in Russia, and 55% in the USA, if he would challenge Obama to a judo match at the UN! Go Vladimir!
What a very idiotic reading. Peoples, all peoples, revel in nationalistic optimism whenever their country achieves military glory - it was like that among Americans in the first few weeks of the US invasion of Iraq, too. This has nothing to do with democracy, dictatorship or whatever other buzzwords Westerners create to justify their feelings of superiority.

yep Bush Jr approval soared to 90% after 9/11 and the Afghan war.
also Bush Sr soared to 89% with the Gulf War.

Presidential Approval Ratings | Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends
yep Bush Jr approval soared to 90% after 9/11 and the Afghan war.
also Bush Sr soared to 89% with the Gulf War.
Presidential Approval Ratings | Gallup Historical Statistics and Trends

I think some things about wars get hard wired too early in our childhood. It must feel good to see super sleek war planes flying high and taking care of Iraqi tanks. The bad guy is being punished. This is literally like a movie played in reality with a similar show of emotions from spectators.
No surprise there, Russians are used to living under authoritarian regimes.

Surely, you must mean Americans. You know, the majority of Americans who support every aggressive war the criminal U.S. starts?

What a very idiotic reading. Peoples, all peoples, revel in nationalistic optimism whenever their country achieves military glory - it was like that among Americans in the first few weeks of the US invasion of Iraq, too. This has nothing to do with democracy, dictatorship or whatever other buzzwords Westerners create to justify their feelings of superiority.

Yes, unfortunately the majority of human beings are scumbags, including most people posting here.
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