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Putin Looks to Pakistan as Cold War Friend India Buys U.S. Arms

Good Russia Then Also Tell them to Find New Seller for there Billions of $ Technology and Trade.Also More than 50 billion dollars Future Investment in their future Projects when they have shortage of Cash Already and there Economy is hitting Down.As for US-Pakistan Relations I think you Should deeply Analyse That.

As for Pak-Russian Relations is Same As Sino-india Relation it has Less positive and more negative Aspects.But Advantage India Enjoys over Pakistan due to Its Large Market Size.Rest Wait for Putin Visit to India in December You will See Every thing Clear.

you know this shows the mentality of Bharti peoples ?? first you say that we dont have any concern on Russian selling Mi35 to pakistan , and now you are saying that Russian should find another buyer why ??
if Russia comes a little close to Pakistan , why india is concern ?? why on the first place you will cancel your projects with them ??
do you have that much hate for Pakistan ?? than why not openly accept it ??
you guys have done deals with US , have you seen that Pakistan saying we will not buying anything from US anymore ??
why all this crying ?
when Pakistan can court US and Russia together then you think india can't do it?? Lol
And isnt it ironical that Russian defnce minister's visit to Pakistan comes at time when Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif is in the US for a series of meetings with U.S. defense and national security officials??
So stop reading too much between the lines is what I would say to the Pakistani journos.

U.S. Russia, and China...

Air Chief and Defence Production Minister just came back from Chinese Zuhai Air Show. JF-17 Sales to interested countries, and our interest in purchasing FC-31 Stealth Fighter was part of business
This is not a matter of concerned Russia sold weapons to pakistan earlier as well. What is bothering India is Free weapons from USA, China and other countries.

Pakistan still getting large number of military equipments for free.

Russia is nothing, they will give a penny without payment.
Lets see how our Govt and foreign office use this opportunity to make good relations with russia
India is going Good direction, so do not worry India as you emerging power in world. India have its own unique position in world rather enjoy your own worth in international world.
Beside, Russia is now have only vintage weapons technology compared to West, USA and Israel, so rather India wasting money poor and old technology it better to take good and strong steps for it own interests.

Pakistan is only happy that Russia is back! IT is Good for Pakistan. But unfortunately, Pakistan have worst economical, political conditions, which are not allowing buy even Russian modern attack Helicopter Mi 28, which still inferior compared to Apachi. So, Pakistan have no peanuts in his pocket to use it. So, Pakistan should have to think about his much about economy and political stabilization, rather creating such big words.

Pakistan need Good economy, political situation, which can put more boom improve its military purchase and strength. Weak Economy, Weak Military. So, Good Luck Pakistan

Our economy is not bad and certainly not far from India. Just give it few more years. Between 2015-2020, China will invest $45 Billion in Pakistan's energy and infrastructure. We share a border with China and an economic corridor will be established from Western China to Gwadar, a port which is situated near neighboring Iran and Straight of Hormus, where world's 35% petroleum is traded.

Pakistan is perceived to be poor, but in reality it is not the case when it comes to defence. It is has close to 150 Nuclear Warheads and is estimated to have up to 200 by the year 2020. Recently we purchased more F-16s, started production and sales of Block II or our domestic fighter jet called the JF-17, started negotiation for the purchase of FC-31 stealth fighter jet, purchased Russian MI-35 Helios, and in negotiations to purchase Turkish T-219 and or Chinese Z-10 Helios, which are equal or better than Apache.
Pakistan and Russia will develop ties. good ones at that, but Russia will always have at the back of their minds the Pak/US relationship, which is firmly entrenched, both at a military and civilian level.
Its better if Russia has more influence in Pakistan.

Russia is India's true friend. So I think its better if Russia has more leverage in Pakistan.

At the end of the day, better India-China ties and better Pakistan-Russia ties could bring India and Pakistan closer (against all expectations though :D)

Maybe India, Pakistan, China and Russia could all become allies. Will be great for the region. (Just keep that fanatic form of Islam in control but :D)
The 10 year lease is just for show purposes. The Akula II is ours for ever. We can convert it into an underground themed park or hotel if we want 25 years from now. Just saying of course.

When the ARMATA program comes online we will take be making the big purchases the likes of which have not been seen in ages. If anything Indo-Russia co-op is becoming deeper and deeper.

Sir are you sure about India's interest in ARMATA because that is very good news
U.S. Russia, and China...

Air Chief and Defence Production Minister just came back from Chinese Zuhai Air Show. JF-17 Sales to interested countries, and our interest in purchasing FC-31 Stealth Fighter was part of business
Yeah right....US -Russia - China...
Pakistan is walking the tight rope I must say. :P
Its just a matter of time before Pakistan would end up upsetting one of 'em, lets wait and watch which country its going to be? :)

Lets start with US and China first...
US was so upset when the chopper when the tail of the stealth chopper that was used in the Bin Laden raid of 2011 was trucked from the site by Pakistani forces and China was given exclusive access to it before it was finally returned to the US at John Kerry's in person request. :lol:
Pakistan let China see crashed U.S. stealth copter| Reuters

This was seen as a retaliation for America's unilateral and humiliating action against the Bin Laden compound, located deep in Pakistani territory.
It is a little more than ironic that some of the technology gleaned from that tail is likely embedded into the J-31. Just another reminder of the tightrope the US continues to walk in Pakistan.


Photo credit: J-31 tail shot via Ivan Voukadinov, JF-17 via Russavia (wikicommons), F-16, F-7 and F-16 via USAF, Tejas via Rinju9 (wikicommons), J-31 top shot via Russavia (wikicommons).

And wait there's more about J-31
The J-31 is the most visible fruit of Chinese cyber espionage that targets America’s military, government and economy—from the Pentagon to Los Alamos, oil pipelines to power plants, Google to Coca-Cola . Cyber spies from the People’s Liberation Army stole F-35 data by hacking into the systems of behemoth defense contractor Lockheed Martinand at least six subcontractors.

And now Russia...
Then I 'm sure you've heard of Russia-Indian PGFA fighter program.
Sukhoi/HAL FGFA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And lets accept it that FC-31 is somewhat archaic in complexity.
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India with a lots of weapon purchased from non Russian sources is still a very big purchaser of Russian arms. It outnumbers Pakistani purchase by many more times.
it is not the gun but man behind the guns that makes or breaks a fight.
it is not the gun but man behind the guns that makes or breaks a fight.
Yes the man behind the Guns are also Important. We have best men behind the guns and we are trying to have best guns as well.
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