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Putin and Modi holds talks with each other on Afghanistan.

India wants assurances that Afghanistan would not be used against them. They want some kind of stake in new Afghan setup.

When we talk about inclusive government, India is trying its own people ( Indian backed Afghans) to be part of it. So that they have some sort of leverage and a constant presence in Pakistani backyard.
Lmao coming from IndiaToday that is all you need to know.. Russia with China :lol:
Taliban trying very hard and going out of the way to have an inclusive government comprising of all ethnicities which will be good for an stable afghanistan. Taliban will call the shots and in a stable Afghanistan spoilers and mischief makers will have limited capability.

If india will still try mischief, it will only damage their interests. Already full scale of Afghanistan upheaval will take long time to comprehend.
India and Russia do not share mutual interests this time. Russia will simply oppose any side that the Americans support. At best, India can make a request for Russia to not directly harm Indian interests in the region. In exchange, India will promise to keep the bilateral military purchase program from Russia alive and well. :-)
Modi discussing Afghanistan situation with Putin:

trying to ride two boats at a time.
They ride all right, but not boats...if you know what I mean. This bharti diarrhea over Afghanistan is not without some very good reasons. They bled Pakistan for over 20 years with totally impunity and zero payback from Pakistan. Why shouldn't they be upset at losing the second and extremely successful and bloody front against Pakistan.
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They ride all right, but not boats...if you know what I mean. This bharti diarrhea over Afghanistan is not without some very good reasons. They bled Pakistan for over 20 years with totally immunity and zero payback from Pakistan. Why shouldn't they be upset at losing the second and extremely successful and bloody front against Pakistan.
if only the same can be reciprocated in india as they did to us. otherwise this player for peace is just acting like a wimp.
I don't like to criticize our side, but the #1 ranked agency has been in deep hibernation for last 20 years. No wonder pajeets have become so bold, since there is no danger of retribution from us.
a very very very painful reality. we get dragged into ruins and pajeet can continue as normal.

Talks lasted close to an hour (50 minutes).

I think Panjshir situation was discussed.

Source of the above article is not credible. It is from, "indiaTody". indiaToday is part of the wo
I don't like to criticize our side, but the #1 ranked agency has been in deep hibernation for last 20 years. No wonder pajeets have become so bold, since there is no danger of retribution from us.

They have been in conflict with the usa/nato, ana/nds and indian proxy terrorists since October 2021. That conflict has now abated and our Western border hasn't been this secure and stable for the last 20 years. In the coming few years we will be giving our REAL enemies nightmares that they could never imagine. Be patient.
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