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Punjab Government being grilled: Latest corruption scandal


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom
Latest corruption in medicines after the dengue virus... Its a must watch video

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The Punjab government has found itself under the glare of intense international criticism with calls going out for human rights
organisations to become actively involved in a gross violation of rights. UN Special Rapporteur Oliver De Schutter has singled out the
provincial government because of its alleged land grabbing schemes that aim to lease fertile agricultural lands to rich foreigners —
particularly Arabs — at the expense of the poverty stricken masses.Describing these ‘projects’ as “lacking in transparency” and shunning
consultation with the concerned communities, Schutter aptly summarized them as only “benefiting the investors and some of the local elite.” Notable among these land-grabbing projects is the Ravi National Park scheme where on the private residential land agricultural land of owners in five different tehsils all forms of construction, development, sale and transfer have been banned. It is lands such as
these that are to be leased to the highest bidder. The Punjab government is manipulating the people and their land
illegally. Loud protests show that the people are being pushed up against a wall but, because it is the provincial government that is
allegedly at the helm of these despicable acts, there is no one they can turn to for justice.

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