Jamaat-e-Islami historically the mother of all terrorism in Pakistan, as its militant student wing, Islami Jamiat-e-Talba (IJT) were the ones, who spearheaded the Kalashnikov culture in Pakistan under the patronage of the then their Amirul Momineen, General Mohammad Zia-ul-Huque, while currently the Punjab ruling party, Muslim League- Nawaz (ML-N) being the heir-apparent of the General naturally finds itself almost on the same ideological wave length, no wonder has given a free hand to the IJT goons in the province thrashing and bullying all those who challenge their terror and in the process the oldest and largest seat of learning in the country, the Punjab University has presently fallen their worst victim.
The News Blog - Pakistan's fastest growing Blog | PU terrorized by IJT under the patronage of ML-N, JI nexus