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PTI will adopt any strategy to defeat PMLN,win the elections:Imran on 'electables',seat adjustment

Is talat serious? Now kids will out to defend their corrupt father.

IK needs to talk with some sense.

Taliban Khan can't think. Now he have to apologise to muhajirs who he called zinda lashain for voting MQM. His support to PTM remind me of 2013 election when he supported TTP terrorists.

Youthias in punjab are boot lickers. If news got out that Taliban Khan is supporting anti-army PTM then he will loss many votes which can effect upcoming election chances.
Taliban Khan can't think. Now he have to apologise to muhajirs who he called zinda lashain for voting MQM. His support to PTM remind me of 2013 election when he supported TTP terrorists.

He wasn't wrong about those comments lol...not one bit
In the current situation PTI will make a collation Govt with PPP to bring any change it wants in Pakistan or if PTI is not going to do that then only thing PTI will have is that they will become opposition leaders and PPP will make Govt with PML-N. If Imran Khan don't collect these right left seats he cannot walk into parliament with pure majority. PTI will need to compromise on many thing is this tenure and they need this tenure to constitute to make Pakistan better. This is what politics is. Imran Khan has to get in power to bring some kind of change the whole system is designed to be pro PML-N and PPP. Khan has to fight it from with in.
The idiot mocking Imran on electables. Ask them which party these electables are coming from? Or they dont even have that much sense to know which party they had been with.

Its Pakistan's political reality. Even in educated city like Karachi, its total jahalat. People vote for zaat, biradari, ethnic identity, not for issues. When Pakistan politics is mature enough to vote on issue and not personality, electables will become redundant.

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