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PTI: What went wrong?


Sep 25, 2009
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ALL is not well with the government. Fifteen months ago, the PTI swept into power riding an avalanche of hope. Today, it is burdened with disillusionment. What went wrong? Here are five reasons:

1. Lack of direction: Imran Khan’s government still does not know what it stands for. Yes the government is talking and attempting a gazillion things, but that is exactly the problem: hazy focus. As Khurram Husain pointed out in his incisive column on these pages, the PPP and PML-N had legacy projects that defined to a great extent their main achievement but the PTI, so far, has none. Is it accountability? If so, what has the government done to improve the process? As its leaders are fond of saying, opposition members are facing old cases and NAB is doing whatever accountability is being done. And even this process is under criticism because of its partisanship.

If the big ticket item for PTI is not accountability, is it a stunning turnaround of the economy? Not so. Is it a revolutionary police reform? It is nonexistent. Is it the imposition of an ‘education emergency’ with specific targets? No such emergency is in sight. Is it housing? We have not heard Khan speak about housing of late. Is it the Ehsaas programme? Read the excellent story by Syed Irfan Raza in this newspaper and you will have the answer.

So if it is a bit of all this, then there is no clarity in terms of prioritisation. It is such prioritisation that channels a government’s energies, direction and funds towards a legacy-building achievement. The PTI does not have one.

The PTI continues to display a cavalier attitude towards complex problems.

2. Lack of narrative: That the government does not have a narrative is strange for a party that turbo-charged its way to power on the wheels of a powerful narrative. Promise of change is alluring. Its seduction lies in its vague generalities and sweeping statements. But delivering on this promise requires a new set of skills draped in specifics, detailing and execution. These skills require an upgraded narrative that stitches promises with deliverables; that knits intentions with actions; that substitutes aims with policies and that encapsulates all these into a wide narrative arc that convinces people their lives are improving. The PTI is still whipping its container narrative to death. The diminishing returns accruing as a result are obvious.

3. Lack of governance in Punjab: The prime minister birthed the Buzdar blunder. Punjab is the battleground where ‘tabdeeli’ was to manifest itself in all its glory. It was supposed to be the jewel in Imran Khan’s crown. Tossing this jewel to Usman Buzdar was a mistake. Letting him keep it was a blunder. Allowing him to defile it is a disaster. And yet here we are 15 months into the experiment with a fiasco unfolding in slow motion, and here he is blundering ahead with the blunder.

The prime minister is expending a lot of precious — and depleting — political capital by hanging on to the Buzdar blunder despite insistent and consis-tent warnings from his supporters, defenders and benefactors. Punjab is a mess. It is Buzdar’s mess. More importantly, it is Khan’s mess. And he does not seem to mind it.

4. Lack of gravitas: The PTI is handling power callously. It continues to display a cavalier attitude towards complex problems. For instance, most PTI leaders, including their boss, continue to pretend they do not know the difference between an accused person and a convicted one. When this key distinction is ignored while chronicling a political theme, the entire discourse becomes skewed, in fact, dangerously wrong. This same alarmingly simplistic approach is reflected in repeatedly invoking the NRO while knowing — hopefully — that the executive is in no position to make the court cases against its opponents disappear. This linearity and quasi-superficiality of thought in the highest echelons of power is alarming at best and terrifying at worst.

But there is more. When this cavalier attitude morphs into a gung-ho one, you end up with needless complications like the foreign funding case in the ECP. For nearly five years, the PTI has handled this case with barely disguised contempt. Now it is staring into the abyss of an existential crisis. Power is a sacred trust bestowed on the PTI by Pakistani citizens. It needs to handle it with greater respect and humility.

5. Lack of inclusiveness: The government has adopted divisiveness as its political philosophy. The ‘other-isation’ of its opponents and by default their followers has enabled the PTI to inject a lethal dose of hate in our nation’s environment. This revulsion for political adversaries — and the expression of this revulsion through abusive words — has seeped so deep that it almost irreparable. In such a deeply antagonistic political climate, there can be no meaningful debate, discussion or discourse. The death of decent dialogue weighs heavy on us all. The visceral hatred that defines the relationship between key political stakeholders is suffocating democracy’s ability to breathe normally. A smog of revulsion blankets the realm.

The result: the PTI has more than three years of its mandate still left and yet it is battling the demons of existential crises. The government insists these crises exist in the imagination of its critics, and yet this is what makes them so dangerous. Perceptions alter realities, and the PTI is losing the battle of perceptions. It is increasingly seen as a government that is low on delivery, low on clarity, low on policy, high on empty rhetoric, high on vitriolic bluster and high on lofty intentions. Its obsession with vendetta as a substitute for deliverable governance is blinding it to the pummelling it is getting in the ring of public opinion.

A serious rethink is required in Banigala. The wrongs can be righted; the course can be corrected and a new forward-looking, people-oriented and inclusive approach can be adopted. But for this to happen, the lords of PTI will need to open their eyes, open their ears — and above all — open their hearts.

The writer is Dawn’s resident editor in Islamabad.

Twitter: @Fahdhusain

Published in Dawn, November 23rd, 2019
Fahd Hussain isnt really a well wisher of PTI , see his past writings..
He should be the last one to advise.
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Fahd Hussain isnt really a well wisher of PTI , see his past writings..
HE should be the last one to advise.

It doesn't matter. What he says has a lot of weight. He's one of the top most respected journalists of our country and praises the Prime Minister when he does something right. He was also a huge critic of PML-N government.

Can we, the people of Punjab, argue with his point about Buzdar and how PTI has made a mockery of governance in this province. The word on the street is against the Prime Minister himself. I being a voter, am disappointed, even the PTI members are all done with Buzdar and Co.

Accept the reality. Punjab experiment will take the whole party down.
Many here might despise Reham Khan but on this occasion i think she has a valid point!!!

too much xanax is taking a toll on her.

It doesn't matter. What he says has a lot of weight. He's one of the top most respected journalists of our country and praises the Prime Minister when he does something right. He was also a huge critic of PML-N government.

Can we, the people of Punjab, argue with his point about Buzdar and how PTI has made a mockery of governance in this province. The word on the street is against the Prime Minister himself. I being a voter, am disappointed, even the PTI members are all done with Buzdar and Co.

Accept the reality. Punjab experiment will take the whole party down.

The only objective of the journalists, like Fahad Hussain, and there are many, is to bring back the rule of thugs and criminals, like Noora and Zardari. As simple as that.

its funny.
you find these media people resourceful..
They never tell you the real story..and this guy has esp. bias for PTI..
Opinion of these people doesn't matter they have never supported Imran Khan
Imran Khan in his every speech used to say I'll punish Nawaz and Zardari would stop money laundering etc
And now he is trying to do all these things
And performance of Punjab government is much better than the other provincial governments
You mean the guy who wrote this piece of Art just a few days back is now trying to advice the Government on what to do and acting as a well wisher.
Here comes the maulana

Every single day these so called experts bring a new narrative and everyday for them the world is about to end.
They want just one thing and one thing only. Nothing else would satisfy their appetite and after they get that, all the problems of this country would be over. That is, Government Ads on the scale of previous tenure back. With huge lumps of money poured into worthless channels for no reason and all of them would act like the Country is back to being rosy. Just look at the Billions of Rupees they were getting before PTI came to power, even the Channels and News Paper who no one had even heard of, let alone read or seen.
English version of Javaid Chaudry .... English Patwari.

Have you seen Fahad talk on Tv... Seems so fake and cringe...No wonder , he doesn't really have a following.
And performance of Punjab government is much better than the other provincial governments
You don't understand, they want a guy who wears long boots and walks in water logged streets and wears a safari suit 24/7 with a cowboy hat and dolls out Billions of Rupees for these Experts and then goes to London to get his back pain checked.

That's how you run Punjab, not by working, but Acting which is more commonly known as Showbazi.
You don't understand, they want a guy who wears long boots and walks in water logged streets and wears a safari suit 24/7 with a cowboy hat and dolls out Billions of Rupees for these Experts and then goes to London to get his back pain checked.

That's how you run Punjab, not by working, but Acting which is more commonly known as Showbazi.
I think Usman Buzdar should start visiting hospitals schools markets etc
For these people performance means showbaazi but then they would be crying about security
Or he can become best CM by starting few metro type projects in 1 city of Punjab and by distributing lifafas
Sindh government is worst in Pakistan but they'll never say a word against Murad Ali shah or billo
Pakistan should be divided into autonomous regions, highlighting punjab is alienating the rest of the regions, either Punjab should be declared autonomous region of pakistan, and rest of the federal govt focus on the rest of pakistan or rest of the country should be declared autonomous region so that federal govt focus on punjab while rest of pakistan having minimum hold from federal and be able to do things irrestive of Punjab centric federal govt.


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