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PTI Needs to Open Office in Waziristan First


Jan 27, 2008
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Good Reply to Ik from Asma Jehangir
The chor,daku and murder incorporation offices asma jahanger asked to open offices are in assembly in the form of target killers of karachi,BLA of Baluchistan and chors of swiss banks and papers mills

so give your precious advice to your bosses who asma calls "saviors / champions of democrazy"

do jay jay to who ever is in the government and take ngo money lady

or better go with your buddies najam sethi and other safma journalists and have a hunger strike in Islamabad for operation against ttp as FATA and tribal agencies are under federal government better put pressure on nawaz who controls federal government(but as a consequence lafafas flow will stop)
Well Ms Asma Jahangir has not much credibility in the political arena except for those she speaks up for and they are certainly not Pakistanis. You can easily be against the talibans and still be a pro Pakistani but apparently some people find that its impossible so they applaud her blabberings. She might be against the decision, which she or anybody for that matter, has the right to be but as far as serious work goes she has done nothing for anybody. The whole talk about "we won't accept the talibans dictating our lives" is even uttered by a street vendor who doesn't have the luxury and bribes these people get who consider themselves heroes for daring to speak against the talibans and not just limit themselves to that but also smear the image of their own people in order to be accepted and acknowledged by outsiders.
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