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PTI is Leading, Not Pleading (Rebuttal)


Dec 7, 2010
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PTI is Leading, Not Pleading (Rebuttal)
By Muhammad Talha

I couldn’t help smiling after I read the scholarly article “PTI- leading for Votes”. Starting off again with the trademark line of my rebuttals:

“Thou art not a writer? Pick up a pen, flay Imran and so shalt thou become a writer.”

A stamp was imposed that PTI’s “Tabdeli Razakar Program” isn’t bringing fruitful results. May be it was quite easy for our dear writer to sit back in a comfortable couch and ascertain the viability of this scheme. TRP is producing exceptional results. TRs are trained youngsters. The main benefit that TRP is causing is answering different questions which were lurking in the minds of many floating voters who could have gone either way. Additionally, by viewing the processions of PML-N and PTI on the TV one can very easily conclude that who is beseeching for votes and who is storming towards a success.

TRs are exerting their efforts for a noble cause of canvassing for the slogan of change. These TRs are young people who are doing it out of their passion and love for PTI. Unlike paid and venal campaign coordinators of other political parties these TRs are working day in and day out and spending their own money for PTI’s cause. So stop
babbling and check the tenor of your speech while calling it a charity show.

PTI lost a TR named Muzafar in PP-9 due to electrocution (all should pray for the repose of the deceased). Still the spirits are high. Such zealot is unprecedented. For the first time in history of Pakistani politics a paradigm shift has occurred. For the time in Pakistan a party is running counter to traditional politics.

The crux of the matter is that if you feel irked by the TRs then simply don’t vote for PTI. Hurling criticism at them is totally untenable. Don’t try to indoctrinate the masses into a narrow set of political beliefs and hatred. Not all are ignorant peasants here in Pakistan. Naysayers will always remain there dipping their pens of thought into the ink of hatred. Not that Imran and PTI have to worry much about it!

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