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PTI dissidents plan separate founding day event


Jan 28, 2008
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PTI dissidents plan separate founding day event

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Updated 2014-03-31 13:20:23
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ISLAMABAD: The founding day of the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) will be celebrated with a difference this year.

While the PTI is expected to officially celebrate the day on April 25 with the usual fanfare, some dissidents, including a number of founding members, will gather at a ‘national conference’ in a hotel in Islamabad.

The conference to mark the 18th founding day of the party is being organised by PTI’s former information secretary and founding president of its Balochistan chapter, Akbar S. Babar, who parted ways with the party after developing serious differences with chairman Imran Khan on financial matters and party elections.

The conference, according to Mr Babar, is expected to be attended by a “large number” of founding office-bearers and “genuine ideological members”.

Mr Babar told this reporter that the event was being organised to honour the activists who had contributed to the building of the PTI as a national party but were sidelined by “self-seeking opportunists controlling the party”.

He declined to give names of the activists expected to attend the conference, but claimed that some present office-bearers would also be there.

Mr Babar, who believes that the party’s ‘loss of direction’ is a national tragedy, dispelled a perception that the conference was being planned for PTI bashing or mudslinging. “It is planned to take stock in a dignified and sober manner of the present PTI drift towards becoming a conventional political party,” he said.

He also alleged attempts by ‘traditionalists’ to offer perks and positions to activists showing interest in attending the conference.

Sources in the party said that Mr Babar, who had been inactive for over a year since distancing himself from the party’s leadership, was busy reviving his old contacts within the PTI.

Once considered to be a close confidant of the chairman, Mr Babar alleges that he was sidelined when he pointed out “corruption and mismanagement” and demanded the setting up of an accountability commission.

The sources said differences between Mr Babar and Mr Khan first came to the surface when the latter refused to resign from his assembly seat after the assassination of Baloch nationalist leader Akbar Bugti during the Musharraf regime in 2006.

Mr Babar claims to have proof about transfer of party funds into some personal accounts and says that he had provided them to Mr Khan who, according to him, surprisingly did not take any action.

Besides differences on financial matters, Mr Babar had also challenged the intra-party elections and met former chief election commissioner Fakhruddin G. Ebrahim to point out alleged rigging and manipulations.

Perturbed over the party leadership’s decision to open its doors for “rank opportunists”, Mr Babar also regretted that leading roles had been handed over to people who had nothing to do with the PTI’s ideology and had been switching parties for vested interests.

He said it was strange that the functional control of an ideological party had been handed over to people who had been maligning it for years.

He alleged that the party tickets for last year’s general elections had been put on sale.

A PTI spokesman said Mr Babar had nothing to do with the party affairs and could not organise an event under its banner.

Refuting the allegations of corruption and mismanagement of the party’s funds, the spokesman said that it had conducted a forensic audit of its accounts to ensure transparency. He refused to comment on the allegations regarding sale of election tickets and rigging in the party polls, and accused Mr Babar of trying to gain the media attention in an effort to come out of “political isolation”.

Despite repeated attempts, PTI’s information secretary Dr Shireen Mazari could not be contacted for official comments on the development.
Belonging to MQM, you guys are aliens to Freedom of Speech and Having differences with party leadership. :rofl:

I see no issue in this, they have their own point of view and they have the right to present it. Hope the party leadership will listen to them and problems will be solved for good.
Belonging to MQM, you guys are aliens to Freedom of Speech and Having differences with party leadership. :rofl:

I see no issue in this, they have their own point of view and they have the right to present it. Hope the party leadership will listen to them and problems will be solved for good.
Your above statement would be more impactful had you had avoided taking the name of a rival political party. Use of smilies is also not adding any more weight to your statement. By making fun of your opponents, you are not helping sober people to join your party. I only wish that IK and his supporters could let go their reactionary politics.
Your above statement would be more impactful had you had avoided taking the name of a rival political party. Use of smilies is also not adding any more weight to your statement. By making fun of your opponents, you are not helping sober people to join your party. I only wish that IK and his supporters could let go their reactionary politics.

Sir, I am in mood of trolling @darkinsky as always but you are not letting me. Just take sarcastic comments in their context or leave them for whom they were intended.
Your above statement would be more impactful had you had avoided taking the name of a rival political party. Use of smilies is also not adding any more weight to your statement. By making fun of your opponents, you are not helping sober people to join your party. I only wish that IK and his supporters could let go their reactionary politics.
well we dnt appreciate uncalled for bashing .. all day these two clows are busy getting news or even tweets to talk shit about PTI .. so someone have to answer them .,. if u try to tell them will logic it dont work of them ..so we have to come to their level ..

but all mqm supporters we will never put them in body bags if we have politcal difference with any of our member ..like u did with imran farooq

Sir, I am in mood of trolling @darkinsky as always but you are not letting me. Just take sarcastic comments in their context or leave them for whom they were intended.
bro u r wasting ur time .. see this conversation history .. he does sound decent ... unlike all the mqmers .. but he is dam biased...
well we dnt appreciate uncalled for bashing .. all day these two clows are busy getting news or even tweets to talk shit about PTI .. so someone have to answer them .,. if u try to tell them will logic it dont work of them ..so we have to come to their level ..

but all mqm supporters we will never put them in body bags if we have politcal difference with any of our member ..like u did with imran farooq

bro u r wasting ur time .. see this conversation history .. he does sound decent ... unlike all the mqmers .. but he is dam biased...
desperTion ias all written around in your post, & its 100% visible that, peoples of pakistan ,specailly those who hve supported PTI , dont like PTI anymore?
sad realities!
desperTion ias all written around in your post, & its 100% visible that, peoples of pakistan ,specailly those who hve supported PTI , dont like PTI anymore?
sad realities!

BS is written all over ur post .... as I maintained I don't see U fit enough to have a conversation enough...
BS is written all over ur post .... as I maintained I don't see U fit enough to have a conversation enough...
thanks for another of desperate, post?
well i can feel what, it could hve been getting through your mind these days but its the ultimate end PTI is reaching too fast?
thanks for another of desperate, post?
well i can feel what, it could hve been getting through your mind these days but its the ultimate end PTI is reaching too fast?
ur tactics u use dont work on me boy .. ur replies will not change my opinions ....
ur tactics u use dont work on me boy .. ur replies will not change my opinions ....
kido im not using any dam tactics, on you cause you are suffering from DARK KNIHGHT phobia?
but the divided sunami, its really sad genrly speaking , anyway it was new & better direction once, i accept that!
kido im not using any dam tactics, on you cause you are suffering from DARK KNIHGHT phobia?
but the divided sunami, its really sad genrly speaking , anyway it was new & better direction once, i accept that!
well u have PTi phobia.. as i told u i think u have a pathan incident in ur childhood .. and thats why u r somehow against imran .. anyways asi maintain .. i dnt see u fit enough to talk 2 ... .I have prayed for ur illness ..go get checked up ..inshallah u will get better ..
well u have PTi phobia.. as i told u i think u have a pathan incident in ur childhood .. and thats why u r somehow against imran .. anyways asi maintain .. i dnt see u fit enough to talk 2 ... .I have prayed for ur illness ..go get checked up ..inshallah u will get better ..
here we go, again ....?
@WebMaster sir,
after long lists of insults , which i had reported , & after no action?
im goin,batman now style!
my dear friend , as you ae trying to go low, after long long time. i want to asure you, not every pakistani been offended by patthans like your forefathers & then you?
im really sad about it!
but cant do anything at all, you hve to live under the truma!
im my selfa patthan, & we are quite good muslims ?
i understand your devastated feelings, looking the divisions of PTI, which is just there, just because of its leaderships, unexperinces in the politics.
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