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PTI condemned the continuing Indian aggression: Dr Shireen Mazari


Sep 7, 2010
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Dr Shireen Mazari, Central Information Secretary, condemned the continuing Indian aggression in the form of firing across the LoC and the international border with Pakistan. She said this continuous unprovoked firing by Indian forces is a dangerous game of brinkmanship being played by India which could lead to disastrous consequences.

She also expressed regret that the PMLN government has chosen the path of appeasement which has made the Indians increase their bellicosity.

Dr Mazari expressed shock at the vandalising of the PIA Delhi office and the threats issued to the PIA Mumbai office. These attacks follow the storming of the Pakistan High Commission in New Delhi by Indian protestors.

Clearly, according to Dr Mazari, the Indian government is hell-bent on a path of conflict with Pakistan and she called on the Pakistan government to stop its one-sided overtures to India simply to please the vested interests of some members of Pakistan's business community. Peace and detente, Mazari added, have to be through mutuality of interests and desire. Otherwise it is simply appeasement which will not bring neither conflict resolution nor peace to the region, she concluded.

PTI condemned the continuing Indian aggression: Dr Shireen Mazari > Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf > Insaf News
Being in opposition is totally a different ball game... :)
Does she even know why the PA open fire in the first place? To provide covering fire for the militants to cross over! She should ask the PA to stop this tactic and push them across surreptitiously instead! :P

She should try and visit the LoC some day to know what the heck is actually going on and who is firing and why. Just yapping away sitting in her cosy den is nothing but just drivel for scoring political brownie points.
Does she even know why the PA open fire in the first place? To provide covering fire for the militants to cross over! She should ask the PA to stop this tactic and push them across surreptitiously instead! :P

says who ? indians? have u ever wonder why all of her neibours hate her
I condemn it, we all strongly condemn it.Hell, every time the ceasefire is violated my blood boils.

But as a PTI supporter (and resident of KPK), I think right now the biggest condemnation should be the epic blunder that took place at DI Khan, when terrorists were able to car bomb and shoot their way into a guarded prison facility and free 200+ dangerous people who have no business on the streets.

Let the federal level and the MoD handle the issue along LoC....we cant have such humiliations like Bannu and DI Khan terrorist incidents (or others) be taking place any longer. It embarrasses the country.
I condemn it, we all strongly condemn it.Hell, every time the ceasefire is violated my blood boils.

But as a PTI supporter (and resident of KPK), I think right now the biggest condemnation should be the epic blunder that took place at DI Khan, when terrorists were able to car bomb and shoot their way into a guarded prison facility and free 200+ dangerous people who have no business on the streets.

Let the federal level and the MoD handle the issue along LoC....we cant have such humiliations like Bannu and DI Khan terrorist incidents (or others) be taking place any longer. It embarrasses the country.

that is KPK govt of PTI that you demand from. not from central PTI which represents Pakistan.
that is KPK govt of PTI that you demand from. not from central PTI which represents Pakistan.

I blame whoever administers the Province and the incompetent idiots police who were on duty that day who failed to do their jobs and were not on alert

I blame the lack of communication as well. Intel was there, intel was provided. No action taken. This is a recurring theme and its irritating.
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