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Psychology behind Trolls & How to deal with them

How many times have you seen me hurling abuses here???

Nah Lavina Ji,

I expect only good quality Julaibi and laddoos from you. :-)
7 Most Awesome Internet Trolls of All Times
Posted by Ann Smarty to Social Media

  • Don’t Even Reply

    Have you ever gotten a reply to an online classified ad that was so bizarre, infuriating or confusing that you still don’t understand what was going on? It might have been this guy. He trolls Craigslist and other site ads. Then he contacts the seller and trolls them until they are either completely lost, or really angry. Often, they are both.

    2. Anonymous

    The media loves to talk about Anonymous, but they tend to have no understanding of what it means. Anonymous is not an organized group. It is more of a banner that is used to describe anyone who is trolling on the web. Sometimes there will be organized attacks committed by Anonymous, but it is never the same group.

    Anonymous can be anyone; hence the name. Usually from one of several sites where there is a greater affiliation, such as 4Chan’s /b/ or Something Awful, the majority of people doing the trolling are teenagers. Of course, there have been some surprising examples of how people can come together under Anonymous’ name for a greater cause. Such as the Project Chanology protests and attacks against Scientology.

    3. The Powerbook Prank

    Still one of the greatest pranks of all time (in my opinion), this is a great example of an opportunistic troll. To read the whole story, go to the link. It is worth it. But a quick rundown is that someone was selling their Powerbook on eBay and got a message from an obvious scammer. He wanted to buy the Powerbook off of the site by using an escrow service. This led to one of the most epic stories of conning the con man in the history of the web.

    4. David Thorne

    You have probably heard of this guy. His most famous trolling achievement was when he was sent an email from the electric company in Australia. His account was overdo, and they wanted payment. He wrote back to tell them he had no money, but that he had sent them a drawing of a spider, instead. From there we have one of the funniest correspondences ever dedicated to a web page.

    5. PHD In Everything

    This user is well know on Reddit. He pops up on questions of all topics, giving hilarious answers to things in a scientific, often authoritative manner. Only everything he says it complete nonsense, and very funny. From explaining the psychology of a dog who keeps chewing on an owners lamp, to the connection between media tycoon Rupert Murdoch and former British PM Tony Blair, he is always worth reading.

    6. Team Roomba

    Most gamers who partake in MMORPG’s will have come across these guys. Especially if they play Team Fortress 2, where some of their most well know griefing has taken place. For those who don’t know, to ‘grief’ someone is to troll them through a game. Team Roomba are the kings of this, creating elaborate settings to annoy (and impress) players. Such as the time they set up a killing room in TF2 that would only allow a player to live if they answered a trivia question correctly. Seriously.

    7. Gary: Landlord Of The Flies

    This one is iffy. Technically, it isn’t a troll example. Or, if it is, it is hard to say who the troll is in this situation. What happened was a man named Gabe was kicked out of his place by his drunken, insane landlord Gary for letting in the cops when they came to deal with a disturbance. He then refused to give Gabe his security deposit for not giving him two weeks notice, despite being evicted. Which led to a hilarious stream of crazy emails, voice messages, threats and court cases. I won’t spoil the end for you, just go read it all for yourself.
How many times have you seen me hurling abuses here???
anonymity is no excuse to lalochezia. JMHO!

As I said, anonymity gives us a the power to talk as we like, without any fear of retribution, it brings out what we naturally are. Probably you naturally don't hurl abuses ? :)

Then again, things somewhat change when one starts building a reputation inside the forum too..
We are trying as a team,all our level best to maintain decorum at Pakistan Defence. We all have volunteered our few hours and energy to bring you people best environment we could.However,if some problems or errors appear then running away is not an option,either for posters or for us.The best way is to face them and try in resolving them.

Worst part is mods sleeping throughout the day, now Irfan Baloch has been doing a good job. He can't do it alone. Mods need to stay online more often.
Other than that Trolls need to get a life.
hey nooo
Dont say that...poor guys do a thankless job
@Jungibaaz (Mr.short tempered hehehe), @Irfan Baloch (Mr cool) , @waz (Mr diplomatic), @Chak Bamu (Mr. MIA) 're my fav mods.
@Slav Defence i cant add you to the mod list..but still thank you. :-)
These are all actions up to the management to implement as they see fit on their website. Members can only report, tolerate, suffer, or leave.
Sorry to hear about "sufferings"
Probably you naturally don't hurl abuses ? :)
My dad was so damn strict...I was scolded for calling my friend stupid.
After that I switched to french words. :angel:
hey nooo
Dont say that...poor guys do a thankless job
@Jungibaaz (Mr.short tempered hehehe), @Irfan Baloch (Mr cool) , @waz (Mr diplomatic), @Chak Bamu (Mr. MIA) 're my fav mods.
@Slav Defence i cant add you to the mod list..but still thank you. :-)
Adding me to list?
I sure hope that now your matter is resolved?

Sorry to hear about "sufferings"
jale pe namak mat chirko!!! :disagree:

Adding me to list?
I sure hope that now your matter is resolved?

I mean you're not a mod in typical sense...but still have the power to influence sooooo :-)
I prefer not to read any Indian newspaper except for Hindu, if the content and editorial quality of mainstream newspapers like ToI is so pathetic, I can only imagine what would be their comments sections be like. /shudders

PDF is the only online forum, I participate in. I was doing some research work and chanced upon this site and got hooked so much so that it has become a guilty pleasure :(

Try indian forums.... Surely you wouldn't be disappointed.... Many indian members here are also members (there) and openly talk about destroying Pak... Celebrate death (even APS massacre was celebrated). Talk about obsession.

I troll (f yeah)... But I troll -- only those who troll... "Every action has a reaction" or something like that...

But again PDF is still better (unbiased) than say your indian forums or even israeli or the (dead) MP-net...

Which is sad considering how much abuse we Pakistanis have to bear on a PAK forum.... A forum that has more indians than Pakistanis themselves !
hey nooo
Dont say that...poor guys do a thankless job
@Jungibaaz (Mr.short tempered hehehe), @Irfan Baloch (Mr cool) , @waz (Mr diplomatic), @Chak Bamu (Mr. MIA) 're my fav mods.
@Slav Defence i cant add you to the mod list..but still thank you. :-)
I disagree. Rise in umber of trolling is a clear sigh that they are not doing the best job. I agree they deserve some credit. Overall mods need to stay online more often or create a system through which trolling is limited.
Nah Lavina Ji,

I expect only good quality Julaibi and laddoos from you. :-)
Trust me I am gonna shock you one of these days. :devil:
I hope to evolve too, to be able to function better, in such an environment. The mistakes I made initially were just an indication of my naivete at that time, hopefully on the path to being reduced now, as I learn my lessons.

Il be honest ... I've never seen such a self hating bigot in my entire life...

I seriously feel that you have some issues... inferiority complex perhaps.. Please visit a shrink.... You need help.
Try indian forums.... Surely you wouldn't be disappointed.... Many indian members here are also members (there) and openly talk about destroying Pak... Celebrate death (even APS massacre was celebrated). Talk about obsession.

I troll (f yeah)... But I troll -- only those who troll... "Every action has a reaction" or something like that...

But again PDF is still better (unbiased) than say your indian forums or even israeli or the (dead) MP-net...

Which is sad considering how much abuse we Pakistanis have to bear on a PAK forum.... A forum that has more indians than Pakistanis themselves !

We Indians outnumber any country in the World barring one. What's there to be surprised about ? :D :D
We are trying as a team,all our level best to maintain decorum at Pakistan Defence. We all have volunteered our few hours and energy to bring you people best environment we could.However,if some problems or errors appear then running away is not an option,either for posters or for us.The best way is to face them and try in resolving them.


I can help out, gimme the power to ban people and I'll do a good job with putting in more than just a few hours......:enjoy:
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