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Psychological Warfare


May 2, 2011
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United Kingdom
This is something the TTP have been using on us since they started fighting and is the reason how they have enslaved the people of FATA and created sympathizers.

There are a number of steps Pak army can take to compliment surgical strikes in Afghanistan and operation in N/S Waziristan.

- Airdropped pamphlets. This can provide the reasoning behind our air strikes in Afghan territory and a carrot and a stick threat. A reward for good behavior (reduced shelling) and the stick (if you do not choose peace then keep looking towards the sky because you might die today). Also instructions on how to surrender.

- Airdropped food/medicine baskets - Shows the compassionate side to our army

- Loudspeaker messages - Attach a loudspeaker on gunships with a message which matches what has been stated on pamphlets. Also include threatening music so that locals attach fear to the music we play. TTP fighters wives and family will start to convince their husbands to not go to war. Fighters will have heightened fear and perform poorly.

- Air-sprayed drugs - Spray Kunar, Nooristan and Waziristan with numbing agent which will reduce emotional spikes in behavior. So something which will make them more docile. I am sure there are drugs available which can achieve this.
What you mentioned is the american way (and wrong too). It completely ignores the humanity of the people of FATA. Best way for the Pak army to finish this war is to first start shooting down the american drones. This is the best psychological message to be sent to the people of FATA. Next, start building schools, hospitals, distribute food, rebuild destroyed infrastructure. Then ask the people of FATA for forgiveness. Then ask them to deal with the insurgents themselves. They will finish the war by the next day.

Winning hearts and minds is about giving respect. The american arrogance was in the end it's downfall. That is why the americans never won in Afghanistan and they only ended up making enemies that will neither forgive nor forget. Lets get out of the quicksand while we still can.
This is something the TTP have been using on us since they started fighting and is the reason how they have enslaved the people of FATA and created sympathizers.

There are a number of steps Pak army can take to compliment surgical strikes in Afghanistan and operation in N/S Waziristan.

- Airdropped pamphlets. This can provide the reasoning behind our air strikes in Afghan territory and a carrot and a stick threat. A reward for good behavior (reduced shelling) and the stick (if you do not choose peace then keep looking towards the sky because you might die today). Also instructions on how to surrender.

- Airdropped food/medicine baskets - Shows the compassionate side to our army

- Loudspeaker messages - Attach a loudspeaker on gunships with a message which matches what has been stated on pamphlets. Also include threatening music so that locals attach fear to the music we play. TTP fighters wives and family will start to convince their husbands to not go to war. Fighters will have heightened fear and perform poorly.

- Air-sprayed drugs - Spray Kunar, Nooristan and Waziristan with numbing agent which will reduce emotional spikes in behavior. So something which will make them more docile. I am sure there are drugs available which can achieve this.
I have also some creative ideas for treatment of mohajir population
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